1 92-10-06  print_sys_log, psl
  3 Syntax:  psl LOG_SELECTOR {-control_args}
  6 Function: prints selected portions of system logs, including the syserr
  7 log, Answering Service, admin commands, and Data Management logs.
  8 Various control arguments are used to determine which portions of the
  9 log are printed, and the format of the output.
 12 Arguments:
 14    is either the pathname of a named log or log family to be monitored,
 15    or one of the "log selection" control arguments listed below.
 18 Control arguments (log selection):
 19 -pathname LOG_PATH, -pn LOG_PATH
 20    specifies that the named log or log family is to be examined.
 21 -admin
 22    specifies that the admin commands log is to be examined.  The admin
 23    commands log family is called "admin_log", and is located in the
 24    >sc1>as_logs directory.  This argument is incompatible with any of
 25    the other log selection control arguments, or an explicit log
 26    pathname.
 29 -answering_service, -as
 30    specifies that the Answering Service log is to be examined.  The
 31    Answering Service log family is called "log", and is located in the
 32    >sc1>as_logs directory.  This argument is incompatible with any of
 33    the other log selection control arguments, or an explicit log
 34    pathname.
 35 -dm_system, -dms
 36    specifies that the Data Management system log for the process's
 37    current AIM authorization is to be examined.  The Data Management
 38    log family is called "dm_system_log", and its location depends on
 39    the AIM access class of the log.  This argument is incompatible with
 40    any of the other log selection control arguments, or an explicit log
 41    pathname.  Reading the log requires access to the dm_admin_ gate.
 44 -mc_log LOG_NAME, -mcl LOG_NAME
 45    specifies that the message coordinator (daemon) log named LOG_NAME
 46    is to be examined.  All message coordinator logs are located in the
 47    >sc1>as_logs directory; their names depend on the daemon to which
 48    they belong.  This argument is incompatible with any of the other
 49    log selection control arguments, or an explicit log pathname.
 50 -syserr
 51    specifies that the syserr log is to be examined.  The syserr log
 52    family is named "syserr_log".  The first segment in the family is
 53    >sl1>syserr_log; there may be a history segment in >sl1, and older
 54    history segments are in the directory >sc1>syserr_log.  This
 55    argument is incompatible with any of the other log selection control
 56    arguments, or an explicit log pathname.
 59 Control arguments (limit selection):
 60 -from TIME, -fm TIME, -from NUMBER, -fm NUMBER
 61    specifies that the first message examined is the first message at or
 62    after the specified time or sequence number; if -reverse is
 63    specified, the first message is the one at or before the specified
 64    value.  If no -from value is specified, the default is the first
 65    message in the log, or the last if -reverse is specified.  This is
 66    incompatible with -last.
 67 -to TIME, -to NUMBER
 68    specifies the last message to be examined, either by message time or
 69    sequence number.  If not specified, the default is all the remaining
 70    messages in the log.  This is incompatible with -for.
 73 -last NUMBER, -lt NUMBER, -last TIME, -lt TIME
 74    specifies that only the last NUMBER messages, or the messages since
 75    TIME, are to be printed.  If a NUMBER is specified, it specifies the
 76    actual number of messages to be printed, not the number of messages
 77    examined in the log.  This is incompatible with -from and -for.
 78 -for TIME, -for NUMBER
 79    specifies a number of messages to print, or a time interval relative
 80    to the starting time (specified by -from) in which the messages must
 81    be contained.  The number of messages is the actual number of
 82    messages printed, not the number of messages examined in the log.
 83    This is incompatible with -to and -last.
 86 -forward, -fwd
 87    specifies that the log is to be examined starting with the oldest
 88    message selected by other control arguments, and proceed forwards.
 89    (Default)
 90 -reverse, -rv
 91    specifies that the log is to be examined, starting with the most
 92    recent message selected by other control arguments and proceeding
 93    backwards.
