1 07/07/81  titlepage.compin, tp.compin
 3 Syntax: .srv issue_date "Month Year"
 4      then
 5         .ifi titlepage "product" "title-1" ... "security"
 6      OR .ifi tp        "product" "title-1" ... "security"
 9 Function:
10 This compose macro creates the title page for a manual.  It
11 1) generates a masthead with the product line and one or more
12    title lines set flush right in 12 and 14 pt Century Schoolbook
13    Roman, all caps (see Arguments below)
14 2) sets the security notice centered in the space between the
15    masthead and the first heading in 12 pt Helvetica, all caps
16    (see Arguments below)
17 3) sets the text margin at 14 picas in from the page edge
18 4) creates the title page footer from the order number and the
19    issue date.
22 Arguments:
23 'product' is the product line identifier, eg, SERIES 200/2000 or
24    SERIES 60 (LEVEL 68).
25 'title-1 ...' is the title of the manual, usually given in not
26    more than three lines.
27 'security' is the security notice.  Because the number of title
28    lines is variable, 'security' must ALWAYS be the last argument
29    and is given as "" for a unrestricted manual.
32 Note:
33    If 'issue_date' is not set before using the titlepage macro,
34    the current Month and year will be used.
37 Example:
38 The following is the beginning of the title page for the Ted
39 manual:  (The titlepage macro arguments are shown on two lines
40 because of space limitations in this info segments; the arguments
41 must all be given on the same line as the macro call)
43      .ifi init_photo CP50-00
44      .srv issue_date "March 1981"
45      .ifi titlepage "Series 60 (Level 68)"
46          "Ted Text Editor Users' Guide" "Preliminary Edition" ""
47             .
48             .
50 (END)