1 04/12/91 new_user
  3 Syntax as a command:  new_user
  4 or
  5 new_user$nu
  6 or
  7 new_user$nua
  8 or
  9 new_user$change Person_id item newvalue
 10 or
 11 new_user$cg Person_id item newvalue
 12 or
 13 new_user$cga Person_id item newvalue
 16 Function:  adds or modifies entries in the URF and PNT.  It is called
 17 by master.ec to implement the accounting administrator commands that
 18 deal with user registration (e.g., register, change, chalias).
 21 Entry points in new_user:
 22    (List is generated by the help command)
 25 :Entry:  new_user:  02/26/85  new_user$new_user
 28 Function:  This entry point adds a new person.  The dialogue exchanged
 29 between the command and the user of the command is detailed in the
 30 register command.
 33 :Entry:  nu:  02/26/85  new_user$nu
 36 Function:  This entry point adds a new person but is less verbose in
 37 its prompting.
 40 :Entry:  nua:  02/26/85  new_user$nua
 43 Function:  This entry is similar to the new_user$nu entry point but
 44 also allows the system administrator to specify an alias, password
 45 flags, and AIM attributes for the user.
 48 The dialogue for new_user, new_user$nu, and new_user$nua obtains and
 49 checks the following items for user registration.
 51       Full name (Last, First I.: title)
 52       Mailing address
 53       Programmer number
 54       Default project
 55       Password
 56       Card Input Password
 57       If new_user$nua is called:
 58          Alias
 59          Password flags
 60          AIM authorization
 61          Default AIM authorization
 62          Audit flags
 65 The commands attempt to generate a site-unique Person_id from the last
 66 name, or the administrator may specify the Person_id.
 68 The user is then registered in the URF and PNT and the administrator is
 69 asked if there are any more users to be added.
 71 Typing "stop" at any time aborts the registration of the current user.
 74 :Entry:  change:  02/26/85  new_user$change
 77 Function:  This entry point supports editing of user registration.
 80 :Entry:  cg:  02/26/85  new_user$cg
 83 Function:  This entry point is similar to new_user$change but is less
 84 verbose.
 87 :Entry:  cga:  04/12/91  new_user$cga
 91 Function:  This entry is similar to new_user$cg but also allows the
 92 changing of user aliases, password flags, and AIM attributes.
 95 Arguments:
 96    For new_user$change, new_user$cg, and new_user_$cga.
 97 Person_id
 98    is a Person_id of a registered user.  If not specified, the command
 99    asks for one.
100 item
101    may be any one of the following keywords:
104    The following items marked with an plus-sign (+) can only be
105    changed with the new_user$cga entry point.
106    addr
107       User's mailing address
108    + alias
109       User's login alias.  An alias can be deleted by using a period
110       (.)  as the new value.
111    + audit
112       AIM audit selectivity flags.  This keyword is a character string
113       of the form
115             name1{,name2,...,namen}
118       where namei is the name of an audit flag.  The names and their
119       meanings are listed below.
120       <object_type>=<grant_level>/<deny_level>
121          controls the auditing of specified operations on specified
122          system objects.  The values of <object_type> can be one of the
123          following:
124          admin
125             specifies that operations to administrative objects (e.g.,
126             the PNT) are to be audited.
127          fsattr
128             specifies that operations to file system attributes are to
129             be audited.
130          fsobj
131             specifies that operations to file system objects are to be
132             audited.
135          other
136             specifies that operations to objects (e.g., mailboxes)
137             controlled by ring 1 security related subsystems are to be
138             audited.
139          rcp
140             specifies that operations to objects controlled by the
141             Resource Control Package are to be audited.
142          special
143             specifies that operations to special objects are to be
144             audited.  (Currently, the only special objects are
145             processes.)
148          The values that can be assigned to <grant_level> and
149          <deny_level> are listed below.
150          M
151             specifies that "modify" operations are to be audited.
152             Operations are audited that attempt to change the object or
153             the attributes of the object.  This level of auditing
154             includes the "modify access" operations.