 96 Control arguments (message selection):
 97 -exclude STR-1 ...  STR-n, -ex STR-1 ...  STR-n
 98    no message whose text contains one of the specified strings (STR-1
 99    to STR-n) is processed.  A string is interpreted either as a text
100    string, which must be an exact substring of the message text, or, if
101    surrounded by slashes, as a regular to match against the message
102    text.  See the "Notes on String Matching" section below for details.
103 -match STR-1 ...  STR-n, -mh STR-1 ...  STR-n
104    only messages whose text contains one of the specified strings
105    (STR-1 to STR-n) are processed.  The strings are processed as for
106    -exclude.
107 -all_text, -atxt
108    specifies that all log messages are to be processed, regardless of
109    text contents, cancelling the effect of any preceding -match or
110    -exclude.  (Default)
113 -severity SEV-1 ...  SEV-n, -sv SEV-1 ...  SEV-n
114    only messages of the specified severity (severities) are processed.
115    The severity values (SEV-1 to SEV-n) may either be decimal integers,
116    or ranges consisting a pair of decimal integers separated by a colon
117    ("20:29").  If multiple severities are specified, or the -severity
118    control argument is specified more than once, all messages with any
119    of those severities are printed.  A severity value must be between
120    -100 and 100.  See the "Notes (severity values)" below for details.
121 -all_severities, -asv
122    messages of all severities are printed.  This cancels the effect of
123    any previous -severity control arguments.  (Default)
126 Control arguments (message expansion):
127 -expand {CLASS-1 ...  CLASS-n}, -exp {CLASS-1 ...  CLASS-n}
128    specifies that binary data is to be expanded and displayed along
129    with the message text, for the selected messages.  If a data class
130    value (CLASS-1 to CLASS-n) is specified, only binary data of the
131    specified classes will be expanded; otherwise, all selected messages
132    with binary data will be expanded.  The type of expansion depends on
133    whether the -octal or -interpret control arguments are also
134    specified.  See the "List of data classes" section below for
135    details.  By default, no messages are expanded.
136 -no_expand, -nexp
137    specifies that no messages are to be displayed with binary data
138    expanded.  This cancels the effect of any previous -expand control
139    arguments.  By default, no messages are expanded.
142 -octal, -oc
143    specifies that the binary data in expanded messages is to be
144    displayed in octal, rather than, or in addition to, the interpreted
145    representation.  If both octal and interpreted representations are
146    desired, both the -octal and -interpret control arguments must be
147    supplied.
148 -interpret, -int
149    specifies that the binary data in expanded messages is to be
150    displayed as interpreted text, by calling the appropriate
151    expand_XXX_msg_ program for the data class of the message.  If the
152    -octal control argument is also specified, the binary data is
153    displayed both in interpreted form and as octal data.  (Default)
156 -match_data STR-1 ...  STR-n, -md STR-1 ...  STR-n
157    only messages whose interpreted expanded data contains one of the
158    specified strings (STR-1 to STR-n) are processed.  The strings are
159    processed as for -exclude.  Note: This control argument merely
160    matches against the textual interpretation of the expanded data; if
161    this interpretation is to be displayed as well, the -interpret
162    control argument must also be specified.
163 -exclude_data STR-1 ...  STR-n, -exd STR-1 ...  STR-n
164    no message whose interpreted expanded data contains one of the
165    specified strings (STR-1 to STR-n) is processed.  The strings are
166    processed as for -exclude.  Note: This control argument merely
167    matches against the textual interpretation of the expanded data; if
168    this interpretation is to be displayed as well, the -interpret
169    control argument must also be specified.
172 -all_data, -ad
173    specifies that all log messages are to be processed, regardless of
174    interpreted expanded data contents, cancelling the effect of any
175    preceeding -match_data or -exclude_data.  (Default)
178 -match_data_class CLASS-1 ... CLASS-n, -mdc CLASS-1 ... CLASS-n
179    only messages whose binary data class is one of the specified
180    strings (CLASS-1 to CLASS-n) are processed.  Note: This control
181    argument merely matches against the data class; if the binary
182    data is to be displayed as well, the -octal or -interpret
183    control argument must also be specified.
