1 03/28/86  change_volume_registration, cvr
  3 Syntax as a command:  cvr -control_args
  6 Function: changes the registration information for a physical or
  7 logical volume.
 10 Control arguments: The -pv or the -lv control argument is required and
 11    must immediately follow the command name.
 13    The following control arguments change the registration of a
 14    physical volume.  They are recognized only when the first control
 15    argument is -pv.
 16 -date_registered DT_STR, -date DT_STR
 17    specifies the date the physical volume was registered on.  Normally
 18    this is generated by the software automatically.  Use -date only in
 19    correcting registration data after a system failure.
 22 -device_model N, -model N
 23    specifies the Honeywell model number for the disk device.  Use
 24    -model only in correcting registration information before volume
 25    initialization or after a system failure.  Inconsistancies between
 26    medium label information and the registered information will cause
 27    difficulties in volume mounting.  The following values are valid for
 28    N:
 29       VALUE     DEVICE
 30       400       MSU0400
 31       402       MSU0402
 32       451       MSU0451
 33       500       MSU0500
 34       501       MSU0501
 37 -location STR, -loc STR
 38    specifies the current location of the disk pack.  This is for
 39    administrative information only.  STR can be any 32 characters
 40    (e.g., "offline--in cabinet 13").
 41 -manufacturer_serial STR, -serial STR
 42    specifies the serial number of the physical medium.  This is for
 43    administrative information only.  STR can be any 32 characters
 44    (e.g., "Memorex--M234634").
 45 -name PV_NAME, -nm PV_NAME
 46    specifies that the name of the physical volume is to be changed.
 47    Use -nm only in correcting registration information before volume
 48    initialization or after a system failure.  Inconsistancies between
 49    medium label information and the registered information will cause
 50    difficulties in volume mounting.
 53 -physical_volume PV_NAME, -pv PV_NAME
 54    specifies the name of the physical volume for which the registration
 55    data is to be changed.  (Required, if physical volume registration
 56    changes are desired)
 57 -physical_volume_uid UID, -pvid UID
 58    specifies the new unique ID of the physical volume.  A UID is a
 59    string of 1 to 12 octal digits.  Use -pvid only in correcting
 60    registration information before volume initialization or after a
 61    system failure.  Inconsistancies between medium label information
 62    and the registered information will cause difficulties in volume
 63    mounting.
 66    The following control arguments change the registration of a logical
 67    volume and are recognized only when the first control_arg is -lv.
 68 -access_class MIN_AUTH{:MAX_AUTH}
 69    specifies the AIM authorization of users allowed to attach the
 70    volume.  You can specify the authorization by a minimum and a
 71    maximum authorization value, in which case users at any
 72    authorization in the range are allowed to attach the volume.
 73    Alternatively, you can specify the authorization as a single value,
 74    in which case only users at the specified authorization are allowed
 75    to use the volume.  You must specify the authorization values using
 76    valid site-defined authorization strings (see the print_auth_names
 77    command).  Use -access_class only in correcting registration
 78    information before volume initialization or after a system failure.
 79    Inconsistancies between medium label information and the registered
 80    information will cause difficulties in volume mounting.
 83 -acs_path PATH, -acs PATH
 84    specifies the pathname of the access control segment (ACS) for the
 85    volume.  The ACS itself is not created, but must be created at the
 86    specified path and the desired access control list set (see "Notes"
 87    below).  The name of the entry must be {lv_name}.acs.  If you give
 88    no -acs when registering a public volume, only the volume owner will
 89    have executive privileges (everyone will have read/write privileges,
 90    given proper access to the hierarchy).  If you give no -acs when
 91    registering a nonpublic (i.e., a private) volume, the default ACS
 92    pathname will be >udd>{owner's Project_id}>{owner's
 93    Person_id}>{lv_name}.acs>.
 94 -logical_volume LVNAME, -lv LV_NAME
 95    specifies the name of the logical volume for which the registration
 96    data is to be changed.  (Required, if logical volume registration
 97    changes are desired)
100 -logical_volume_uid UID, -lvid UID
101    specifies the new unique ID of the logical volume.  A UID is a
102    string of 1 to 12 octal digits.  Use -lvid only in correcting
103    registration information before volume initialization or after a
104    system failure.  Inconsistancies between medium label information
105    and the registered information will cause difficulties in volume
106    mounting.
107 -name LV_NAME, -nm LV_NAME
108    specifies that the name of the logical volume is to be changed.  Use
109    -nm only in correcting registration information before volume
110    initialization or after a system failure.  Inconsistancies between
111    medium label information and the registered information will cause
112    difficulties in volume mounting.
115 -owner USER_ID, -ow USER_ID
116    specifies the user who is to act as the primary volume
117    administrator.  This user has the privilege of granting executive
118    access to other users via the ACS, granting read/write access to
119    others via the ACS (for private volumes), and for setting up volume
120    quota accounts.  You can give the Person_id or Project_id as "*".
121 -public STR
122    specifies whether the new logial volume is to be private or public.
123    The value of STR can be yes (public) or no (private).  Use -public
124    only in correcting registration information before volume
125    initialization or after a system failure.  Inconsistancies between
126    medium label information and the registered information will cause
127    difficulties in volume mounting.
130 Notes: Physical volume names are restricted to lowercase letters,
131 digits, and the underscore (_).
133 If you give any of the following control arguments, you are queried to
134 determine if the changes are intentional.  This is to avoid problems in
135 volume mounting due to errors in the registration.
136    -access_class
137    -device_model
138    -logical_volume_uid
139    -name
140    -physical_volume_uid
143 Note that you should use these control arguments only to correct the
144 volume registration data before the volume in question is actually
145 initialized or after system failure.  The medium label information is
146 not changed.  Inconsistancies between the label and registration data
147 will cause difficulties in mounting the volume.
150 Access required: You need re access to the mdc_rpiv_ gate and s to
151 -lv.  If any name or UID is to be changed, sm is required to >lv.