1 09/10/87 Virtual Pointers
3 The cv_ptr_ function converts virtual pointers that contain one or two
4 components -- a segment identifier and an optional offset into the
5 segment. Altogether, seventeen forms are accepted. They are shown in
6 the list below.
8 In the list that follows, W is an octal word offset from the beginning
9 of the segment. It may have a value from 0 to 777777 inclusive. B is
10 a decimal bit offset within the word. It may have a value from 0 to 35
11 inclusive.
14 List of virtual pointers:
15 path|WB
16 points to octal word W, decimal bit B of segment or MSF identified
17 by absolute or relative pathname path. If the path given identifies
18 a multisegment file, the offset given is in component 0 of the MSF.
19 path|W
20 same as path|W0.
21 path|
22 same as path|00.
23 path
24 same as path|00.
25 path|entry_pt
26 points to word identified by entry point entry_pt in the object file
27 segment or MSF identified by path.
30 dir>entry$entry_pt
31 points to word identified by entry point entry_pt in the object file
32 identified by pathname dir>entry.
33 <dir>entry$entry_pt
34 points to word identified by entry point entry_pt in the object file
35 identified by pathname <dir>entry.
36 <entry$entry_pt
37 points to word identified by entry point entry_pt in the object file
38 identified by pathname <entry.
41 ref_name$entry_pt
42 points to word identified by entry point entry_pt in the file whose
43 reference name is ref_name.
44 ref_name$WB
45 points to octal word W, decimal bit B of segment or MSF whose
46 reference name is ref_name. If ref_name is a reference name on a
47 multisegment file ie. on component 0 of the MSF, the word and bit
48 offsets are applied within component 0.
49 ref_name$W
50 same as ref_name$W0.
51 ref_name$
52 same as ref_name$00.
55 segno|WB
56 points to octal word W, decimal bit B of segment whose octal
57 segment number is segno.
58 segno|W
59 same as segno|W0.
60 segno|
61 same as segno|00.
62 segno
63 same as segno|00.
64 segno|entry_pt
65 points to word identified by entry point entry_pt in segment whose
66 octal segment number is segno. If segno identifies component 0 of
67 an object MSF, the pointer returned may not point within the segment
68 identified, since the target of a definition in component 0 of an
69 object MSF will be in another component of the object MSF.
72 Notes: A null pointer is represented by the virtual pointer 77777|1,
73 by -1|1, or by -1.