1 03/26/85 fnp_data_summary
 3 Syntax as a command:  fnp_data_summary {fnp_names} {-control_args}
 6 Function:  reports error statistics recorded in the syserr log by the
 7 poll_fnp command.  The statistics reported include parity errors for
 8 all channels and various counters for synchronous channels whose
 9 interpretation depends on the line type of the channel.  Only nonzero
10 statistics are reported.
13 Arguments:
14 fnp_names
15    are the names of FNPs for which statistics are to be reported.  If
16    no fnp_names are specified, statistics are reported for all FNPs for
17    which any nonzero statistics are available.
20 Control arguments:
21 -expand
22    displays in expanded form every entry in the syserr log containing
23    statistics for the specified FNP(s).
24 -extend, -ext
25    appends the output of the command to the end of the output_file if
26    it already exists.  This control argument can be specified only if
27    -output_file (below) is specified.
28 -for TIME
29    restricts the scan of the syserr log to an interval of length TIME,
30    where TIME is a character string representation of a time interval
31    in a form acceptable to convert_date_to_binary_ (described in the
32    Multics Subroutines and I/O Modules manual, Order No.  AG93).  This
33    control argument is incompatible with -to (described below).  The
34    default is to continue the scan up to the end of the log.
37 -from DATE_TIME, -fm DATE_TIME
38    starts scanning the syserr log from the time specified by DATE_TIME,
39    which must be a character string acceptable to
40    convert_date_to_binary_ (described in the Multics Subroutines and
41    I/O Modules manual, Order No.  AG93).  The default is to start at
42    the beginning of the log.
43 -output_file {PATH}, -of {PATH}
44    directs output to a file.  If PATH is specified, it is the pathname
45    of the output file; otherwise, output is sent to
46    fnp_data_summary.output in the current working directory.  If
47    -output_file is not specified, the default is to direct output to
48    your terminal.
51 -to DATE_TIME
52    ends the scan of the syserr log at the time specified by DATE_TIME,
53    which must be a character string acceptable to
54    convert_date_to_binary_.  This control argument is incompatible with
55    -for (above).  The default is to continue the scan to the end of the
56    log.
59 Access required:  Read permission is required on the log segments
60 themselves and status permission is required on their containing
61 directories.