1 04/29/86  debug_fnp, db_fnp
  3 Syntax as a command:  db_fnp {request}
  6 Function: is a debugging aid intended to be used by FNP software
  7 developers and in FNP dump analysis.  You can use it to patch or dump
  8 memory in a running FNP, to examine a dump from a crashed FNP or a core
  9 image segment before it is loaded, to set breakpoints in a running FNP,
 10 and to display symbolically FNP control blocks, buffers, etc.
 13 Arguments:
 14 request
 15    is the first request(s) to be executed.  Once the initial request(s)
 16    is completed, debug_fnp reads request lines from user_input.  Each
 17    line can contain multiple requests, separated by semicolons.  If an
 18    error occurs in any request, the remaining requests on that line are
 19    not be executed.  You can abort any request by typing "quit"
 20    followed by a "pi" (program_interrupt).
 23 Notes on debug_fnp mode selection: This command can operate on a
 24 running FNP, a dump segment, or a core image segment; with few
 25 exceptions, most requests work the same regardless of the selection.
 26 When first invoked, the command is set up to examine the first
 27 configured FNP.  You can switch between dumps, core images, and running
 28 FNPs at any time.
 31 List of mode selection requests:
 32 fnp
 33    Usage:  fnp tag
 34    selects a running FNP, where tag can be "a", "b", "c", "d", "e",
 35    "f", "g", or "h".
 36 image
 37    Usage:  image path
 38    selects a core image, where path is the Multics pathname of a
 39    segment containing the core image.  Core image segments and dump
 40    segments have a different format, so the image and dump requests are
 41    not interchangeable.  The pathname on this request can also be a
 42    starname, provided it matches only one entry in the directory
 43    specified.
 46 dump
 47    Usage:  dump path
 48    selects a dump, where path is the Multics pathname of a segment
 49    containing the dump.  Core image segments and dump segments have a
 50    different format, so the image and dump requests are not
 51    interchangeable.  The pathname on this request can also be a
 52    starname, provided it matches only one entry in the directory
 53    specified.
 54    In most cases, it is not necessary to know the pathname of the dump
 55    to be examined, as special requests are provided for selecting
 56    dumps.
 57 dumps
 58    Usage:  dumps
 59    lists all the dumps currently in the dump directory.  The default
 60    dump directory is >dumps.
 63 dump_dir
 64    Usage:  dump_dir {path}
 65    changes the default dump directory, where path is the pathname of
 66    the new dump directory.  If you omit "path," the name of the current
 67    dump directory is printed.
 68 last_dump
 69    Usage:  last_dump
 70    selects the latest dump.
 71 prev_dump
 72    Usage:  prev_dump
 73    selects the next earliest dump.  You can use this request to peruse
 74    any or all the dumps in the dump directory, going in either
 75    direction.  You can use it repeatedly as long as there are more
 76    dumps.
 79 next_dump
 80    Usage:  next_dump
 81    selects the next latest dump.  You can use this request to peruse
 82    any or all the dumps in the dump directory, going in either
 83    direction.
 84 select_fnp
 85    Usage:  select_fnp tag
 86    selects which FNP in the dump is examined, when dealing with a dump
 87    that contains multiple FNPs, such a BOS fdump; tag can be "a", "b",
 88    "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", or "h".
 89 what
 90    Usage:  what
 91    prints the fnp tag or the pathname, to find out what FNP, dump, or
 92    core image is selected.
 95 Notes on expressions: Many of the following requests take numeric
 96 arguments such as addresses, lengths, etc.  Expressions can contain
 97 "(", ")", "+", "-", "*", and "/" with their normal meanings and
 98 precedence.  The symbol "|" is synonymous with "+", as in
 99 module|offset.  You can specify indirection by ",*", following the
100 address to indirect through.  Numeric constants are interpreted as
101 octal unless they are followed by a ".", in which case they are
102 decimal.  You can use "*" for the current location counter, which is
103 generally the last address used in a display or patch request.  You
104 can also use many common FNP symbols, including all fields in the
105 system comm region, the hardware comm region, the software comm
106 region, and the TIB.  (Before you can use TIB, hwcm, and sfcm
107 addresses, establish the addresses of these control blocks.  See the
108 line and set requests.)
