1 10/3/89  purge_volume_log
 3 Syntax as a command:  purge_volume_log vlname {-control_args}
 6 Function:  removes, in a consistent manner, those entries in a volume
 7 log that represent out-of-date information.  Each entry in a volume log
 8 is part of a reload group.  A reload group consists of a set of dump
 9 volumes that would be used during a reload of the physical volume.
12 Arguments:
13 vlname
14    is the name of the volume log.  The volog suffix is assumed if not
15    specified.
18 Control arguments:
19 -auto
20    if specified, the volumes purged are freed in the default dump
21    volume pool, which is also known as the tape pool or the volume pool
22    segment, and is located at >ddd>volume_backup>Volume_Dumper.volumes.
23    For more information, see the description of the manage_volume_pool
24    command in the Multics Commands and Active Functions manual, Order
25    No.  AG92.  The default is off.
26 -force
27    if specified, causes purging even when some required databases
28    cannot be located.
31 -test
32    runs in test mode and reports what would have been done.  No
33    databases are affected except for pvolog locks which are reset.
34 -working_dir, -wd
35    specifies that the volume logs are in the working directory, and the
36    physical volume logs searched for in the [wd]>pvolog directory.  The
37    default is to search relative to the >ddd>volume_backup directory.
40 Notes: After purging, two reload groups are left in a volume log unless
41 the number of reload groups has been changed (see the set_volume_log
42 command).  A reload group consists of the following: all incremental
43 volume dumps not superseded by consolidated volume dumps; all
44 incremental and consolidated volume dumps not superseded by a complete
45 volume dump; a complete volume dump.  By default all consolidated dumps
46 and those incremental dumps which are not superseded by a complete
47 dump are retained.  To modify the number of incremental and
48 consolidated dump sets retained see the -incr_sets and -cons_sets
49 control argument of the set_volume_log command.