1 10/03/86 reload_volume
  3 Syntax as a command:  reload_volume -control_args
  6 Function:  reconstructs the contents of physical volumes using the dump
  7 volumes produced by the volume dumper facility.  This command can be
  8 used in ring 1 or ring 4.
 11 Control arguments:
 12 -disk_model STR
 13    where STR is the type of disk being reloaded.  STR must be one of
 14    the following:
 17          d400                 d500             3381
 18          d402                 d501
 19          d451                 3380
 21    If not specified, the registration information for the physical
 22    volume to be reloaded is used.  This control argument is optional
 23    and is not allowed when more than one physical volume is being
 24    reloaded.
 27 -error_on
 28    specifies that error messages are written to the error_output switch
 29    as well as the rldr_err.mm/dd/yy.hhmm.s segment.  The default is
 30    off.  This control argument is optional.
 31 -input_volume_desc STR
 32    where STR is an attach description for the dump volumes the reloader
 33    reads.  The dump volume name is inserted in the specified attach
 34    description at the first occurrence of the string "^a" within the
 35    attach description.  The default attach description is:
 37          tape_mult_ ^a -system
 39    This control argument is optional.
 42 -manual
 43    specifies that the dump volumes are requested by the reloader,
 44    rather than being automatically determined.  If there are no more
 45    dump volumes to read the user should type a period (.).  This
 46    control argument is optional.
 47 -no_detach
 48    specifies that, at the completion of the reload, neither the dump
 49    volume nor the physical volume are detached.  The default is off.
 50    This control argument is optional and is not allowed when more than
 51    one physical volume is being reloaded.
 54 -no_object
 55    specifies that segments and directories are not read from the dump
 56    volumes and thus not written to the physical volume.  In this case
 57    only the VTOC is reloaded.  The default is that segments and
 58    directories are read from the dump volumes.  This control argument
 59    is optional.
 60 -operator STR
 61    specifies the name of the user doing the reload.  This control
 62    argument is required.
 65 -output_volume_desc STR
 66    where STR is an attach description for the physical volume the
 67    reloader writes.  The physical volume name is inserted at the first
 68    occurrence of the string "^a" in the attach description, and the
 69    type at the second occurrence.  The default attach description is:
 71          rdisk_ ^a ^a -write -system
 73    This control argument is optional.
 76 -pvname STR1 STR2...STRn
 77    specifies the name(s) of the physical volume(s) to be reloaded.
 78    This control argument is required and may appear more than once.
 79 -pvname_device, -pvdv STRP1 STRD1...STRPn STRDn
 80    specifies the name(s) of the physical volume(s) to be reloaded, and
 81    what device(s) the volume(s) will be on.  STRPi and STRDi make up
 82    an ordered pair list of pvname (STRPi) followed by the device_name
 83    (STRDi) that will contain the physical volume.  This control
 84    argument is useful when reloading devices that have fixed media and
 85    is the only way to reload a physical volume to a subvolume of a
 86    device.  This may only be used with the default output attach
 87    description.  The device usage must be set for "io" by the
 88    set_drive_usage command.  If this control argument is used there is
 89    not need to use the assign_resource command.
 92 -restart
 93    specifies that the reloader is restarted using control information
 94    contained in the control segment in the working directory (the
 95    suffix "control" is assumed if not specified).  This control
 96    argument should only be used if a system failure occurs during a
 97    reload sequence.  The default is off.
 98 -save
 99    specifies that an already BCE restored non-initialized disk is to be
100    used as output.  See "Notes" below.  This control argument is
101    optional.  The use of this control argument and the specification of
102    more than one physical volume implies that all specified physical
103    volumes have been BCE restored.  The reload_volume command queries
104    the user to confirm this fact.
107 -working_dir, -wd
108    specifies that the volume backup databases are to be searched
109    relative to the working directory.  The default is to search
110    relative to the >ddd>volume_backup directory.  This control argument
111    can be used to cause reloading of physical volumes that do not
112    belong to the currently mounted storage system.  All specified
113    physical volumes must "belong" to the same RPV.  This control
114    argument is optional.
117 Notes:  When you're doing a volume reload of a single physical volume
118 which resides on a MSU 500/501 disk drive, you must use the
119 assign_resource command to assign the disk_drive resource on which you
120 want the physical volume to reside after the reload.  In order for this
121 assignment to succeed, the operator must have set both this disk_drive
122 resource and its partner on the shared spindle to "io" with the
123 set_drive_usage command.  Since assign_resource is only available in
124 ring 4, this restriction does not apply to ring 1 reloads.
126 The volume reloader can use either a preinitialized disk pack
127 (initialized by the init_vol initializer command) or a disk pack
128 restored by BOS, as an output medium.  If the pack is restored by BOS,
129 the -save control argument must be specified.
132 If you do a shutdown after you've done a BCE restore but before you've
133 done a reload_volume -save, the reload_volume -save will not work.  The
134 reloader uses the unmounted time in the pack's label to find out when
135 it should start looking for dump volumes.  A shutdown sets the
136 unmounted time in the label to a time which is later than that of any
137 dump which can be available.  If necessary, you can use the -manual
138 control argument in addition to the -save control argument to force the
139 reloader to do the reload.