111 A symbol can also be any opblock mnemmonic, the name of any FNP object
112 module, or a machine instruction (enclosed within apostrophes).  In
113 addition, you can define user symbols.  For example,
114    hsla|500
115    t.icp,*
116    *+30
117    tib|14,*+10
118    goto
119    'lda 0,2,b.0'
120    cax3   (apostrophe not needed if there is no operand)
123 List of fnp memory-display requests:
124 display, d
125    Usage:  display address {length} {mode}
126            d address {length} {mode}
127    displays the contents of FNP words, where address is the starting
128    address, length is the number of words, and mode is the display
129    mode.  The symbol "*" is set to the address specified.  You can use
130    the following display modes:
133       octal, oct
134       character, ch
135       address, addr  (in form module|offset)
136       clock, ck  (4 FNP words as a Multics clock)
137       instruction, inst  (355 instruction format)
138       opblock, op  (pseudo-opblock format)
139       decimal, dec
140       bit
141 ebcdic, ebc
142    If you omit length, it defaults to 1 unless address is a predefined
143    FNP symbol, in which case the appropriate length for that symbol is
144    used.  Similarly, if you omit mode, octal is used unless address is
145    a predefined FNP symbol, in which case the mode appropriate for that
146    symbol is used.
149 buffer, buf
150    Usage:  buffer {address} {mode} {-brief, -bf}
151            buf {address} {mode} {-brief, -bf}
152    displays a buffer, where address is the address of the buffer, mode
153    is the mode to display it in (see the display request), and -brief
154    means display only the first two words of the buffer.  If you omit
155    address, the next buffer pointer from the previous buffer displayed
156    is used.  If you omit mode, character mode is assumed.  If you omit
157    -brief, the entire buffer is displayed.  The length is determined
158    automatically by reading the buffer header.
159 buffer_chain, bufc
160    Usage:  buffer_chain {address} {mode} {-brief, -bf}
161            bufc {address} {mode} {-brief, -bf}
162    displays a buffer chain.
165 block, blk
166    Usage:  block {address} {-offset, -o offset}
167               {-length, -l length}
168            blk {address} {-offset, -o offset} {-length, -l length}
169    displays a control block at the address specified.  Use this request
170    if the data being displayed is in the form of threaded control
171    blocks.  The default offset to the forward pointer in the block is
172    0.  The default block length is eight words.  If you specify no
173    address, the next block in the chain is displayed (using the forward
174    pointer from the previous block).
177 block_chain, blkc
178    Usage:  block_chain {address} {-offset, -o offset}
179               {-length, -l length}
180            blkc {address} {-offset, -o offset}
181               {-length, -l length}
182    displays the entire chain of control blocks until one with a zero
183    forward pointer is encountered.  Use this request if the data being
184    displayed is in the form of threaded control blocks.  The request
185    follows the threads in the buffer chain, displaying each buffer.
186    The default offset to the forward pointer in the block is 0.  The
187    default block length is eight words.  If you specify no address, the
188    next block in the chain is displayed (using the forward pointer from
189    the previous block).
192 flags
193    Usage:  flags address {type}
194    shows the setting of individual bits.  Use this request if the data
195    being displayed is a word of flags.  The argument address is the the
196    address of the word containing flags; type can be:
197       t.stat  tib status word
198       t.flg  first tib flag word
199       t.flg2  second tib flag word
200       t.flg3  third tib flag word
201       sf.flg  hsla sfcm flags
202       istat  interpreter status word
203       hs.1  first word of hsla hardware status
204       hs.2  second word of hsla hardware status
207    If you omit type, it is assumed to be the same as "address," which
208    then must be one of the items in the above list.  The flags are
209    listed by name, as they appear in the macros.map355 source file.
