1 10/17/84  resource_usage, ru
 3 Syntax as a command:  ru {-control_arg}
 6 Function:  prints a month-to-date report of your resource consumption.
 9 Control arguments:
10    are used to select portions of the available resource usage
11    information.  You can give only one of the following:
12 -brief, -bf
13    prints a header describing the resource usage reporting period,
14    followed by the month-to-date dollar charge, the monthly spending
15    dollar limit, and three dollar-totals figures giving your
16    interactive, absentee, and I/O daemon usage.
17 -long, -lg
18    prints the most comprehensive picture of your resource usage.  In
19    addition to including the information selected by -brief, it gives
20    an expanded report of interactive, absentee, I/O daemon, and device
21    usage.
24       For interactive usage, the dollar charge is broken down according
25    to shift, monthly dollar limit per shift, charged virtual CPU time,
26    charged terminal connect time, and charged memory units expressed in
27    thousands.  Absentee usage is presented giving usage per queue:
28    number of dprint/dpunch requested pieces, charged virtual CPU time,
29    and charged lines of printed or punched output.
30       The device usage category includes charges for tape (time spent
31    with a drive assigned), tape mounts, disk (time spent with a disk
32    drive assigned), disk mounts, and logical volumes (time spent with a
33    private logical volume attached).  In addition, a site can define
34    devices corresponding to the various lines (tty or network) by which
35    the system is accessed and set prices for their usage.
38 -total, -tt
39    prints your dollar-totals figures for the month-to-date dollar
40    charge, the monthly spending dollar limit, and the absolute total
41    spending.
42       If the project administrator has set an absolute dollar limit for
43    you (which is independent of the monthly spending limit), it is
44    printed, along with the date on which the limit was last reset and
45    the limit's reset interval.  The absolute total spending is the
46    dollar charge against this absolute limit.  In cases where no
47    absolute limit has been set, the absolute total spending represents
48    charges running from your registration date.
51 Notes:  If you supply no control argument, the default selects slightly
52 less resource usage information than that printed by -long.
54 The system calculates your month-to-date dollar charges when it creates
55 your process.  Issue the new_proc command prior to typing
56 resource_usage if you wish the most updated figures.
58 In a given usage report, shift and queue numbers may not appear in
59 consecutive order because only shifts or queues with accrued charges
60 are listed.
63 If no dollar limit stop has been set by your project administrator, the
64 resource usage report prints "open" as the dollar limit entry.
66 You can't invoke resource_usage to obtain information about another's
67 resource consumption.