1 10/03/85  TSS BASIC
 3 The following archived basic programs are available in
 4 >ldd>unbundled>source>tss_basic_.s.archive.
 6    4sqrs.basic     annuit.basic    bayes.basic
 7    biconf.basic    blkjak.basic    condif.basic
 8    conlim.basic    curfit.basic    linpro.basic
 9    linreg.basic    pert.basic      plotto.basic
10    return.basic    saving.basic    stat12.basic
11    triang.basic    truint.basic    twoplo.basic
12    unista.basic    xyplot.basic
15 Before running a program it must first be extracted from
16 tss_basic_.s.archive.  For example, entering:
18    ac x >ldd>unbundled>source>tss_basic_.s.archive 4sqrs.basic
20 puts a copy of the 4sqrs program in your current working directory.  To
21 run the program, enter:
23    basic_system 4sqrs.basic
24    run
27 The following list provides a brief description of the tss_basic
28 programs.
30    4sqrs     Writes integers as the sum of the squares of four
31              integers.
32    annuit    Performs the calculations necessary for determining both
33              payment and withdrawal annuities.
34    bayes     Analyzes the difference between the arithmetric means of
35              two sets of data whose variance may not be equal.
36    biconf    Determines the confidence limits for a population
37              proportion based on the exact binomial distribution.
38    blkjak    A simulated card game of Las Vegas-type blackjack.
41    condif    Computes confidence limits for the difference between two
42              population means, based on data supplied for two samples,
43              one from each population.
44    conlim    Computes confidence limits for an unknown population mean,
45              based on random sample data.
46    curfit    Determines which of six curves best fits the supplied
47              data.
48    linpro    Maximizes objective functions using the 2-phase method.
49              It automatically supplies slack, surplus, and artificial
50              variables as required for the solution.
51    linreg    Produces an equation that best fits input points described
52              by X and Y coordinates.  This fit is made in the
53              least-squares sense.
56    pert      Performs a simple PERT network analysis.
57    plotto    Plots one to six functions of X simultaneously.  All
58              functions have the same upper and lower limits for the
59              plot.
60    return    Computes annual rates of return compounded for an
61              investment; given the closing price for each year of data.
62    saving    Calculates the amount of money that would accumulate after
63              N years at an annual interest rate R compounded T times
64              per year, when the initial amount is P and an amount D is
65              added at the beginning of each subsequent year.
66    stat12    Computes the correlation matrix for N series of data.
67    triang    Finds the unknown features of any triangle; given one side
68              and any two other parts.
69    truint    Calculates the true annual interest rate on an installment
70              loan.
73    twoplo    Plots simultaneously, two functions of a single variable,
74              X.
75    unita     Provides a description of univariate data with up to 300
76              observations on one variable.
77    xyplot    Plots single valued functions of X, with X on the vertical
78              axis.