210    You can use the explain request for help on unfamiliar names.
211    Occasionally, the value of a flag word is known (from a trace, for
212    example), without knowing an address of it.  In this case, you can
213    use the following form:
214       flags =expression type
215    where expression is any valid expression and type is one of the
216    types shown above.
219 List of fnp memory-patching requests:
220 patch
221    Usage:  patch address arg1...{argn}
222    patches the contents of FNP memory, where address is the starting
223    address to patch and argi represent patch data.  Each argi can be an
224    expression representing the value to be stored in one FNP word or a
225    character string in quotes (which can contain more that one word of
226    data).  The total number of words patched cannot exceed 32.  Before
227    the patch is applied, the effects of the patch are displayed (old
228    and new contents of every word) and you are asked to verify that the
229    patch is correct.  The symbol "*" is set to the address specified.
232    Examples of patch requests are--
233       patch 43102 203456 -1 2
234       patch .crver "3.1x"
235       patch ctrl|1400 goto ctrl|1600
236       patch hsla|1541 'tze 13' cax3 'lda 0,2,b.1'
237    A shorthand form of this request is
238       =arg1...{argn}
239    which is equivalent to
240       patch * arg1...{argn}
241 set_flag
242    Usage:  set_flag flag_symbol
243    sets the bit associated with the flag_symbol specified in the
244    appropriate word.  Use this request to manipulate individual flag
245    bits in words of flags.
248 clear_flag
249    Usage:  clear_flag flag_symbol
250    clears an individual bit.  Use this request to manipulate individual
251    flag bits in words of flags.  This request is not an indivisible
252    operation; this means if other flag bits in the word are dynamically
253    changing, this request may change their value if they happen to have
254    been changed between the time the word was read and when it was
255    rewritten.
258 List of dump analysis requests: The following requests are valid only
259    when using debug_fnp on a dump.
260 why
261    Usage:  why
262    finds out the cause of a dump.  It prints the type of fault that
263    caused the crash and, if the crash was caused by a "die" opcode in
264    the FNP, interprets the reason for the crash.
265 regs
266    Usage:  regs
267    prints the contents of all machine registers at the time of the
268    fault.
271 call_trace
272    Usage:  call_trace address {-long, -lg}
273    starts at the address specified and perform a backward trace of all
274    subroutine calls.  The subroutine must be as defined by the map355
275    "subr" macro.  If you give -lg, the registers saved at each
276    subroutine level are also printed.  You can also use this request on
277    a running FNP, but the information is probably changing too fast for
278    the request to be useful.
281 List of fnp trace table requests: A running FNP or a dump contains a
282    trace table of the most recent events occurring in the FNP.
283 print_trace
284    Usage:  print_trace {start} {count}
285    displays the trace table, where start indicates the starting trace
286    message and count is the number of messages to display.  If you
287    supply no arguments, the entire trace table is printed.  If you give
288    no count, the trace table is displayed from the starting point
289    specified to the end.  If the start number is positive, it is
290    counted from the oldest message; if negative, it is counted from the
291    most recent.  For example,
292       print_trace 200.
293    skips the 199 oldest entries and print the rest.
294       print_trace -50.
295    prints the 50 most recent messages.
298    Note that the start and count, like all other numeric values, are
299    octal unless followed by a decimal point.  Printing the trace table
300    of a running FNP is only meaningful if tracing has been suspended;
301    otherwise the table is changing too fast to be interpreted.
302 stop_trace
303    Usage:  stop_trace
304    suspends tracing in a running FNP.
305 start_trace
306    Usage:  start_trace
307    restarts tracing in a running FNP.
309    Tracing can also be stopped and started with some of the breakpoint
310    requests explained below.
313    Which modules in the FNP are traced is determined by the trace mask,
314    kept in FNP memory.
