1 03/12/90  set_mailing_address, smla
 3 Syntax as a command:  smla {address} {-control_args}
 6 Function:  sets the user's preferred mailing address, which is used by
 7 the mail system when mail is addressed to him by Person_id or alias
 8 alone (i.e., "sdm Opus", instead of "sdm Opus.Bloom").  The user can
 9 also indicate that his mailing address be reset to the default
10 (Person_id.default_Project_id).  For example, mail addressed to "Milo"
11 is sent to Milo.DProject, where "DProject" is Milo's default project at
12 the time the mail is sent.  Maintainers of other mail table entries can
13 also use this command to update those entries.
16 Arguments:
17 address
18    can be any recipient address accepted by send_mail.  You can specify
19    only one address.  It is incompatible with -dp.
22 Control arguments:
23 -default_project, -dp
24    resets the mailing address using the default project.
25 -entry name
26    specifies the entry whose mailing address is to be updated.  Enclose
27    the name in quotes if it contains white space.  If name is an alias,
28    its associated regular entry is updated.  You can use -entry only if
29    you have rw access to the ACS segment associated with the entry.
30    (Default:  your own entry)
31 -user address
32    specifies the recipient address.  The address can be any address
33    accepted by send_mail.  You can specify only one address.  Use
34    -user in place of the address field if the address can be
35    interpreted as a control argument.  It is incompatible with the
36    -dp argument.
39 Notes:  Don't use -dp if the entry is not associated with a registered
40 user, since only users have default projects.  If you attempt this, an
41 error is reported.