1 02/20/2017  library_pathname, lpn
 3 Syntax as a command:  lpn {search_names} {-control_args}
 6 Syntax as an active function:  [lpn {search_names} {-control_args}]
 9 Function:  returns the pathname of one or more entries in a library.
10 Archive pathnames are returned in the case of archive component entries
11 in the library.
13 This command uses library descriptor and library search procedures, as
14 described in "The Library Descriptor Commands" of the Multics Library
15 Maintenance (AN80) manual.
18 Arguments:
19 search_names
20    are entrynames that identify the library entries whose pathnames are
21    to be returned.  The star convention can be used to identify a group
22    of entries with a single search name.  Up to 1000 search names can
23    be given in the command.  If none are given, then any default search
24    names specified for the library_info command in the library
25    descriptor are used.
28 Control arguments:
29 -descriptor desc_name, -desc desc_name
30    provides a pathname or reference name that identifies the library
31    descriptor describing the libraries to be searched.  If no
32    -descriptor control argument is supplied, then the default library
33    descriptor is used.  The initial default library descriptor
34    describes the Multics System Libraries.
35 -library library_name, -lb library_name
36    identifies a library that is to be searched for entries matching the
37    search names.  The star convention can be used to identify a group
38    of libraries to be searched.  Up to 100 -library control arguments
39    can be given in each command.  If none are given, then any default
40    library names specified for the library_info command in the library
41    descriptor are used.
44 -search_name search_name
45    identifies a search name that begins with a minus (-) to distinguish
46    the search name from a control argument.  There are no other
47    differences between the search names described above and those given
48    with the -search_name control argument.  One or more -search_name
49    control arguments can be given in the command.
50 -entry, -et
51    returns pathnames for only the library entries that match one of the
52    search names.  This is the default.
55 -components, -comp
56    returns pathnames for all the components related to a matching
57    library entry, in addition to output for the matching entry. (See
58    "Notes" below.)
59 -container, -cont
60    for an archived entry, returns pathname for the library archive
61    that contains the matching entry, rather than pathname of the
62    matching entry. (See "Notes" below.)
65 -all_matches, -amch
66    returns the names of all entries matching the specified search
67    names. (Default)
68 -first_match, -fmch
69    returns only the name of the first entry matching a specified search
70    name.
73 Notes: The -container and -components control arguments are provided
74 to facilitate information gathering on all library entries related to
75 a given bound segment.  When only one component of a bound segment
76 archive is matched, -entry returns the archive component pathname for
77 only this matching library entry; -container returns pathname of the
78 containing archive; -components returns archive pathnames of all
79 components in that archive.