1 03/07/85  Formatting of Date/Time Data
  3 This segment describes the functions available in date_time_$format
  4 for building strings containing selected date/time information.
  7 General:
  8 The control string for the date_time_$format subroutine, clock
  9 command, and other commands that expect a time_format argument is
 10 either a keyword or a character string consisting of text and/or
 11 selectors.  The selectors are always identified by a leading
 12 circumflex character (^).  There are two types of selectors:
 13 ^<keyword>, which allows a keyword to be embedded within a format, and
 14 the general form ^XX.  XX is a two-letter code that specifies what
 15 information is wanted.  You can place an optional PL/I picture
 16 specification between the ^ and XX if the default form is not
 17 adequate.  If the control string does not contain any circumflex
 18 characters, it must then be one of the known set of keywords.  Each
 19 keyword identifies a control string for a predetermined format named
 20 by that keyword.
 23 List of format keywords:
 24 all
 25    ^9999yc-^my-^dm__^Hd:^MH:^99.(6)9UM^zd_^za_^da ^fi
 26       ^(6)9fw ^ma dy^dy dc^dc Uc^Uc
 27    (This line is broken only for publishing purposes,
 28     there is nothing between "^fi" and "^(6".)
 29 calendar_clock
 30    ^9999yc-^my-^dm__^Hd:^MH:^99.(6)9UM_^za_^da.
 31 clock
 32    ^9999yc-^my-^dm  ^Hd:^MH:^99.(6)9UM ^za ^da.
 33 date
 34    is the process default value for date.
 35 date_time
 36    is the process default value for date and time.
 39 iso_date
 40    ^9999yc-^my-^dm.
 41 iso_date_time
 42    ^9999yc-^my-^dm ^Hd:^MH:^SM ^za.
 43 iso_long_date
 44    ^9999yc-^my-^dm ^da.
 45 iso_long_date_time
 46    ^9999yc-^my-^dm ^Hd:^MH:^99.(6)9UM ^za.
 47 iso_long_time
 48    ^Hd:^MH:^99.(6)9UM.
 49 iso_time
 50    ^Hd:^MH:^SM.
 51 multics_date
 52    ^my/^dm/^yc.
 55 time
 56 multics_date_time
 57    ^my/^dm/^yc  ^Hd^99v.9MH ^xxxxza^xxxda.
 58 multics_time
 59    ^Hd:^MH.
 60 request_id
 61    ^yc^my^dm^Hd^MH^99.(6)9UM.  The output from this keyword is
 62    specified in the process default time zone; therefore if you want a
 63    valid request-id, specify -zone GMT in commands or give GMT as the
 64    zone argument when calling date_time_$format with the request_id
 65    keyword (see request_ids.gi and Section 3 of the Programmer's
 66    Reference Manual).
 67 system_date_time
 68    is the system default value for date and time.
 71 system_date
 72    is the system default value for date.
 73 system_time
 74    is the system default value for time.
 75 time
 76    is the process default value for time.
 78    Your site can change the "system" strings.  For an application that
 79    depends upon the historic formats the three builtin "multics"
 80    strings are available.
 83 Notes on control strings:
 84 Processing of a control string proceeds by scanning the control string
 85 until a circumflex is found or the end of the string is reached.  Any
 86 text (including any blanks) passed over is copied to the output
 87 string.  The selector is then interpreted and executed.  This causes a
 88 datum from the input clock value to be edited into the output string.
 89 Processing continues in this way until the control string is
 90 exhausted.
 92 You can express dates and times placed in the output string in units
 93 of years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, and
 94 microseconds, and the total calendar value as a single unit; for
 95 example, you could express the calendar value representing 79-09-08
 96 9:42A GMT as 1979 years, as 722702 days, or as 722702.112499 days.
 99 You can also express dates and times as the number of units remaining
100 after a larger unit has been removed from the calendar value; for
101 example, 09/08/79 09:42 includes units for the 9th month of the year,
102 the 8th day of the month, the 9th hour of the day, and the 42nd minute
103 of the hour.
105 There are several items of date/time data that are nonnumeric, such as
106 day of week, day of month, and time zone used for conversion.
109 The selectors of numeric data are, in general, made up of two letters
110 taken from this sequence: c y m w d H M S U.  This letters stand for
111 calendar, year, month, week, day, hour, minute, second, and
112 microsecond, respectively.  All 81 combinations are not, however,
113 valid.  The form can generally be read as "unit of unit", e.g.,
114 "seconds of week".  The first unit is always smaller than the second
115 one.  In trying to keep the specifiers reasonably mnemonic (in
116 English) there is a problem: both month and minute begin with an "m".
117 So all date values are used as lowercase letters while all time
118 values are in uppercase.
121 It is difficult to try to handle all the forms needed in a general
122 manner.  Hd is hour of the day and is thus 24-hour time; this is not
123 always what is wanted.  Hh is chosen as hour in half day to get the
124 12-hour form of time.  To go along with this there is "mi" for
125 Meridiem Indicator, which gives A or P to make up AM or PM.  This does
126 not give AM or PM because ANSI and ISO standards specify that time be
127 given as "3P", not "3PM".  If you want the M, put the literal in,
128 e.g., "^miM".
130 Another way of looking at a calendar value is in terms of fiscal week.
131 This is selected with the "^fw" code.  Its value is four digits of
132 year followed by two digits of week number, i.e., yyyyww.  The default
133 picture has been chosen to give a value of yww.  The associated fiscal
134 indicator is selected by "^fi".  A complete value is obtained by
135 specifying "^fi^fw".
138 The table below shows the complete set of selectors.  The row
139 specifies what unit is wanted, the column specifies within what other
140 unit, e.g., ^Sy is seconds of year.
