1 02/26/85  print_apt_entry, pae
  3 Syntax as a command:  pae {identifiers} {-control_args}
  6 Syntax as an active function:  [pae APTE_item]
  9 Function:  prints one or more Active Process Table Entries (APTEs).
 10 Each APTE can be printed in octal form, interpreted form, or both.  As
 11 an active function, it returns individual items from the APTE.
 14 Arguments:
 15 identifiers
 16    can be User_ids, channel names, or process IDs.  The three types of
 17    identifier are distinguished from one another by their format (see
 18    "Notes" below).  They can be preceded by control arguments to
 19    eliminate any ambiguity (see "Control Arguments for Entry
 20    Selection").
 21 APTE_item
 22    can be the process directory pathname or process termination event
 23    channel.
 26 Control arguments for entry selection:
 27 -absentee, -as
 28    selects absentee users.
 29 -all, -a
 30    selects all three process types.  (Default)
 31 -channel CHN, -chn CHN
 32    selects the user logged in over channel CHN.
 33 -daemon, -dmn
 34    selects daemon users.
 35 -interactive, -ia
 36    selects interactive users.
 37 -process_id PID, -pid PID
 38    selects the specified process.
 39 -user User_id
 40    selects the given user.
 43 Control arguments for output format:
 44 -brief_display
 45    prints the heading and only the first line of the interpretation
 46    produced by -display.
 47 -display
 48    prints a header and a four-line interpretation of some of the
 49    variables in the APTE (see "Notes on Output Format").  (Default)
 50 -dump
 51    dumps the selected APTE(s) in octal.
 52 -long, -lg
 53    causes octal dumps (when selected) to be eight words per line.
 54    (Default)
 55 -no_display
 56    prints the heading, but none of the interpretation.
 59 -no_dump
 60    eliminates octal dump of APTEs.  (Default)
 61 -process_dir, -pd
 62    prints or returns the process directory pathname (see "Notes").
 63 -short, -sh
 64    causes octal dumps (when selected) to be four words per line.
 65 -term_channel, -tchn
 66    prints or returns the process termination event channel (see
 67    "Notes").
 70 Access required:  You need read access to the three user tables
 71 (absentee_user_table, answer_table, and daemon_user_table) in >sc1, as
 72 well as access to the gate metering_ring_zero_peek_.
 75 Notes:  If you give no process selection arguments, the APTE of the
 76 current process is printed.
 78 The type of an identifier not preceded by a control argument is
 79 determined as follows:  if it contains only octal digits, it is a
 80 process ID; if it contains any uppercase letters, it is a User_id;
 81 otherwise, it is a channel name.
 83 Channel names and User_ids can be star names.  User_ids are of the form
 84 Person.Project.tag.  You can omit any of the three components, along
 85 with any trailing periods.  Omitted components are treated as if they
 86 had been "*".  The presence of a tag component restricts the search to
 87 the corresponding user table for that user only.
 90 A channel is a communications channel for an interactive process (e.g.,
 91 a.h017), an absentee slot number for an absentee process (e.g., abs3),
 92 or a message coordinator source name for a daemon process (e.g., bk,
 93 prta).
 95 If you supply a process ID of six digits or less, it is assumed to be
 96 the left half of a process ID, which is the octal offset of the APTE.
 98 When you give mutually exclusive control arguments, the last one on the
 99 line from each set is used.  This allows you to define your own
100 defaults by an abbreviation and to override them conveniently by using
101 opposing control arguments on a command line.  The control arguments
102 -interactive, -absentee, and -daemon are not mutually exclusive, but
103 are mutually exclusive with -all.