315 trace_mask
316    Usage:  trace_mask {modules}
317    examines or updates the trace mask.  If you give no modules,
318    trace_mask displays and interprets the current trace mask.  If you
319    give modules, they represent modules to be added to, or deleted
320    from, the current mask.  Specify the module as "name" or "+name" to
321    set the tracing bit for the module and as "-name" or "^name" to turn
322    off the corresponding bit.  In addition, you can specify all and
323    none.  For example,
326       trace_mask hsla ^dia -util
327    turns on tracing for hsla_man and turn off tracing for dia_man and
328    utilities.
329    Turning tracing on for a module for which tracing was not enabled
330    when the core image was bound has no efect.
333 Notes on fnp breakpoint facility: The control table interpreter in the
334 FNP allows breakpoints to be set in the interpreted control tables.  A
335 breakpoint causes the line encountering it to stop execution in the
336 interpreter until you give a request to restart it.
338 You can use breakpoints only if the module breakpoint_man is included
339 in the core image.
341 Breakpoints are often a useful tool, but be careful in their use.  The
342 following points are important:
343 1. Breakpoints can only be set in interpreted opblocks.  They cannot be
344    set at machine instructions.
347 2. While at a break, the line is executing an opblock equivalent to
348       wait 0,0,0
349    followed by no status blocks.  This means that timers can run out
350    unnoticed, status can be ignored, hangups can be missed, etc.  For
351    this reason it may be difficult to restart a channel after a
352    breakpoint.
353 3. Breakpoints cannot be set at subroutine levels where waits would be
354    illegal.
355 4. Breakpoints cannot be set when a restart may execute a wait opblock.
356 5. Breakpoints cannot be set at a status opblock.
357 6. If a breakpoint is set at a wait opblock, it must be reset before
358    the line is restarted.  In addition, a breakpoint cannot be set at a
359    wait if any channels are currently waiting at that block.
362 7. Control tables that use local internal variables (as opposed to
363    variables in the TIB extension) cannot depend on these variables
364    being preserved during the break unless other channels that may use
365    the same control tables are not running.
366 8. No notice is given when a channel encounters a breakpoint.  The
367    list_break request lists all breakpoints and shows what channels are
368    stopped at each one.
371 List of fnp breakpoint facility request:
372 set_break, sb
373    Usage:  set_break address -line- {-stop_trace}
374            sb address -line- {-stop_trace}
375    sets a breakpoint at the address specified.  If you give a tty
376    channel, the breakpoint applies to that line only, and any other
377    channel encountering the breakpoint continues execution; otherwise,
378    the breakpoint applies to any channel that encounters it.  If you
379    supply -stop_trace, the FNP automatically suspends tracing if any
380    channel stops at that breakpoint.
383 reset_break, rb
384    Usage:  reset_break address, rb address
385            reset_break -all, rb -all
386    resets a break at the address specified.  Any lines stopped at the
387    break are not automatically restarted.  If you give -all, all breaks
388    are reset.
391 start, sr
392    Usage:  start line {address} {-reset} {-start_trace}
393            sr line {address} {-reset} {-start_trace}
394            start -all, sr -all
395    restarts the line specified.  If you supply an address, the line
396    restarts at the address given, instead of where it was stopped.  If
397    you supply -reset, the break is reset before the line is started.
398    If you supply -start_trace, tracing resumes as the line is
399    restarted.  If you supply -all, all lines at breakpoints at the time
400    you issue the request are restarted.
401 list_break, lb
402    Usage:  list_break
403            lb
404    lists all FNP breakpoints and the channels stopped at each.
407 List of performance analysis requests: The FNP software periodically
408    samples the instruction counter to determine whether the FNP is
409    running or idling.
410 idle_time
411    Usage:  idle_time {-reset, -rs}
412    prints the percentage of time the FNP has been idling since bootload
413    or the last time you invoked the request with -rs.
