1 02/10/86  library_info, li
  3 Syntax as a command:  li {search_names} {-control_args} {-output_args}
  6 Function:  selects entries from a library and prints the status of
  7 these entries in alphabetical order by primary name on the user's
  8 terminal.
 10 A full range of status information can be included in the output by
 11 using one or more of the output arguments.  Besides information
 12 returned by the status command, the output can include access
 13 information, object segment attributes and other segment contents
 14 information, quota information, etc.
 16 This command uses a library descriptor and library search procedures,
 17 as described in "The Library Descriptor Commands" of the Multics
 18 Library Maintenance (AN80) manual.  When no output arguments are given,
 19 the information included by default is controlled by the search program
 20 for the particular library being searched.  The default output includes
 21 the information most appropriate for library maintenance.
 24 Arguments:
 25 search_names
 26    are entrynames that identify the library entries to be output.  The
 27    Multics star convention can be used to identify a group of entries
 28    with a single search name.  Up to 100 search names can be given in
 29    the command.  If none are given, then any default search names
 30    specified in the library descriptor are used.
 33 Control arguments:
 34 -chase
 35    suppresses status information for any intermediate links that exist
 36    between a library link and its eventual target.
 37 -components, -comp
 38    causes status information for all the components of a matching
 39    library entry, in addition to the output for the matching entry.  It
 40    also causes status information for all components of a library entry
 41    containing a matching entry.  (See "Notes" below.)
 42 -container, -cont
 43    displays status information for the library entry that contains each
 44    matching entry, in addition to the output for the matching entry.
 45    (See "Notes" below.)
 48 -descriptor desc_name, -desc desc_name
 49    gives a pathname or reference name that identifies the library
 50    descriptor describing the libraries to be searched.  If -descriptor
 51    is not given, then the default library descriptor is used.
 52 -entry, -et
 53    displays status information for only the library entries that match
 54    one of the search names.  This is the default.
 55 -no_chase
 56    displays status information for the intermediate links.  This isthe
 57    default.
 58 -omit
 59    suppresses status information for library entries awaiting deletion
 60    from the libraries.  This is the default.
 63 -library library_name, -lb library_name
 64    identifies a library that is to be searched for entries matching the
 65    search names.  The Multics star convention can be used to identify a
 66    group of libraries with a single library name.  Up to 100 -library
 67    control arguments can be given in each command.  If none are given,
 68    then any default library names specified in the library descriptor
 69    are used.
 70 -retain, -ret
 71    displays status information for library entries awaiting deletion
 72    from the libraries (as determined by the library search program).
 75 -search_name search_name
 76    identifies a search name that begins with a minus (-) to distinguish
 77    the search name from a control argument.  There are no other
 78    differences between the search names described above and those given
 79    with the -search_name control argument.  One or more -search_name
 80    control arguments can be given in the command.
 83 List of output arguments:
 84    These arguments control which status information are included in the
 85    output.  The output arguments can appear anywhere in the command.
 86 -access
 87    displays all access control information, which includes:  the user's
 88    access mode to the library entry, its ring brackets, ACL, access
 89    class, AIM attributes, safety switch setting, and for directory
 90    entries the initial ACLs.
 91 -all, -a
 92    displays all available information.
 93 -contents
 94    displays information describing the contents of library entries,
 95    which includes:  compilation information, object attributes, and
 96    segment printability information.
 99 -default, -dft
100    displays default information in addition to the information
101    requested by other output arguments.  This is the default when no
102    other output arguments are given.
103 -status, -st
104    displays all status information printed by the command "status
105    -all", except for access control information.
108    The following output arguments are available, but are probably not
109    of interest to every user.  They provide more selective control over
110    which status information is included in the output.
111 -access_class, -acc
112    displays the access class (if other than system low), the setting of
113    the security-out-of-service switch, the audit switch, and the
114    multiple access class switch (if on).
115 -acl
116    displays the access control list.
117 -author, -at
118    displays the author and bit count author (if different from the
119    author).
120 -bit_count, -bc
121    displays the bit count.
124 -compiler_name
125    displays the name of the compiler of an object segment.