184 -exclude_data_class CLASS-1 ... CLASS-n, -exdc CLASS-1 ... CLASS-n
185    no message whose binary data class is one of the specified
186    strings (CLASS-1 to CLASS-n) is processed.  Note: This control
187    argument merely matches against the data class;  if the binary
188    data is to be displayed as well, the -octal or -interpret
189    control argument must also be specified.
192 -all_data_classes, -adc
193    specifies that all log messages are to be processed, regardless of
194    binary data class, cancelling the effect of any preceeding
195    -match_data or -exclude_data.  (Default)
198 Control arguments (message format):
199 -line_length N, -ll N
200    specifies the line length used when formatting message text and data
201    for printing.  The value (N) must be between 25 and 500.  By
202    default, it is the line length associated with the user_output I/O
203    switch, or, if none (as for an absentee), it is 132 (for line
204    printer output).
205 -indent N, -ind N
206    specifies that all messages are to be formatted for printing
207    prefixed with N spaces.  The value of N must be between 0 and 50.
208    The indentation is printed before any data associated with the
209    message, including the message prefix.  By default, there is no
210    indentation.
213 -continuation_indent N, -ci N
214    specifies that all messages are to be formatted for printing with
215    continuation lines prefixed by N spaces, or, if the keyword
216    "standard" or "std" is used in place of a number, with the
217    continuation lines indented sufficiently to line up under the first
218    character of the text of the message.  The value of N must be
219    between 0 and 50.  By default, continuation lines are indented
220    to the "standard" indentation.
223 -prefix STRING, -pfx STRING
224    Specifies that all messages are to be formatted with the specified
225    string as a prefix.  This prefix appears after the indentation (if
226    any was specified).  The prefix must explicitly include trailing
227    spaces, if any are desired to separate the prefix from the message
228    text.  By default, there is no prefix.
229 -duplicates, -dup
230    inhibits the printing of "=" messages for messages whose text is the
231    same as the previous message printed.  All messages are printed
232    exactly as they appear in the log.
233 -no_duplicates, -ndup
234    prints "==" for messages whose text is the same as the previous
235    message printed.  (Default)
238 -date_format FORMAT_STRING, -dfmt FORMAT_STRING
239    specifies a date/time format string (see time_format.gi.info) to be
240    used when formatting the date when successive messages are printed
241    with different dates.  The date string is printed on a line entirely
242    by itself, preceded by a blank line.  If the date format string is
243    blank, no date separators will be printed; this should be used if a
244    -time_format string is specified that includes the date as well.
245    The default date string is "^9999yc-^my-^dm ^da ^za", which prints
246    as "1984-10-31 Wed est".
248    By specifying null strings for date, time, and number formats, the
249    log can be printed and saved; it can then be compared to another
250    log script later, without spurious mis-compares because the times
251    and sequence numbers do not match.
254 -time_format FORMAT_STRING, -tfmt FORMAT_STRING
255    specifies a date/time format string (see time_format.gi.info) to be
256    used when formatting the message time portion of the message.  If
257    the string is null, no time is printed with the messages.  The
258    default time format is "iso_time", which prints as "23:21:59".
259 -number_format IOA_STRING, -nfmt IOA_STRING
260    specifies an ioa_ string to be used when printing the sequence
261    number for the message.  If the string is null, no sequence number
262    is printed with the message.  The default is "^7d".
265 Control arguments (miscellaneous):
266 -header, -he
267    specifies that a header is to be printed giving the times and
268    sequence numbers of the first and last messages processed.
269    (Default)
270 -no_header, -nhe
271    specifies that no header is to be printed.
272 -process_id, -pid
273    specifies that the process_id of the process which logged the
274    message is to be printed
275 -no_process_id, -npid
276    specifies that the process_id is not to be printed.  (Default)
279 -data_class, -dc
280    specifies that the binary data class of the message is to be
281    printed.  Note: This control argument merely specifies that the
282    data class name is to be printed; if the binary data is to be
283    displayed as well, the -octal or -interpret control argument
284    must also be specified.