414 sample_time
415    Usage:  sample_time {new_time}
416    prints or sets the sampling interval used by the FNP for metering
417    data, where new_time is the new sampling interval in milliseconds
418    (between 1 and 1000).  If you supply no argument, the current
419    sampling interval is printed.  (Default when the FNP is booted:  50
420    milliseconds)
423    You can collect more detailed information on FNP usage by
424    configuring the module "ic_sampler" in the FNP core image.  This
425    module periodically samples the instruction counter (at the rate set
426    by sample_time) and adds 1 to a bucket, which represents a small
427    range (typically 16) of FNP addresses.  With this data you can
428    determine with some precision where the FNP is spending its time
429    when it is running.
430 ic_sample
431    This request is only accepted if the ic_sampler module is configured
432    in the FNP.  It has the following options:
433    Usage:  ic_sample start
434    starts the ic sampling feature.  Sampling is normally disabled when
435    the FNP is booted.
436    Usage:  ic_sample stop
437    stops ic_sampling.
440    Usage:  ic_sample reset
441    zeroes all the sampling buckets.
442    Usage:  ic_sample module
443    prints a table showing each module in the core image and what
444    percentage of samples collected occur in that module.
445    Usage:  ic_sample histogram, hist {fraction}
446    prints a histogram showing each bucket address that has data and the
447    percentage of nonidle time that bucket represents.  The fraction
448    must be a floating point number between 0.0 and 1.0.  With this
449    option, the histogram only contains the most frequently used
450    buckets.  Enough buckets are printed so that the fraction specified
451    of the total data collected is printed.  For example, if the
452    fraction is .9, 10% of the data collected is not displayed by
453    discarding infrequently referenced buckets.  This option is useful
454    in deleting "noise" from the histogram.
457 List of miscellaneous requests:
458 line
459    Usage:  line {line}
460    locates the TIB, software comm region, and hardware comm region of
461    the line specified.  Once these addresses are set, you can reference
462    fields in these control blocks by name in any expression in other
463    requests.  You can specify the line either in Multics form (a.h012)
464    or as an FNP line number (1014).  If you give no line, the name of
465    the current line is printed.  If the line selected is not on the
466    current FNP, the proper FNP is selected automatically.  You can
467    specify the line as -login_channel, in which case your login channel
468    is selected.
471 buffer_status, bstat
472    Usage:  buffer_status {-brief, -bf}
473            bstat {-brief, -bf}
474    prints a table showing each line and how much buffer space in the
475    FNP it is using.  If you use -bf, only summary information is
476    printed.
479 set
480    Usage:  set symbol value
481    sets a symbol, where symbol is "*", "tib", "hwcm", "sfcm", or any
482    user-defined symbol.  Setting control block addresses (tib, hwcm,
483    sfcm) is more easily done with the line request, but can be manually
484    done with this request in case internal FNP tables have been
485    damaged.  Note that setting any of these control block addresses has
486    no effect on the current value of other control blocks.  Setting "*"
487    is also done by any dump or patch request.  Once set, a symbol can
488    be used in any expression in any other request.
489 map
490    Usage:  map
491    displays a list of modules, their addresses in the core image, and
492    their dates of compilation.
495 convert_address, cva
496    Usage:  convert_address {address1}...{addressn}
497            cva {address1}...{addressn}
498    displays the address in any other meaningful forms that can be
499    derived.  For example, octal values are converted to module|offset,
500    and vice versa.
501 explain
502    Usage:  explain sym1 {sym2}...{symn}
503    finds the explanation of any FNP symbol (usally the output of a
504    flags or convert_address request), where symi are symbols to be
505    explained.  It prints the comment from the line in macros.map355
506    that defined the symbol.
509 e
510    Usage:  e command_line
511    executes any Multics command by passing "command_line" to the
512    command processor.
513 quit, q
514    Usage:  q
515    exits from debug_fnp.