1 01/11/82  set_tty, stty
  3 Syntax:  stty {-control_args}
  6 Function: modifies the terminal type associated with the user's
  7 terminal and/or various parameters associated with terminal I/O.  The
  8 type as specified by this command determines character conversion and
  9 delay timings; it has no effect on communications line control.
 12 Control arguments:
 13 -all, -a
 14    is the equivalent of specifying the four control arguments -print,
 15    -print_edit, -print_frame, and -print_delay.
 16 -buffer_size N, -bsize N
 17    specifies the terminal's buffer size to be used for output block
 18    acknowledgement where N is the terminal's buffer size in characters.
 19 -brief, -bf
 20    may only be used with the -print control argument and causes only
 21    those modes that are on plus those that are not on/off type modes
 22    (e.g., ll79) to be printed.
 25 -delay STR, -dly STR
 26    sets the delay timings for the terminal according to STR, which is
 27    either the word "default" or a string of six decimal values
 28    separated by commas.  If "default" is specified, the default values
 29    for the current terminal type and baud rate are used.  The values
 30    specify vert_nl, horz_nl, const_tab, var_tab, backspace, and vt_ff,
 31    in that order.  (See "List of delay types" below.)
 32 -edit edit_chars, -ed edit_chars
 33    changes the input editing characters to those specified by
 34    edit_chars.  The edit_chars control argument is a 2-character string
 35    consisting of the erase character and the kill character, in that
 36    order.  If the erase character is specified as a blank, the erase
 37    character is not changed; if the kill character is omitted or
 38    specified as a blank, the kill character is not changed.
 41 -initial_string, -istr
 42    transmits the initial string defined for the terminal type to the
 43    terminal.
 44 -input_flow_control STR, -ifc STR
 45    sets the input_suspend and input_resume characters to those
 46    specified in STR, which is a string of one or two characters.
 47    If STR contains two characters, the first character is the
 48    input_suspend character and the second one is the input_resume
 49    character.  If STR contains only one character, it is the
 50    input_resume character and there is no input_suspend character.
 51 -io_switch STR, -is STR
 52    specifies that the command be applied to the I/O switch whose name
 53    is STR.  If this control argument is omitted, the user_i/o switch is
 54    assumed.
 57 -modes STR
 58    sets the modes for terminal I/O according to STR, which is a string
 59    of mode names separated by commas.  Many modes can be optionally
 60    preceded by "^" to turn the specified mode off.  Modes not specified
 61    in STR are left unchanged.  For a list of valid mode names, type:
 62       help tty_modes.gi
 63 -output_etb_ack STR, -oea STR
 64    sets the output_end_of_block and output_acknowledge characters to
 65    those specified in STR, which is a string of two characters.  The
 66    first character of STR is the end_of_block character and the second
 67    one is the acknowledge character.
 70 -output_suspend_resume STR, -osr STR
 71    sets the output_suspend and output_resume characters to those
 72    specified in STR, which is a string of two characters.  The first
 73    character of STR is the output_suspend character and the second is
 74    the output_resume character.
 75 -print, -pr
 76    prints the terminal type and modes on the terminal.  If any other
 77    control arguments are specified, the type and modes printed reflect
 78    the result of the command.
 79 -print_delay, -pr_dly
 80    prints the delay timings for the terminal.
 81 -print_edit, -pr_ed
 82    prints the input-editing characters for the terminal.
 85 -reset, -rs
 86    sets the modes to the default modes string for the current terminal
 87    type.
 88 -terminal_type STR, -ttp STR
 89    sets the terminal type of the user to STR, where STR can be any one
 90    of the types defined in the terminal type table (TTT).  The default
 91    modes for the new terminal type are turned on and the initial string
 92    for the terminal type, if any, is transmitted to the terminal.
 93    Refer to the print_terminal_types command for information on
 94    obtaining a list of terminal types currently in the TTT.
 97 -frame STR, -fr STR
 98    changes the framing characters used in blk_xfer mode to those
 99    specified by STR, where STR is a 2-character string consisting of
100    the frame-begin and the frame-end character, respectively.  These
101    characters must be specified in the character code of the terminal,
102    and may be entered as octal escapes, if necessary.  The frame-begin
103    character is specified as a NUL character to indicate that there is
104    no frame-begin character; the same is true for a frame-end
105    character.  These characters have no effect unless blk_xfer mode is
106    on.  It is an error to set the frame-end character to NUL if the
107    frame-begin character is not also set to NUL.
108 -print_frame, -pr_fr
109    prints the framing characters for the terminal.
112 List of delay types:
113 vert_nl
114    is the number of delay characters to be output for all newlines to
115    allow for the linefeed (-127 <= vert_nl <= 127).  If it is negative,
116    its absolute value is the minimum number of characters that must be
117    transmitted between two linefeeds (for a device such as a
118    TermiNet 1200).
119 horz_nl
120    is a number to be multiplied by the column position to obtain the
121    number of delays to be added for the carriage return portion of a
122    newline (0 <= horz_nl <= 1).
123 const_tab
124    is the constant portion of the number of delays associated with any
125    horizontal tab character (0 <= const_tab <= 127).
128 var_tab
129    is the number of additional delays associated with a horizontal tab
130    for each column traversed (0 <= var_tab <= 1).
131 backspace
132    is the number of delays to be output following a backspace character
133    (-127 <= backspace <= 127).  If it is negative, its absolute value
134    is the number of delays to be output with the first backspace of a
135    series only (or a single backspace).
136 vt_ff
137    is the number of delays to be output following a vertical tab or
138    formfeed (0 <= vt_ff <= 511).