1 07/25/90  status, st
  4 Syntax as a command:  st paths {-control_args}
  7 Syntax as an active function:  [st path -control_args {-chase}]
 10 Function:  prints selected detailed status information about specified
 11 storage system entries.
 14 Arguments:
 15 paths
 16    are the pathnames of segments, multisegment files (MSFs), data
 17    management (DM) files, directories, and links for which you want
 18    status information.  The default pathname is your working directory
 19    or -working_directory (-wd).  This argument can be "-nsn STR" to
 20    specified a nonstandard segment name, such as one beginning with a
 21    minus sign or containing any of the nonstandard characters "< * ?  =
 22    % $ .  :  !  ::" and STR must be in the working directory.  The star
 23    convention is allowed but does not apply to STR.
 26 Control arguments:
 27 -author, -at
 28    prints the author of the entry.
 29 -chase
 30    prints information about the branch targets of links instead of the
 31    links themselves.  An error occurs for a null link or a link to a
 32    null link.
 33 -chase_if_possible, -cip
 34    prints information about the targets of links where branch targets
 35    exist and about the ultimate link in the chain for null links and
 36    links to null links.  It does not affect the processing of nonlinks.
 37 -date, -dt
 38    prints all the relevant dates on the entry.
 39 -date_time_dumped, -dtd
 40    prints the date-time-dumped by the hierarchy dumper.
 43 -date_time_entry_modified, -dtem
 44    prints the date-time-entry-modified.
 45 -directory, -dr
 46    selects directories when using the star convention.
 47 -entry_type, -ettp, -type, -tp
 48    prints the type of entry, which can be one of the standard types
 49    (segment, MSF, DM file, directory, or link) or one of the available
 50    extended types (e.g., mailbox).
 51 -interpret_as_extended_entry, -inaee
 52    interprets the selected entries as extended entry types.  (Default)
 53 -interpret_as_standard_entry, -inase
 54    interpret the selected entries as standard entry types.
 55 -link, -lk
 56    selects links when using the star convention.
 59 -name, -nm
 60    prints all the names on the entry.
 61 -no_chase
 62    prints link information about links.  (Default)
 63 -no_chase_if_possible, -ncip
 64    prints link information about links.  (Default)
 65 -primary, -pri
 66    prints the primary name on the entry.
 67 -segment, -sm
 68    selects segments when using the star convention.
 69 -select_entry_type STR, -slet STR
 70    selects entries of the types specified by STR, which is a
 71    comma-delimited list of file system entry types.  Use the
 72    list_entry_types command to obtain a list of valid entry type
 73    values.
 76 -switch SW_NAME
 77    prints whether the specified SW_NAME is on or off, where SW_NAME is
 78    the name of a switch.  Valid switch names are copy,
 79    complete_volume_dump, damaged, incremental_volume_dump, safety,
 80    synchronized or any valid exteded entry type switch name.
 81 -access, -ac
 82    prints your effective mode, ring brackets, access class (if
 83    different from the default), and safety switch (if on).
 84 -access_class, -acc
 85    prints the access class.
 88 -all, -a, -long, -lg
 89    prints all relevant information about the object or link:  the type
 90    of entry, the pathname of the entry being linked to, names, the
 91    unique identifier, the date-used, the date-modified, the
 92    date-branch-modified, the date-link-modified, the date-dumped by
 93    hierarchy and volume dumpers, the author, the bit count author (if
 94    different from the author), the device, the bit count, records used,
 95    current blocks (for segments, if different from records used), the
 96    maximum length in words (if type is segment), the safety switch (if
 97    on), the damaged switch (if on), your mode, ring brackets, the
 98    access class (if not null), the copy switch (if on), the audit
 99    switch (if on), and the volume dumper control switches (if off).
100    Bit count author, bit count, safety switch, and copy switch are not
101    printed for DM files.  Synchronized switch is not printed for
102    directories.
105 -audit_switch, -asw
106    prints whether the audit switch is on or off.
107 -bc_author, -bca
108    prints the bit count author who last sets bit count of the entry.
109    Not valid for DM files.
110 -bit_count, -bc
111    prints the bit count.  Not valid for DM files.
112 -copy_switch, -csw
113    prints whether the copy switch is on or off.  Not valid for DM
114    files.
115 -current_length, -cl
116    prints the current length in pages.
117 -damaged_switch, -dsw
118    prints whether the damaged switch is on or off.
121 -date, -dt
122    prints all the dates on the entry (date-used,
123    date-contents-modified, date-branch-modified, date-dumped).
124 -date_time_contents_modified, -dtcm
125    prints the date-time-contents-modified.
126 -date_time_used, -dtu
127    prints the date-time-used.
128 -date_time_volume_dumped, -dtvd
129    prints the date-time-dumped by the volume dumper.
130 -device, -dv, -logical_volume, -lv
131    prints the logical volume on which the entry resides.
134 -length, -ln
135          1.  When used as a status active function, for segments or
136       MSFs or DM files:  returns the current length.
138       for directories:  returns the bit count.
140          2.  When used as a status command, for segments:  prints the
141       bit count, the number of records used, the current blocks (if
142       different from records used), and the maximum length in words;
144       for MSFs:  prints the number of records used by the whole file,
145       the sum of the bit counts of all components, and the number of
146       components;
149       for DM files:  prints the number of records used and the number
150       of the highest control interval.
152       for directories:  prints the number of records used and the bit
153       count.
154 -max_length, -ml
155    prints the maximum length of a segment.
156 -mode, -md
157    prints your effective mode.
158 -records, -rec
159    prints the records used.
160 -ring_brackets, -rb
161    prints the ring brackets.
162 -safety_switch, -ssw
163    prints whether the safety switch is on or off.  Not valid for DM
164    files.
167 -synchronized_switch, -synch
168    prints whether the synchronized switch is on or off.  Not valid for
169    directories.
170 -unique_id, -uid
171    prints the entry's unique identifier.  For DM files, prints the file
172    manager (fm) unique id.
173 -comp_volume_dump_switch, -cvds
174    prints whether the complete volume dump switch is on or off.
175 -incr_volume_dump_switch, -ivds
176    prints whether the incremental volume dump switch is on or off.
177 -usage_count, -use
178    prints the number of page faults taken on the segment since
179    creation.
180 -concurrency_sw, -concsw
181    prints whether the concurrency switch is on or off.
184 -highest_control_interval, -hci
185    prints the number of the highest control interval allocated to the
186    file.
187 -protected_sw, -psw
188    prints whether the protected switch is on or off.
189 -rollback_sw, -rlbsw
190    prints whether the rollback switch is on or off.
191 -link_path, -lp
192    prints the target pathname.
195 Notes:  If you supply no control arguments, the following information
196 is printed for segments, MSFs, DM files, and directories:  names, the
197 type, the date-used, the date-modified, the date-branch-modified, the
198 bit count, records used, your mode, and the access class; for links:
199 the pathname of the entry linked to, names, the date-link-modified, the
200 date-dumped.
203 The -device, -length, -logical_volume, and -mode control arguments are
204 ignored for links.
207 Zero-valued dates (i.e., dates that have never been set) and attributes
208 in the default state are not printed.