1 10/13/77  Differences between compose and runoff
  3 This info file gives the differences between runoff and compose.
  4 A "title" response is recommended, followed by a "search" for the section
  5 of interest.  The sections are not in any particular order.
  8 Title Delimiter:
  9 In order to implement free format header and footer blocks (allowing artwork
 10 and other text features), it is necessary to define a standard title part
 11 delimiter character in a manner similar to the Symbol Delimiter.  This title
 12 part delimiter character is chosen as the vertical bar ("|") and may be changed
 13 by the user with the change-title-delimiter control.  Any <title> not
 14 beginning with the current title delimiter character will be rejected with a
 15 diagnostic message.
 18 Builtin Mapping:
 19 Ad                  ->    AlignMode = "both"
 20 Ce                  ->    --
 21 CharsTable          ->    ExcepTable
 22 Charsw              ->    ExcepOpt
 23 ConvTable           ->    --
 24 Date                ->    Date
 25 Device              ->    Device
 26 DeviceTable         ->    --
 27 Eq                  ->    --
 28 Eqcnt               ->    Eqcnt
 29 ExtraMargin         ->    ExtraMargin
 30 Fi                  ->    FillMode
 31 FileName            ->    FileName
 32 Filesw              ->    OutputFileOpt
 33 Foot                ->    Footcnt
 34 FootRef             ->    --
 35 Fp                  ->    --
 36 Fr                  ->    FootReset = "r"
 37 From                ->    From
 38 Ft                  ->    FootnoteMode
 39 Hyphenating         ->    Hyphenating
 40 In                  ->    Indent
 41 InputFileName       ->    InputFileName
 42 InputLines          ->    InputLines
 43 LinesLeft           ->    LinesLeft
 44 Ll                  ->    PageWidth
 45 Lp                  ->    --
 46 Ma1                 ->    VMargTop
 47 Ma2                 ->    VMargHeader
 48 Ma3                 ->    VMargFooter
 49 Ma4                 ->    VMargBottom
 50 Ms                  ->    LineSpace
 51 MultiplePagecount   ->    PageSpace
 54 NestingDepth        ->    InsertIndex
 55 Nl                  ->    PageLine
 56 NNP                 ->    NextPageNo
 57 NoFtNo              ->    FootReset = "u"
 58 NoPaging            ->    Galley
 59 Np                  ->    PageNo
 60 PadLeft             ->    --
 61 Parameter           ->    Parameter
 62 Passes              ->    Pass
 63 Pi                  ->    PictureCount
 64 Pl                  ->    PageLength
 65 Print               ->    Print
 66 Printersw           >    OutputFileOpt and
 67                             Device = "ascii"
 68 PrintLineNumbers    ->    LineNumberOpt
 69 Roman               ->    --
 70 Selsw               ->    --
 71 SpecCh              ->->    SymbolDelimiter
 72 Start               ->    --
 73 Stopsw              ->    StopOpt
 74 TextRef             ->    --
 75 Time                ->    Time
 76 To                  ->    To
 77 TrTable             ->    TrTable
 78 Un                  ->    Undent
 79 WaitOpt             ->    Waitsw
 82 Symbol Delimiter:
 83 The conventional use of the symbol delimiter (%) as a reference to the page
 84 counter has been removed; however, the remainder of the symbol delimiter parsing
 85 algorithm is unchanged from the algorithm used in runoff.  This means that
 86 constructs for nesting and/or concatenation of variable values and literal
 87 strings should continue to work as they did for runoff.
 90 File Suffixes:
 91           .runoff -> .compin
 92           .runout -> .compout
 93           .chars  -> .compx
 96 Control Arguments:
 97      -check, -ck
 98      -device {name}, -dv {name}  ("ascii")
 99      -exception_graphics, -excep
100      -from {n}, -fm {n}  (1)
101      -galley {n1}{,n2}, -gl {n1}{,n2}  (1,end-of-file)
102      -hyphenate {n}, -hyph {n}, -hph {n}  (3)
103      -indent {n}, -in {n}  (0)
104      -input_file path, -if path  (path is required)
105      -linespace {n}, -ls {n}  (1)
106      -noart, -noa
107      -nofill, -nof
108      -number, -nb
109      -number_brief, -nbb
110      -output_file {path}, -of {path}  ([wd]>input_file.compout)
111      -pages {n} {n,n}, -pgs {n} {n,n}  (n is required)
112      -parameter string, -pm string  (string is required)
113      -pass {n}  (1)
114      -stop, -sp
115      -to {n}  (end-of-file)
116      -wait, -wt
119 Control Mapping:
120    .ad   .alb          .ar   .srm ar       .bp   .brp
121    .br   .brf          .cc   .cdl          .ce   .bbe n
122    .ch   .tre          .ds   .ls 2         .ef   .fle
123    .eh   .hle          .eq   .bbe n        .ex   .exc
124    .fh   .hlf          .fi   .fin          .fo   .fla
125    .fr t .ftp          .fr f .ftr          .fr u .ftu
126    .ft   .bbf/.bef     .gb   .go           .gf   .go
127    .he   .hla          .if   .ifi          .in   .inl
128    .la   .la           .li   .bbl n        .ll   .pdw
129    .m1   .vmt          .m2   .vmh          .m3   .vmf
130    .m4   .vmb          .ma   .vmt/.vmb     .mp   .ps
131    .ms   .ls           .na   .all          .ne   .brn
132    .nf   .fif          .of   .flo          .oh   .hlo
133    .op   .brp o        .pa   .brp n|+^H_n            .pi   .bbp n
134    .pl   .pdl          .rd   .rd           .ro   .srm ro
135    .sk   .brs          .sp   .spb          .sr   .srv
136    .ss   .ls 1         .tr   .trf          .ts   .ts
137    .ty   .ty           .un   .unl          .ur   .ur
138    .wt   .wt