1 04/09/86 admin_util
3 Syntax as a command: admin_util args
6 Function: sets and prints values in the segment sys_admin_data in the
7 working directory. This segment is normally kept in >udd>SysAdmin>lib
8 with a link to it in >udd>SysAdmin>admin. It contains a number of
9 values used by system administration procedures. One of these values
10 is a lock, which prevents two system administrators from modifying the
11 system administration data bases simultaneously. This command also
12 sets several values in the header of the administrator's copy of the
13 SAT smf.cur.sat in the working directory; these values are printed
14 by the print_sat command.
17 Arguments:
18 lock wait_time
19 attempts to lock the lock in sys_admin_data. If the lock is already
20 locked by another process and remains locked for more than the
21 specified wait_time in seconds, then an error message is printed
22 and the program_interrupt condition is signaled. Default: 60
23 print
24 prints all values in sys_admin_data.
27 set key value,
28 default key value,
29 dft key value
30 sets the variable indicated by key to the given value. Since some
31 of the settable variables are default values of project parameters,
32 used when a new project is created, the words "default" and "dft"
33 are accepted as synonyms for "set." The keys correspond to three
34 classes of variables: installation-dependent items, project
35 parameters, and the SAT header.
36 unlock
37 attempts to unlock the lock in sys_admin_data. If the lock was not
38 locked by the process that is executing the command, an error
39 message is printed. If it was locked by an existing process other
40 than the one executing the command, it is not unlocked.
43 List of installation-dependent variables: The following variables
44 contain installation-dependent items that are printed on monthly
45 bills and other administrative documents. Enclose the values of
46 these items in quotes if they contain any blanks or other special
47 characters.
48 b1 XX, b2 XX, b3 XX
49 where XX strings, each of which can be up to 10 characters long, are
50 printed in large letters by the mailing_page_ subroutine, as a set,
51 below and to the left of the address of the bill recipient. For
52 example,
58 user_accts XX,
59 user_accts_office XX
60 where XX is the official name of the office responsible for Multics
61 billing, for example: "Fiscal Office" or "Accounting Department."
62 It is the first line of a return address printed on bills by the
63 mailing_page_ subroutine. It can be up to 64 characters long.
64 user_accts_addr XX
65 where XX is the address of the above office, for example, a building
66 and room number or a mail station. It is the second line of a
67 return address printed on bills. It can be up to 64 characters
68 long.
69 user_accts_phone XX
70 where XX is the phone number of the above office. It is also
71 printed on bills. It can be up to 16 characters long.
74 List of project parameter variables: The following variables contain
75 default values for several project parameters. They are used by the
76 new_proj command when the accounting administrator does not specify
77 values for these parameters.
78 attributes XX
79 where XX, enclosed in quotes if it contains any blanks, must be
80 acceptable to the parse_attributes_ subroutine. This string sets
81 the default attributes for a new project. The anonymous attribute,
82 which allows anonymous users to be registered on a project, can only
83 be assigned by a system administrator. The other attributes can be
84 assigned by a project administrator if the system administrator has
85 set them for his project. For convenience, all the valid attributes
86 are listed below. See the Multics Project Administrator's manual
87 AK51.
90 administrator no_primary nopreempt
91 admin no_prime
92 anonymous no_secondary op_login
93 anon no_sec daemon
94 brief no_start_up preempting
95 bumping
96 dialok no_warning save_pdir
97 dial nowarn
98 disconnect_ok nobump save_on_disconnect
99 save
102 guaranteed_login nolist v_home_dir
103 guar vhomedir
104 igroup none v_process_overseer
105 null vinitproc
106 multi_login
107 multip
108 audit XX
109 where XX is the default audit flags to be used when new projects
110 are created or new users registered. For a description of the
111 audit flags see new_user.info.
114 grace N
115 where N is the default grace time in minutes for a new project.
116 The grace time specified by N is the length of time primary users
117 retain their primary status protected from preemption. Default:
118 2880 minutes or 48 hours which really means "never to be subject to
119 preemption"
120 group XX
121 where XX identifies the default load control group for new projects.
122 It can be up to eight characters long. Default: "Other"
125 init_ring N
126 where the ring number specified by N must be a single digit from 1
127 to 7, inclusive. This is the default initial ring for new projects.
128 Default: 4
129 max_ring N
130 where the ring number specified by N is the default max_ring for new
131 projects. Default: 5
134 List of sat header variables: The following variables are in the
135 header of the SAT.
136 administrator1 User_id
137 administrator2 User_id
138 These two items are the User_ids of two persons who are permitted to
139 act as system administrators. They may be specific people or more
140 general User_ids. For example,
141 AMarsdensen.*
142 *.SysAdmin
143 permits anyone on the SysAdmin project, plus AMarsdensen when logged
144 in on any project, to act as a system administrator.
147 max_units N
148 where N is the load limit, which is 10 times the actual user
149 weights. For example, if the system can handle 80 users of weight
150 1, the N should be 800. Default: 750
152 This limit is usually overridden by the per-shift values from the
153 configuration table in the installation_parms segment. However,
154 when automatic load control is disabled in a special session for
155 example, the max_units figure in the SAT header is used.
158 uwt weight XX
159 is the load control weight for the corresponding process overseer
160 named XX, which can be up to 64 characters long. The weight must be
161 an integer, equal to 10 times the actual weight. For example, users
162 with the standard process overseer process_overseer_ have a weight
163 of 1, which is expressed as 10; users who have a process overseer
164 that restricts them to an edit-only environment for example
165 clerical personnel engaged in typing tasks might have a weight of
166 0.5, which is expressed as 5. The default value of uwt depends on
167 the process overseer, for example:
170 Weight Overseer
171 10 process_overseer_
172 10 >system_library_tools>iod_overseer_
173 10 >system_library_tools>card_overseer_
174 5 >limited_service_system
175 You can give the word "delete" dl instead of weight to delete the