1 09/12/86 value_list, vls
3 Syntax as a command: vls name -control_args
6 Syntax as an active function: vls name -control_args
9 Function: lists one or more name-value pairs as set by value_set and
10 value_get -call.
13 Arguments:
14 name
15 is a character string. It can be -name STR to specify a name
16 beginning with a minus sign, to distinguish it from a control
17 argument. See "Notes."
20 Control arguments:
21 -all, -a
22 lists variables set by value_$set_data in addition to the variables
23 set by value_$set and the value commands. These are listed in the
24 form
25 foo N words
26 Word counts alone are listed for data variables since their values
27 have meaning only to the caller of value_. If you give no -all, the
28 default is to omit the data variables.
29 -brief, -bf
30 suppresses the error messages allowed by -long.
31 -data
32 lists only the values set by value_$set_data.
35 -depth N, -dh N
36 lists the latest N-1 pushed values for any variable in addition to
37 the current value. Any further pushed values result in the message
38 "M more pushed values". The default is to print the latest value
39 followed by the message "M pushed values". In the active
40 function, -depth returns only the latest N values.
41 -exclude STR, -ex STR
42 lists all values except those for names that match STR. The
43 character string STR is searched for in names: if it is surrounded
44 by slashes /, it is interpreted as a qedx regular expression to
45 match names; otherwise it is interpreted as a starname. Only
46 per-process values are listed if you supply -perprocess, and only
47 permanent ones if you give -permanent. See "Notes."
50 -long, -lg
51 allows the error messages "Name not found" and "No match for..."
52 for individual name and -match arguments. Default
53 -match STR
54 lists all values for names that match STR. The character string STR
55 is searched for in names: if it is surrounded by slashes /, it is
56 interpreted as a qedx regular expression to match names; otherwise
57 it is interpreted as a starname. Only per-process values are listed
58 if you supply -perprocess, and only permanent ones if you give
59 -permanent. See "Notes."
60 -pathname path, -pn path
61 specifies a value segment other than the current default one,
62 without changing the default see "Notes on value segment". You
63 are allowed multiple -pathname control arguments to list values in
64 more than one value segment.
67 -permanent, -perm
68 lists only values stored in the value segment.
69 -perprocess, -pp
70 lists only per-process values.
71 -value, -val
72 lists values only.
73 -variable, -var
74 lists variable names only.
77 Access required: You require read access on the value segment, except
78 for per-process values.
81 Notes: The list is sorted alphabetically by name, the per-process
82 value first where both exist.
84 By default, this command lists both variable names and values, and both
85 per-process and permanent values interspersed, the per-process names
86 preceded by "P".
88 Either -value or -variable is required by the active function. The
89 active function returns the selected names or values separated by
90 spaces.
93 The -match and -exclude control arguments are applied in the order
94 specified. Successive -match control arguments add to the set of names
95 processed union, and successive -exclude control arguments narrow
96 down the set intersection. They are incompatible with the name
97 argument and can appear multiple times together.
99 See value_defined, value_delete, value_get, value_path, value_set, and
100 value_set_path.
103 Notes on value segment: The value segment searched is either the one
104 supplied by -pathname or the current default value segment. The
105 default segment is initially
106 home_dir>user name.value
107 but you can change it by value_set_path. Use of -pathname does not
108 change the default segment.