155          MA
156             specifies that"modify access" operations are to be audited.
157             Operations are audited that attempt to change the access
158             attributes of the object.
159          N
160             specifies that no auditing is to take place.
163          R
164             specifies that "read" operations are to be audited.
165             Operations are audited that return information about the
166             contents of the object or its attributes/properties.  This
167             level of auditing includes the "modify" and "modify access"
168             operations.
170             The <grant_type>/<deny_type> values are a matched pair.
171             The <grant_type> value specifies auditing of successful
172             operations.  The <deny_type> value specifies auditing of
173             unsuccessful operations.  For example, the audit flag
174             "fsobj=N/M" specifies that there is to be no monitoring of
175             successful operations on file system objects; however, all
176             unsuccessful modify operations on file system objects will
177             be audited.
180             Please note that modify access operations cannot be
181             associated with file system objects (fsobj).  Instead,
182             modify access operations can be specified for file system
183             attributes (fsattr).
185             Additional information on auditing, including a more
186             detailed description of the operations that are audited on
187             each object type, can be found in the Multics System
188             Administration Procedures manual (AK50).
189       admin_op
190          controls auditing of administrative operations performed by
191          the process.  This includes such operations as registration of
192          new users or projects.  It is recommended that sites
193          interested in auditing should turn this flag on for all
194          processes.
197       fault
198          controls auditing of illegal procedure and access violation
199          faults that can indicate an attempt to access protected data.
200        moderate_cc
201          controls auditing of covert channel activity that takes place
202          over channels with a potential bandwidth of 10-100 bps.
203       priv_op
204          controls auditing of privileged operations performed by the
205          process.  A privileged operation is one performed through use
206          of a privileged gate or under previously set AIM privileges.
207          It is recommended that sites interested in auditing turn this
208          flag on for all processes except perhaps the system daemons.
209       small_cc
210          controls auditing of covert channel activity that takes place
211          over channels with a potential bandwidth of 1-10 bps.
214    + auth
215       AIM authorization is the authorization to be assigned to
216       Person_id.  The value for auth can be a range of values in the
217       format "min_auth:max_auth," in which case the new user is
218       eligible to use any of the authorizations within the specified
219       range.  Alternatively, the value for auth can be specified as a
220       single value.  In this case, the system interprets the specified
221       value as a maximum authorization value and the minimum
222       authorization value is assumed to be system_low.  Use the
223       print_auth_names command for a list of valid authorization
224       values.
225    cpass
226       card input password
229    + dfauth
230       default AIM authorization
231    + flags
232       The password flags are:
233       password
234          user has a login password
235       card_pw
236          user has a card input password
237       trap
238          attempts to log in will be logged
239       lock
240          attempts to log in will be refused
243       change
244          user can change passwords, default authorization, and default
245          project
246       must_change
247          user must change login password before logging in
248       generate
249          user must use -generate_password to change password.
250       time_lock=TIME
251          password is locked until TIME.
252       operator
253          user can use the sign_on command to sign on as an operator.
254    + revalidate
255          the user's password is revalidated (after having expired
256          following a period of non-use).
257    name
258       full name (Last First I.:  title)
261    proj
262       default project
263    pass
264       login password
265    progn
266       programmer number
267 newvalue
268    is the new value as a single argument (i.e., enclosed in quotes if
269    it contains blanks).  This argument can only be given if item is
270    given.  If not specified, the command prompts with the old value and
271    waits for a response.  If the new value is an empty line, the old
272    value remains unchanged.  (The argument may not be specified at
273    command level when changing a user's password.)
276 Notes:  Changes are made to both the URF and PNT.
278 A password may consist of from one through eight ASCII printing
279 characters including backspace, but excluding space and semicolon.
280 "HELP", "help", "quit", and "?"  are interpreted uniquely by the
281 password processor and are therefore unacceptable as password
282 specifications for an interactive login.  Entering "quit" terminates
283 the login attempt, while "HELP", "help", or "?"  results in an
284 explanatory message and repeat of the password prompt.