285 -no_data_class, -ndc
286    specifies that the binary data class of the message is not to
287    be printed.  Note: This control argument merely specifies that
288    the data class name is not to be printed; if the binary data is
289    not to be printed as well, the -no_expand control argument must
290    also be specified.  (Default)
293 -absolute_pathname, -absp
294    specifies that the absolute pathname of any log segment examined
295    while processing messages is to be printed; the pathname of each
296    segment is printed only once, whenever segments are switched.
297 -no_absolute_pathname, -nabsp
298    specifies that log segment pathnames are not to be printed.
299    (Default)
302 -output_switch NAME, -osw NAME
303    specifies that the messages are to be written on the named I/O
304    switch.  The default is user_output.
305 -procedure NAME, -proc NAME
306    specifies that entrypoints in the procedure called NAME are to be
307    used instead of entrypoints in log_read_ to read the log.  This is
308    used to read logs protected by inner-ring subsystems, where the
309    inner-ring subsystem provides a replacement log-reading procedure.
310    See the "Notes on inner-ring logs" section, below.
313 Notes on string matching:
314 The strings specified by -match and -exclude, or by -match_data and
315 -exclude_data, are processed in sequence.  An arbitrary number of
316 strings may follow any of those control arguments, and each string will
317 be treated as if it was preceded by another instance of the control
318 argument, except that any string beginning with a hyphen and not
319 immediately following one of the match/exclude control arguments is
320 treated as a new control argument, and no more strings are picked up
321 until the next match/exclude argument.
324 A string may be either a text string, in which case it is tested simply
325 to see whether it is a substring in the message, or it may be a regular
326 expression, which is matched against the message.  A string will be
327 interpreted as a regular expression if it begins and ends with "/"
328 characters.
331 Each log message is processed against the set of strings, matching its
332 text (or data) to see if it contains the string.  There are two simple
333 cases: only match strings, and only exclude strings.  In the case of
334 only match strings, any log message that matches any of the strings
335 will be printed.  In the case of only exclude strings, a log message
336 will be printed only if it matches none of the strings.
339 The more complicated case where match and exclude strings are mixed is
340 handled as follows: test the message against each string in turn.  If
341 the message matches, and the string is a "-match" string, the
342 "print-this-message" flag is set on.  If the message matches, and the
343 string is a "-exclude" string, the flag is set off.  Otherwise, the
344 flag is unaffected.  The flag's initial value is on if the first string
345 was a "-exclude" string, and off if the first string was a "-match"
346 string.
349 List of data classes:
350 A data class is a short string (1 to 16 characters) stored with any
351 message that contains binary data, and is used to identify the expander
352 procedure used to expand the data into its interpreted textual form.
353 The data class is specified when the message is placed into the log.
356 syserr
357    identifies an old-style syserr log message.  The "syserr binary"
358    code (see syserr_binary_defs.incl.pl1 for a list) is the first word
359    of the data in the message; the remaining words of data are the real
360    binary syserr data.
361 io_status
362    identifies a message indicating the status of an I/O device or an
363    error on that device.  Binary data of this class should be
364    interpreted using the io_error_summary command.
365 hwfault
366    identifies a message containing machine state information from a
367    hardware failure.  Binary data of this class should be interpreted
368    using the display_cpu_error command.
371 mos
372    identifies a message containing information about a main memory
373    auto-corrected error.  Binary data of this class should be
374    interpreted using the mos_edac_summary command.
375 segdamage
376    identifies a message containing information about damage to a
377    particular storage system object.
378 voldamage
379    identifies a message containing information about damage to a
380    particular storage system volume.
383 mdc_del_uidpath
384    identifies a message containing the UID pathname of a master
385    directory which is missing but still registered.
386 mmdam
387    identifies a message containing information about the location
388    of main memory frames removed from service due to parity errors.
389 mpc_poll
390    identifies a message which contains MPC data filed by poll_mpc.
391    Binary data of this class should be interpreted using the
392    mpc_data_summary command.
