1 06/18/91 user
  3 Syntax as a command:  user key
  6 Syntax as an active function:  [user key]
  9 Function:  returns various user parameters.
 12 List of keys:
 13 256k_switch, 256k
 14    returns "true" if 265K segments are allowed in the process.  This
 15    feature is currently used by FORTRAN programs for very large array.
 16    (Default:  off)
 17 abs_queue
 18    is the queue number in which your absentee process is running.  It
 19    returns "interactive" if you have no absentee process.
 20 absentee
 21    returns "true" if you are an absentee user, "false" otherwise.
 24 absentee_request_id, abs_rqid
 25    is the request ID corresponding to this absentee process.  Use the
 26    request ID only in full-length character string comparisons.  Make
 27    no assumptions regarding the construction of a request ID by the
 28    system.  For an interactive or daemon process, the request_id
 29    returned is 0.
 30 absentee_restarted
 31    returns "true" if the absentee process has been restarted after a
 32    system crash, "false" otherwise; see the enter_abs_request (ear) and
 33    list_abs_requests (lar) commands.
 34 absin
 35    is the absolute pathname of your absentee input segment, including
 36    the absin suffix; otherwise it returns a null string.
 39 absout
 40    is the absolute pathname of your absentee output segment, including
 41    the absout suffix; otherwise it returns a null string.
 42 absout_truncation
 43    returns "true" if you have used -truncate with ear or lar, "false"
 44    otherwise.
 45 all
 46    prints all the information available in alphabetical order sorted by
 47    keyword name.  You can't use it in the active function.
 48 anonymous
 49    returns "true" if you are an anonymous user, "false" otherwise.
 52 attributes
 53    are your attributes determined at login time.  They are separated by
 54    a comma and a blank and end with a semicolon.  You can choose them
 55    from the following:
 57      anonymous          multip         nopreempt
 58      bumping            no_eo          nostartup
 59      brief              no_prime       primary_line
 60      daemon             no_secondary   save_on_disconnect
 61      dialok             no_warning     save_pdir
 62      disconnect_ok      nobump         vhomedir
 63      guaranteed_login   nolist         vinitproc
 64      igroup
 67 auth
 68    is a short character string describing the authorization of your
 69    process or "system_low."
 70 auth_long
 71    is a long character string (in quotes) describing the authorization
 72    of your process or "system_low."
 73 auth_range
 74    returns your authorization range as a standard low/high aim range.
 75 auth_range_long
 76    returns your authorization range as a standard low/high aim range in
 77    long mode.
 80 brief_bit
 81    returns "true" if you specified -brief in the login line, "false"
 82    otherwise.
 83 charge_type
 84    is the device charge type associated with your terminal.
 85 cpu_secs
 86    is your CPU usage (in seconds) since login, in the form sss.t, with
 87    leading zeros suppressed.
 88 cutoff_date
 89    returns the cutoff date for your spending.
 90 device_channel
 91    is the I/O device channel associated with your terminal.
 94 group
 95    is your load control at login.
 96 initial_term_id
 97    is your terminal identifier code at login.
 98 initial_term_type
 99    is your terminal type at login.  If you change your terminal type
100    and then do a new process or reconnect after disconnecting,
101    initial_term_type will reflect the new terminal type.
102 limit
103    is your absolute spending limit in dollars.
106 limit_type
107    is your spending reset mode.  It can be one of the following:
108    absolute
109       spending is never reset.
110    day
111       spending is reset each day.
112    month
113       spending is reset each month.
114    year
115       spending is reset each year.
116    calendar
117       spending is reset each calendar year.
118    fiscal_year
119       spending is reset each fiscal year.
122 line_type
123    is the line type of your terminal.  It can have one of the following
124    values:
126      MC             Sync           SYNC1
127      TELNET         G115           SYNC2
128      none           BSC            SYNC3
129      ASCII          202ETX         POLLED_VIP
130      1050           ASYNC1         VIP
131      2741           ASYNC2
132      ARDS           ASYNC3
133 log_time
134    is your connect time (in minutes) since login, in the form "mmm.t".
135 login_date
136    is the date at login time, in the form "mm/dd/yy".
139 login_time
140    is the time of login, in the form "hhmm.t".
141 login_word
142    is the word you used to log in (login, enter, or enterp).
143 max_auth
144    is a short string describing the maximum authorization of your
145    process or system_low.
146 max_auth_long
147    is a long string (in quotes) for the maximum authorization of your
148    process or system_low.
149 max_ring
150    returns the maximum ring authorization (1 to 7).
151 min_auth
152    returns the user's minimum login authorization.
155 min_auth_long
156    returns the user's minimum login authorization in long mode.
157 min_ring
158    returns the user's minimum ring authorization (1 to 7).
159 monthly_limit
160    is your monthly spending limit in dollars.
161 monthly_spending
162    is your total spending in dollars for the current month.
163 n_processes
164    is the number of processes created for you since login:  1 plus the
165    number of new_proc commands plus the number of fatal process errors.
166 name
167    is your Person.id at login time.
168 outer_module
169    is the initial outer module for the terminal channel.
172 preemption_time
173    is the time at which the primary user becomes eligible for group
174    preemption, in the form "hhmm.t".
175 process_id
176    is your process identification in octal.
177 process_type
178    is your process type.  It can have one of the following values:
179       interactive
180       absentee
181       daemon
182 process_overseer
183    is the name of your process overseer.
184 project
185    is your Project_id.
188 protected
189    returns "true" if you are currently a primary user and protected
190    from preemption, "false" otherwise.
191 rate_structure_name
192    returns the name of the rate structure that is in effect for this
193    process.
194 rate_structure_number
195    returns the number of the rate structure that is in effect for this
196    process.
197 ring_range
198    returns the user's login ring authorization range (1 to 7).
199 secondary
200    returns "true" if you are currently subject to preemption, "false"
201    otherwise.
204 service_type
205    is the service type of your terminal (login or FTP).
206 shift_limit
207    is your spending limit in dollars for the current shift.
208 shift_spending
209    is your total spending in dollars for the current shift within the
210    current month.
211 spending
212    is your total spending in dollars.
213 term_id
214    is your terminal identifier code.  It is "none" if your terminal
215    does not have the answerback feature.
218 term_type
219    is your terminal type, which can be any terminal type name defined
220    in the terminal type file described in the Programmer's Reference
221    Manual.
222 weight
223    is the loading factor that the system assumes for your process.