1 02/13/84 ring_zero_peek_
3 The ring_zero_peek_ subroutine is used to copy information out of an
4 inner ring segment. The user must have access to either the phcs_ gate
5 or the metering_ring_zero_peek_ gate in order to use any of the entry
6 points in this subroutine. The phcs_ gate allows unrestricted access
7 to all inner ring segments; metering_ring_zero_peek_ allows the user to
8 examine specifically those data bases that are useful for metering the
9 system. The program chooses the appropriate gate depending on the
10 user's access and the segments being examined.
13 Entry points in ring_zero_peek_:
14 List is generated by the help command
17 :Entry: ring_zero_peek_: 02/13/84 ring_zero_peek_
19 Function: copies information out of a segment in the Multics
20 supervisor, given a pointer to it.
23 Syntax:
24 declare ring_zero_peek_ entry ptr ptr fixed bin19 fixed bin35;
25 call ring_zero_peek_ ptr0 ptr_user nwords code;
28 Arguments:
29 ptr0
30 is a pointer to the data in ring 0 that is to be copied out.
31 Input
32 ptr_user
33 is a pointer to the region in the user's address space where the
34 data is to be copied. Input
35 nwords
36 is the number of words to be copied. Input
37 code
38 is the standard status code that is nonzero if the user did not have
39 access to the requested data. Output
42 :Entry: by_definition: 02/13/84 ring_zero_peek_$by_definition
45 Function: copies information out of a named segment in the Multics
46 supervisor, starting at a named symbol. It is like
47 ring_zero_peek_$by_name, except that the copying is done from the
48 specified definition, rather than from the base of the segment.
51 Syntax:
52 declare ring_zero_peek_$by_definition entry char* char*
53 fixed bin18 pointer fixed bin19 fixed bin35;
54 call ring_zero_peek_$by_definition segment_name symbol_name offset
55 ptr_user word_count code;
58 Arguments:
59 segment_name
60 is the name of the supervisor segment from which words are to be
61 copied. Input. It cannot be a pathname.
62 symbol_name
63 is the name of the external symbol in the specified segment at which
64 copying is to start. Input
65 offset
66 is the offset from the specified definition at which copying is to
67 start. Input. It can be specified as zero to cause copying to
68 start at the specified definition.
71 ptr_user
72 is a pointer to the area in the outer ring where the data is to be
73 copied. Input
74 word_count
75 is the number of words to be copied. Input
76 code
77 is a standard status code. Output. It is nonzero if the segment
78 cannot be found, if the specified external symbol does not exist or
79 is ambiguous, or if the user does not have sufficient access to copy
80 the requested data.
83 Notes: This entry point can be used to avoid a call to ring0_get_.
84 For examining segments in the supervisor, this entry point and the
85 by_name entry point are recommended because they are much simpler
86 to use than ring0_get_, and they are only minimally less efficient.
87 Generally, it is nearly as efficient to use this entry point as it is
88 to save static pointers to inner ring objects.
91 :Entry: by_name: 02/13/84 ring_zero_peek_$by_name
94 Function: copies information out of a named segment in the Multics
95 supervisor. It is like ring_zero_peek_, except that the name of the
96 ring zero segment is provided, rather than a pointer to it.
99 Syntax:
100 declare ring_zero_peek_$by_name entry char* fixed bin18 pointer
101 fixed bin19 fixed bin35;
102 call ring_zero_peek_$by_name segment_name offset copy_ptr
103 word_count code;
106 Arguments:
107 segment_name
108 is the name of the supervisor segment from which data is to be
109 copied. It cannot be a pathname. Input
110 offset
111 is the offset from the beginning of the segment at which copying is
112 to start. Input. It can be specified as zero to cause copying to
113 start from the base of the segment.
114 copy_ptr
115 is a pointer to the area in the outer ring where the data is to be
116 copied. Input
119 word_count
120 is the number of words to be copied. Input
121 code
122 is a standard status code. Output. It is nonzero if the segment
123 cannot be found, or if the user does not have sufficient access to
124 copy the requested data from it.
127 Notes: This entry point can be used to avoid a call to ring0_get_.
128 For examining segments in the supervisor, this entry point and the
129 by_definition entry point are recommended because they are much simpler
130 to use than ring0_get_, and they are only minimally less efficient.
131 Generally, it is nearly as efficient to use this entry point as it is
132 to save static pointers to inner ring objects.
135 :Entry: get_max_length: 02/13/84 ring_zero_peek_$get_max_length
138 Function: determines the maximum length of a named ring zero segment.
141 Syntax:
142 declare ring_zero_peek_$get_max_length entry char* fixed bin19
143 fixed bin35;
144 call ring_zero_peek_$get_max_length seg_name max_length code;
147 Arguments:
148 seg_name
149 is the name of the ring zero segment. Input
150 max_length
151 is the maximum length in words of the segment. Output
152 code
153 is a standard status code. Output. It is nonzero if the user
154 does not have sufficient access to copy the requested data, or if
155 the segment does not exist.
158 :Entry: get_max_length_ptr:
159 02/13/84 ring_zero_peek_$get_max_length_ptr
162 Function: determines the maximum length of a specified segment by
163 examining its SDW. The user must have sufficient access to examine
164 the SDW for the segment.
167 Syntax:
168 declare ring_zero_peek_$get_max_length_ptr entry pointer
169 fixed bin19 fixed bin35;
170 call ring_zero_peek_$get_max_length_ptr seg_ptr max_length code;
173 Arguments:
174 seg_ptr
175 is a pointer to the segment for which the max length is to be
176 returned. Input. If the segment is not active at the time of the
177 call, the user must have sufficient access to reference the segment,
178 and this reference causes a segment fault.
179 max_length
180 is the maximum length in words of the segment. Output
181 code
182 is a standard status code. Output. It is nonzero if the user
183 does not have sufficient access to copy the requested data, or if
184 the segment does not exist.