142                            DATE/TIME SELECTORS
144          | of   | of   | of   | of   | of   | of   | of   | of   |
145          |calen-| year |month | week | day  | hour |minute|second|
146   -------|  dar |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
147   micro- +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
148   second | ^Uc  | ^Uy  | ^Um  | ^Uw  | ^Ud  | ^UH  | ^UM  | ^US  |
149          +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
150   second | ^Sc  | ^Sy  | ^Sm  | ^Sw  | ^Sd  | ^SH  | ^SM  |
151          +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
154          +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
155   minute | ^Mc  | ^My  | ^Mm  | ^Mw  | ^Md  | ^MH  |
156          +------+------+------+------+------+------+
157     hour | ^Hc  | ^Hy  | ^Hm  | ^Hw  | ^Hd  |
158          +------+------+------+------+------+
159      day | ^dc  | ^dy  | ^dm  | ^dw  |        month    day    zone
160          +------+------+------+------+      +------+------+------+
161    month |      | ^my  |             name   | ^mn  | ^dn  | ^zn  |
162          +------+------+                    +------+------+------+
165          +------+------+                    +------+------+------+
166     year | ^yc  |                    abbrev | ^ma  | ^da  | ^za  |
167          +------+                           +------+------+------+
168          | ^Hh  | <-hour of half day      differential    | ^zd  |
169          +------+    (12-hour form)                       +------+
170          | ^mi  | <-meridiem indicator ("A" or "P")
171          +------+
172          | ^fw  | <-fiscal week (form: yyyyww)
173          +------+
174          | ^fi  | <-fiscal indicator ("FW" in English)
175          +------+
178 List of picture extensions: In addition to the normal picture
179    characters, a selector has 3 additional ones.  Normally, pictures
180    are of fixed length.  With the aid of these controls, SPACEs or
181    ZEROs can be trimmed from a result.
182 X
183    This represents an output position just like an "x", but the
184    character output into this position will be dropped if it is part of
185    a string of rightmost SPACEs.
186 O
187    This represents an output position just like a "9", but the digit in
188    the position will be unconditionally omitted.
189 Z
190    This represents an output position just like a "9", but a ZERO in
191    the position will be dropped (at either end) if it is not
192    significant.
195 List of format selectors: This shows each selector, its default
196    picture, and its meaning.
197 ^Uc
198    (18)Z9    microseconds in calendar
199 ^Uy
200    (14)Z9    microseconds of year
201 ^Um
202    (13)Z9    microseconds of month
203 ^Uw
204    (12)Z9    microseconds of week
205 ^Ud
206    (11)Z9    microseconds of day
207 ^UH
208    (10)Z9    microseconds of Hour
211 ^UM
212    (8)Z9     microseconds of Minute
213 ^US
214    (5)Z9     microseconds of Second
215 ^Sc
216    (12)Z9    seconds in calendar
217 ^Sy
218    (12)Z9    seconds of year
219 ^Sm
220    (8)Z9     seconds of month
221 ^Sw
222    (6)Z9     seconds of week
225 ^Sd
226    (5)Z9     seconds of day
227 ^SH
228    (4)Z9     seconds of Hour
229 ^SM
230    99        seconds of Minute
231 ^Mc
232    (10)Z9    minutes in calendar
233 ^My
234    (6)Z9     minutes of year
235 ^Mm
236    (5)Z9     minutes of month
239 ^Mw
240    (5)Z9     minutes of week
241 ^Md
242    (4)Z9     minutes of day
243 ^MH
244    99        minutes of Hour
245 ^Hc
246    (8)Z9     hours in calendar
247 ^Hy
248    (4)Z9     hours of year
249 ^Hm
250    (3)Z9     hours of month
253 ^Hw
254    (3)Z9     hours of week
255 ^Hd
256    99        hours of day
257 ^Hh
258    99        hours of half/day (12 hr time)
259 ^mi
260    a         Meridiem Indicator ("A" or "P")
261 ^dc
262    (7)Z9     days in calendar
263 ^dy
264    999       days of year (1-366)
267 ^dm
268    99        days of month (1-31)
269 ^dw
270    9         days of week (1-7)
271 ^dn
272    (32)X     day name (Friday)
273 ^da
274    (8)X      day abbreviation (Fri)
275 ^my
276    99        months of year
277 ^mn
278    (32)X     month name ("December")
281 ^ma
282    (8)X      month abbreviation ("Dec"")
283 ^yc
284    OO99      years in calendar
285 ^zn
286    (64)X     zone name ("Azores Time")
287 ^za
288    (8)X      zone abbreviation ("at ")
289 ^zd
290    s9999     zone differential ("-0700")
291 ^fw
292    OOO999    Fiscal Week
293 ^fi
294    xx        Fiscal Indicator ("FW" in english)
297 Examples:
298 The following table shows how date and times strings are displayed by
299 a variety of control strings.
302         "DISPLAYED VALUE"
303      ^mn ^Z9dm, ^9999yc
304         "September 8, 1979"
305      ^mn ^z9dm, ^9999yc
306         "September  8, 1979"
307      ^dm ^ma ^9999yc ^zn
308         "08 Sep 1979 Mountain Standard Time"
309      ^my/^dm/^yc  ^Hd^99v.9MH ^za ^da
310         "09/08/79  0242.4 mst Sat"
313      ^Hd:^MH:^SM^zd
314         "02:42:25-0700"
315      ^9999yc-^my-^dm__^Hd:^MH:^99.(6)9UM_^za_^da
316         "1979-09-08__02:42:25.048634_mst_Sat"
317      <-^<multics_time>xyz^<multics_date>->
318         "<-02:42xyz09/08/79->"