1 10/3/89 consolidated_volume_dump
3 Syntax as a command: consolidated_volume_dump -control_args
6 Function: starts a consolidated volume dump. For each physical volume
7 specified, those segments and directories that have been incrementally
8 dumped since the last consolidated volume dump are dumped. This
9 command frees for use the incremental tapes that it makes obsolete,
10 consistent with the -incr_skip_count control argument.
13 Control arguments:
14 -accounting
15 specifies that accounting data is to be collected in the directory
16 >sc1>volume_backup_accounts for later processing. The default is
17 off. This control argument is optional.
18 -auto
19 specifies that dump volumes are to be selected from the default dump
20 volume pool, which is also known as the tape pool or the volume pool
21 segment, and is located at >ddd>volume_backup>Volume_Dumper.volumes.
22 For more information, see the description of the manage_volume_pool
23 command in the Multics Commands and Active Functions manual, Order
24 No. AG92. This control argument is optional.
27 -control entry
28 where entry is the entryname of the control segment. The suffix
29 "dump" is assumed if not specified. This control argument is
30 required.
31 -cumulative
32 specifies that segments and directories dumped are not to be removed
33 from the list of objects to be dumped next time. This provides
34 cumulative dumping if desired. The default is off. This control
35 argument is optional.
36 -error_on
37 specifies that all error messages are to be written to the
38 error_output switch as well as to the dmpr_err.mm/dd/yy.hhmm.s
39 segment. The default is that error messages are written only to the
40 dmpr_err.mm/dd/yy.hhmm.s segment. This control argument is
41 optional.
44 -manual_free
45 specifies that if purging is done, volumes must be freed from the
46 volume pool manually. This means that dump volumes are purged from
47 the respective volume logs but are not reused until they are marked
48 as free in the volume pool. The default is to automatically free
49 volumes in the volume pool. This control argument should be used
50 only with the -auto control argument.
53 -names
54 specifies that the entire name space of each directory dumped will
55 be recorded online. This online data base significantly improves
56 the performance of the volume retriever, but requires a large amount
57 of disk storage. This control argument is optional.
58 -no_object
59 specifies that segments and directories are not to be dumped. Only
60 the header information that describes them is dumped. The default
61 is to dump the segments and directories. This control argument is
62 optional.
63 -no_purge_volume_log, -npvl
64 specifies that the volume log of each physical volume dumped is NOT
65 to be purged using the values set with the set_volume_log command.
66 Default.
69 -no_trace
70 specifies that the dumping process is not be be traced. This is the
71 default.
72 -no_update
73 specifies that the VTOCE of segments and directories dumped is not
74 to be updated. This speeds up dumping at the cost of invalidating
75 the dtd and volume id fields of the VTOCE. The default is to update
76 the VTOCE. This control argument is optional.
77 -operator STR
78 where STR specifies the name or initials of the user. This control
79 argument is required.
82 -output_volume_desc STR
83 where STR specifies a value to be used instead of the default attach
84 description. The dump volume name is inserted in the attach
85 description at the first occurrence of the string "^a" in the attach
86 description. The default attach description is:
88 tape_mult_ ^a -write -system
90 If STR contains blanks, it must be enclosed in quotation marks.
91 This control argument is optional.
94 -preattach N
95 specifies that N volumes are to be preattached before writing on the
96 first volume. This allows a site to operate the volume dumper
97 without user intervention, by premounting the requested or supplied
98 volumes. The default is to not preattach. This control argument is
99 optional.
100 -purge_volume_log, -pvl
101 specifies that the volume log of each physical volume dumped is to
102 be purged using the values set with the set_volume_log command.
103 -restart STR
104 specifies that the dump should restart from physical volume STR,
105 which is implicitly or explicitly defined in the control file. The
106 default is to start at the last volume dumped. This control
107 argument is optional.
110 -trace
111 specifies that the dumping process is to be traced. As each segment
112 is dumped to the output tape volume, its unique id and pathname is
113 written to the user_output I/O switch.
114 -working_dir, -wd
115 specifies that the volume backup databases are to be searched for
116 relative to the working directory. The default is to search
117 relative to the >ddd>volume_backup directory. This control argument
118 is optional.
121 Notes: If a dump terminates abnormally, reinvoke the
122 consolidated_volume_dump command. The dump will be restarted and
123 reload groups will be kept consistent. If the dump terminates again,
124 use the new_proc command to clean up the dumper process. Then reinvoke
125 the consolidated_volume_dump command with the -restart argument. The
126 -restart argument must be used after a new_proc to keep reload groups
127 consistent.