1 02/16/84  test_fnp
 3 Syntax:  test_fnp FNP_tag {-control_args}
 6 Function:  tests DN66xx FNPs with the FED-supplied FNP test programs.
 9 Arguments:
10 FNP_tag
11    is the tag of the FNP to be tested.  This FNP must have been shut
12    down or FDUMPed; it cannot be involved in testing by another
13    process.  Level 6 FNPs cannot be tested with this command.
16 Control arguments:
17 -exec name
18    specifies the FNP executive to be run initially.  The name can be
19    either "BOS" or "IOS."  The default is BOS.
20 -input_switch name, -isw name
21    specifies the I/O switch from which operator input is read.  The
22    default switch is user_input.
23 -message_switch name, -msw name
24    specifies the I/O switch to which messages intended for the T&D line
25    printer are written.  The default switch is user_output.  The FNP
26    T&D programs generate output of this form if its query "IS A PRINTER
27    AVAILABLE?"  is answered affirmatively.
28 -output_switch name, -osw name
29    specifies the I/O switch to which messages intended for the operator
30    console are written.  The default switch is user_output.
33 Notes:  The FNP type of the FNP selected for testing is obtained from
34 information contained in the Channel Definition Table
35 (>system_control_1>cdt).  If you do not have access to this data base,
36 your query is issued in the form
38      TEST_FNP   What is the FNP Type of FNP TAG?
39      Anwser   DN6600, DN6670, DN355, or quit.
42 If the "quit" response in entered, control is returned to the current
43 command processor.
45 You should be familiar with the FED offline version of TST3BT.  The
46 test options, queries, and message diagnostics relevant to FNP testing
47 are produced by the FNP test programs themselves.  The documentation
48 for the offline version of TST3BT running under the PAS2 EXEC and the
49 T&D documentation for the FNP tests contain information on actual
50 dialogue with this program; it is the same as the dialogue with the
51 offline version.
54 The operator console of TST3BT is simulated by the Multics terminal
55 controlling the process running test_fnp.  By default, test output
56 appears on the terminal, and responses are expected from the terminal.
57 Normal Multics input line editing applies to all responses, and
58 lowercase input is acceptable.
60 The response "quit" to any query of test_fnp, regardless of how it was
61 generated, terminates the test session, releases the FNP, and returns
62 to command level.
65 The REQUEST button of the operator console is simulated by striking the
66 QUIT key and using the program_interrupt (pi) command to return to
67 test_fnp.  Normally, the REQUEST button causes an interrupt to be sent
68 to the FNP directing the FNP executive to enter its request loop.
70 The tests executed by test_fnp are sorted in the keyed sequential
71 vfile_ >system_library_tandd>tandd_deck_file.  These tests are loaded
72 from the FE distributed "FNP binary deck tapes" by the
73 load_tandd_library command, described in the Multics Online Test and
74 Diagnostics Reference Manual (AU77).
77 Access required:  Access to the tandd_ gate is required.  Access to
78 >sc1>cdt is required to obtain the correct model number of the FNP.  If
79 you do not have access to the CDT, the default model number is DN6678.