126 -compiler_options
127    displays the compiler option information stored in an object
128    segment.
129 -compiler_version
130    displays the version information for the compiler of an object
131    segment.
132 -copy, -cp
133    displays the setting of the copy-on-write switch (if on).
134 -current_length
135    displays the current length (if different from records used).
138 -date, -dt
139    displays the date/time contents modified, date/time used, date/time
140    entry modified, date/time dumped, and date/time compiled.
141 -date_time_compiled, -dtc
142    displays the date/time compiled.
143 -date_time_contents_modified, -dtcm
144    displays the date/time modified.
145 -date_time_dumped, -dtd
146    displays the date/time dumped.
147 -date_time_entry_modified, -dtem
148    displays the date/time entry modified.  For archive components, this
149    corresponds to the date/time component updated into the archive.
150 -date_time_used, -dtu
151    displays the date/time used.
154 -device, -dv
155    displays the name of the logical volume on which the entry resides
156    for nondirectory and non-MSF entries, the name of the son's logical
157    volume for directory and MSF entries, and the setting of the
158    transparent-to-paging device switch.
159 -error
160    displays messages that indicate the errors that occurred while
161    obtaining the status information.
162 -initial_acl, -iacl
163    displays the initial access control lists associated with library
164    directory entries.
167 -length, -ln
168    displays the records used, current length (if different from the
169    records used), maximum length (if different from
170    sys_info$max_seg_size), bit count, archive component offset, and
171    directory quota information.
172 -level, -lev
173    causes a level number to precede each output entry.  This number
174    indicates the relationship between a library entry and its
175    components.  Normally, this relationship is indicated only by
176    indenting the component names beneath those of the library entry.
177 -link_target
178    displays the pathname of the target of each library link.
179 -match
180    displays all names that match any of the search names.
183 -max_length, -ml
184    displays the maximum length (if different from
185    sys_info$max_seg_size).
186 -mode, -md
187    displays the user's mode of access to the library entry.
188 -name, -nm
189    displays all names.
190 -new_line, -nl
191    causes a line to be skipped between each level-one entry in the
192    output.  Normally, no lines are skipped between entries.
193 -non_ascii
194    displays an indication that a library entry contains non-ASCII
195    characters.
198 -object_info
199    displays information about format of an object segment and its entry
200    bound.
201 -offset, -ofs
202    displays the word offset of an archive component within its archive.
203 -pathname, -pn
204    displays the pathname of the parent of each library entry.
205 -primary, -pri
206    displays the primary name.
209 -quota
210    displays directory quota information for library directory entries,
211    which includes:  quota set on the directory, quota used, terminal
212    quota switch setting (if on), a count of inferior directories with
213    terminal quota (if nonzero), the time/record product for the
214    directory, and the date-time/time-record product updated.  If a
215    directory is a master directory, this information is also printed.
216 -records, -rec
217    displays the records used.
218 -ring_brackets, -rb
219    displays the ring brackets.
220 -safety
221    displays the setting of the safety switch (if on).
224 -type, -tp
225    displays the type of each library entry, which includes:  link,
226    segment, archive, archive component, multisegment file, multisegment
227    file component, and directory.
228 -unique_id, -uid
229    displays the unique identifier.
232 Notes:  Any combination of output arguments can be used in a command,
233 since the use of several output arguments merely causes more
234 information to be included in the output; however, -chase and -no_chase
235 as well as -retain and -omit are mutually exclusive.
237 The -container and -components control arguments are provided to
238 facilitate information gathering on all library entries related to a
239 given bound segment.  When only one component of a bound segment
240 archive is matched, -entry causes status information to be printed for
241 only the matching library entry; -container and -components, which can
242 be used singly or together but neither with -entry, cause status for
243 related library entries as well.
246 The use of -container and -components has different effects.  If a
247 search name is given that matches a component in a source archive,
248 giving -entry produces status for only that component.  Giving
249 -container instead produces status for the source archive, as well as
250 for the matching component.  Giving -components produces status for all
251 of the components of the source archive containing the matching
252 component.  Giving both -container and -components produces status for
253 the source archive and all of its components.