1 04/20/76  teco
  3 Syntax:  teco {path} {outpath}
  6 Function: character-oriented text editor provides simple editing requests,
  7 macro definitions, iterations, and conditional statements.
 10 Arguments:
 11 path
 12    input segment.
 13 outpath
 14    output segment.
 17 Notes: This command invokes the editor, searches for a start_up macro, and
 18 executes it. The default start_up macro reads the segment path into the buffer
 19 and puts the pointer at the beginning of the buffer. If outpath is given, q* is
 20 set to outpath, otherwise, it is set to path. If neither path or outpath is
 21 given, nothing is done. For more information about the editor, see the
 22 Tools PLM, Order No. AN51.
 25 New Entry Point: teco$macro macro_name This entry point invokes teco, searches
 26 for a macro whose name is macro_name and executes it. The argument macro_name
 27 must be supplied. Additional arguments may be provided and are available to
 28 teco commands through the pushdown stack. As an example, the command line:
 29     teco arg1 arg2 arg3
 30   is equivalent to--
 31     teco$macro start_up arg1 arg2 arg3
 32   It differs from the standard entry point in several ways.
 33 First, if the teco commands executed encounter an error condition, the
 34 invocation of teco is aborted with an error message. Second, if an "eq" command
 35 is executed, teco never reachs its command level and no prompt message (Z) is
 36 printed. Finally, if teco command level is reached without errors, the macro
 37 mode is disabled and teco functions normally.
 38   This entry point is useful for application programs written in teco, such as
 39 abbreivation editors.
 42 New Features:
 43     Q-register q" is set to the value of the last quoted string seen by teco.
 44 For the "n" command, q" is set to the actual text matched.
 45     The "n" command is a search command that searches forward for a qedx-type
 46 regular expression. It is identical in syntax to the "s" command.
 47     The teco command edits segments of any length. The buffer size is determined
 48 by the length of the text being edited.
 51 Multics "e" commands:
 52   eb/path/ where /path/ is a quoted string, copies the segment path
 53     to ==.bak and then writes text to the segment path. The
 54     command takes arguments and interprets them like the
 55     "t" command, except that no arguments is equivalent to
 56     heb/path/.
 57   ec/cmd/ where /cmd/ is a quoted string, passes the quoted string
 58     to the Multics command processor.
 59   ei/path/ where /path/ is a quoted string, inserts the segment
 60     path immediately to the left of the text pointer.
 61   em/macro/ where /macro/ is a quoted string, uses the teco search
 62     rules to find macro.teco and executes it. Any arguments to
 63     the "em" command are available to the macro invoked.
 64   eo/path/ where /path/ is a quoted string, writes text to the
 65     segment path. The command takes arguments and interprets them
 66     like the "t" command, except that no arguments is equivalent
 67     to heo/path/.
 68   eq exits from teco.
 69   esn/name/ where n is a text q-register name and /name/ is a quoted
 70     string, calls the segment name passing it the arguments to
 71     the "es" command and the text q-register n. The segment
 72     called can modify the text q-register and return a numeric
 73     value.
 76 Multics vs. PDP-10 teco:
 77     Multics teco treats the entire segment as a single buffer.
 78 There are no equivalents to the PDP-10 append, yank, "n" search, or "w"
 79 commands, or any need for them.
 80     Exiting from teco does not automatically write the buffer back to the
 81 segment. The "eo" or "eb" command must be used.
 82     A search that fails does not change the current text pointer position.
 83     Multics q-register names are one character in length and can be any one of
 84 the 95 printable ASCII characters, including blank.
 85     Multics quoted string are of the form:
 86     /string/ or qn
 87     where / is any character except a letter or a digit and n is a q-register
 88 name. The form qn allows the contents of a q-register to be specified as a
 89 quoted string.
 90     Multics command lines are terminated by the two character sequence dollar
 91 sign ($) newline. The altmode character is not used in Multics.
 92     The Multics "s" command always gives an error message if the search fails.
 93     Multics teco uses | to denote the logical or operator.
 94     Multics teco treats -1< as an error.
 95     Multics teco expressions are evaluated somewhat differently.
 96 See the documentation or use the "=" command to print out the value of a
 97 questionable expression. Multics teco "=" command takes zero, one, or two
 98 arguments.
 99     The numeric value of a text q-register is equal to the number of characters
100 of text.
101     Multics error messages can be of two forms, long or short.
102 Short messages are eight characters and long ones are up to fifty characters.
103 The user can control error message length.