395 fnp_poll
396    identifies a message which contains FNP data filed by poll_fnp.
397    Binary data of this class should be interpreted using the
398    fnp_data_summary command.
399 config
400    identifies a message containing a copy of "cards" from the system
401    config deck.
402 vtoce
403    identifies a message containing a copy of a VTOCE which was found
404    inconsistant by the system scavenger.
407 access_audit
408    identifies a message containing information about access attempts
409    to various system objects.
410 ibm3270_mde
411    identifies a message containing data about an error encountered
412    by the 3270 multiplexer.
415 Access required:
416 For all logs except inner-ring logs, read permission is required on the
417 log segments themselves, and status permission is required on their
418 containing directories.  If an access error is encountered searching
419 for older history logs, the search is stopped at that point, and no
420 further history will be available.  For the logs selected by control
421 arguments, the control argument descriptions list the standard history
422 directories for the logs.
424 For inner-ring logs (the Data Management system log is the only
425 standard inner-ring log), access to the logs is required, as is access
426 to the gate used by the log-reading procedure (see -procedure).
429 Notes on message selection:
430 Messages are selected for printing in a series of steps, each of which
431 filters out certain messages according to the control arguments
432 specified.  The set of messages at each step is any message that were
433 left after the previous step.  If a control argument was not specified,
434 then its corresponding step eliminates no messages.  Note that the
435 -expand control arguments do NOT select messages, but only affect how
436 their contents are displayed:
439      1) -to            (stop looking after specified message)
440      2) -from          (stop looking before specified number)
441      3) -for TIME      (stop looking after specified time)
442      4) -last TIME     (stop looking before specified time)
443      5) -severity
444      6) -exclude       (eliminate matching messages)
445      7) -match         (eliminate non-matching messages)
446      8) -exclude_data  (eliminate matching messages)
447      9) -match_data    (eliminate non-matching messages)
448     10) -for NUMBER    (stop after NUMBER are printed)
449     11) -last NUMBER   (stop after NUMBER are printed)
452 Notes on severity values:
453 Severity values in log messages are used to indicate the importance of
454 the message being logged, in a general way.  Most logs use increasing
455 severity to indicate increasing importance, but the actual meaning
456 depends on the log.  For the Answering Service and Message Coordinator
457 logs, the severities have the following meanings:
458    0 => Message just logged
459    1 => Message logged and printed on a console
460    2 => Message logged and printed on a console with bells
461    3 => Message logged, printed, and the system crashed
464 For the syserr log, the severities have different meanings:
465    0 => Message logged and printed on syserr console
466    1 => Message logged, printed, and the system crashed
467    2 => Message logged, printed, and the process writing the
468         message is terminated.
469    3 => Message logged and printed, and console alarm sounded
470    4 => Message just logged, or printed if logging mechanism is
471         inoperable
472    5 => Message just logged, or discarded if it can't be logged
474 The severities 20 to 25, 30 to 35, and 40 to 45 are handled just like
475 0 to 5, but are different to indicate that the originating program was
476 writing an access audit message, rather than just an informative
477 message.
480 Notes on inner-ring logs:
481 Some applications create logs in an inner ring that must be read using
482 a special interface.  The only standard log to do this is the Data
483 Management system log, and it is read by specifying the -dm_system
484 control argument which supplies both the pathname and the procedure
485 name (dm_log_read_).  Other applications may provide their own special
486 procedures for log reading, in which case both the log pathname and the
487 procedure name must be supplied explicitly via the -pathname and
488 -procedure control arguments.  Note that a log read using a reader
489 procedure may enforce additional access requirements as well as
490 requiring access to the log itself.  In particular, the user must have
491 access to the reader procedure.
494 Compatibility features--
495 The following control arguments are accepted for compatibility with the
496 old print_syserr_log and print_log commands:
497    -action => -severity
498    -next => -for
499    -debug, -db => -duplicates
500 The effect of print_syserr_log's -class argument can be achieved by
501 supplying a range to the -severity argument: "-class 2" is replaced by
502 "-severity 20:29".