1 11/06/89  response
 3 Syntax as a command:  response arg {-control_args}
 6 Syntax as an active function:  [response arg {-control_args}]
 9 Function: asks you a question and returns the answer you typed.  The
10 answer is not returned in quotes; the command processor therefore
11 treats the answer as several strings if it contains spaces.  You can
12 use the command language ||[ feature if you want the command processor
13 to treat the returned string as a single argument.  (See also the query
14 active function.)
17 Arguments:
18 arg
19    is the question to be asked.  If arg contains spaces or other
20    command language characters, enclose it in quotes.
23 Control arguments:
24 -accept STRs
25    where STRs are the only responses accepted from you.  If a STR
26    contains spaces or other command language characters, enclose it in
27    quotes.  If you respond to the question with an answer that is not
28    one of the specified STRs, the active function prints a message
29    explaining that your answer is unacceptable, lists the acceptable
30    answers, and repeats the question.
31 -brief, -bf
32    suppresses extra spacing and newlines when asking questions.
33 -disable_cp_escape, -dcpe
34    disables the ability to escape to the command processor via the ".."
35    response.  (See "Notes on command processor escape" below.)
36 -enable_cp_escape, -ecpe
37    enables that ability.
40 -input_switch STR, -isw STR
41    specifies the I/O switch to use for input of your response.
42    (Default: user_input)
43 -long, -lg
44    adds a leading newline and three trailing spaces to the question.
45    (Default)
46 -no_trim
47    do not trim trailing spaces from the question argument.
48 -non_null
49    indicates that you must give a response.  If you reply with an empty
50    (blank) line, the active function prints a message explaining that a
51    null response is not allowed and repeats the question.
54 -output_switch STR, -osw STR
55    specifies the I/O switch to use for output of the question to you.
56    (Default: user_output)
57 -repeat DT, -rp DT
58    repeats the question every DT if you have not responded (see Section
59    1 for a description of valid DT values).
60 -trim
61    trim trailing spaces from the question argument. (Default)
64 Notes: You can use the format_line active function to insert other
65 active function values into the question.
68 Notes on command processor escape: The -disable_cp_escape and
69 -enable_cp_escape control arguments override the system or subsystem
70 default.  The system default is "enabled."  Subsystems can define the
71 default to be either "enable" or "disable."  (See the command_query_
72 subroutine for details.)