1 03/08/85 valid_decimal_
4 Entry points in valid_decimal_:
5 List is generated by the help command
8 :Entry: valid_decimal_: 03/08/85 valid_decimal_
11 Function:
12 The valid_decimal_ subroutine tests decimal data for validity.
15 Syntax:
16 declare valid_decimal_ entry fixed bin ptr fixed bin returns
17 bit1;
18 b = valid_decimal_ dtype dptr dprec;
21 Arguments:
22 dtype
23 is the data type descriptor of the decimal data. It must be one of
24 the following: 9-12, 29, 30, 35-36, 38-39, 41-46 81-84. Input
25 dptr
26 is a pointer to the data to be tested for validity. Input
27 dprec
28 is the precision of the data. Input
29 b
30 is the value returned by valid_decimal_. It is "1"b if the data is
31 valid, "0"b otherwise. Output
34 Notes:
35 For decimal data to be valid, it must pass the following tests:
36 1 The precision must be > 0 and <= 59;
37 2 The data type descriptor must be one handled by valid_decimal_;
38 3 If the data is stored as nonoverpunched 9-bit characters, then if
39 it has a sign, then the sign must be either "+" or "-". The
40 digits must all be one of the ASCII characters "0123456789";
41 4 If the data is stored as overpunched 9-bit characters, then the
42 sign character must be either octal 173, 175, or in the range 101
43 to 122. The remaining digits must all be one of the ASCII
44 characters "0123456789";
45 5 If the data is stored as 4-bit characters, then if it has a sign,
46 then sign must be in the range "1010"b to "1111"b. All digits
47 must be in the range "0000"b to "1001"b.