1 10/11/88  request_info, rqi
  4 Syntax as a command:  rqi type info_keys {-control_args}
  7 Syntax as an active function:  [rqi type info_keys {-control_args}]
 10 Function:  Prints or returns specific information about related
 11 request(s) in a request queue.
 14 Arguments:
 15 type
 16    is the request type specifying which request queue to search.  Valid
 17    request types are absentee (abs), retrieval (retv), imft, io,
 18    output (out), or any specific output request type (eg, printer).
 19 info_keys
 20    is one or more keywords, separated by a space, specifying the
 21    information requested (See sections below whose titles begin with
 22    "List of keywords").
 25 Control arguments:
 26 -admin {User_id}, -am {User_id}
 27    selects the requests of all users or of the user specified by
 28    User_id.  Default is to select only your own requests.  (See
 29    "Access Required and Notes below.")
 30 -all, -a
 31    searches all queues.  This control argument is incompatible with
 32    -queue.
 33 -deferred_indefinitely, -dfi
 34    selects only requests that are deferred indefinitely.  Such requests
 35    are not run until the operator releases them.  This control argument
 36    may be used with the absentee request type only.
 39 -destination STR, -ds STR
 40    selects requests that are queued for transfer to the remote system
 41    identified by STR.  STR must be one of the names listed by the
 42    print_imft_sites command.  This control argument may only be used
 43    with the imft request type keyword.
 44 -entry STR, -et STR
 45    selects only requests whose entrynames match STR.  You can use the
 46    star convention.  Directory portions of request pathnames are
 47    ignored when selecting requests.
 48 -foreground, -fg
 49    searches only the foreground queue.  (see -queue).  This control
 50    argument may only be used with the absentee request type keyword.
 53 -forms {STR}
 54    selects only requests which specify output forms.  If you specify
 55    STR, only requests matching STR will be chosen.  This control
 56    argument may be used with the output or any specific output request
 57    type only.
 58 -id ID
 59    selects only requests whose identifier matches the specified ID.
 62 -immediate, -im
 63    selects only requests that can be run immediately upon reaching the
 64    heads of their respective queues.  This excludes requests deferred
 65    indefinitely, requests deferred until a specific time, or requests
 66    that have reached the head of the queue and have been deferred by
 67    the system because their CPU time limits are higher than the maximum
 68    for the current shift; but it includes requests deferred because of
 69    load control or resource unavailability, because those conditions
 70    could change at any time.  This control argument may be used with
 71    all request types except retrieval.
 72 -pathname PATH, -pn PATH, -p PATH
 73    selects only the requests matching PATH, where PATH may be an
 74    absolute pathname or relative pathname.  You can use the star
 75    convention.  Use of this control argument is incompatible with -et.
 78 -queue N, -q N
 79    searches only queue N.  If you do not give -q, all queues are
 80    searched but nothing is printed for queues from which no requests
 81    are selected.  For convenience in writing exec_coms and
 82    abbreviations, the word "foreground" ("fg") following -q is
 83    equivalent to -fg.
 84 -resource {STR}, -rsc {STR}
 85    selects only requests having a resource requirement.  If you specify
 86    STR, only requests whose resource descriptions containing that
 87    string are chosen.  This control argument may only be used with the
 88    absentee request type keyword.
 91 -sender STR
 92    selects only requests from sender STR.  You must specify one or more
 93    request identifiers.  In most cases, the sender is an RJE station
 94    identifier.  This control argument may be used with the absentee
 95    request type only.
 96 -source STR, -sc STR
 97    selects requests that are queued for transfer from the remote system
 98    identified by STR.  STR must be one of the names listed by the
 99    print_imft_sites command.  If neither -destination nor -source is
100    specified, the default is -destination imft.  This control argument
101    may only be used with the imft request type keyword.
102 -user User_id
103    selects only requests entered by the specified user.  (see "Access
104    Required and Notes below").
107 Access required:  You must have o access to the queue(s).  You must
108 have r extended access to the queue(s) to use -am, or -user, since it
109 is necessary to read all requests in the queue(s) to select those
110 entered by a specified user.
113 Notes:  All queues are searched for your requests by default.  Nothing
114 is printed for queues from which no requests are chosen.
116 When a user name is specified, with either the -admin or -user control
117 arguments, then proxy requests are selected if either the user who
118 entered the request, or the proxy user on whose behalf it was entered,
119 matches the specified user name.
121 The final entryname portion of PATH given with -pn argument, the
122 entryname given with -et, and the RJE station name specified after
123 -sender can be star names.
125 If the info_key keyword is inconsistent with the type keyword, an
126 error message is displayed.  (See sections below whose titles begin
127 with "List of keywords")
130 The User_id arguments selected after -am or -user can have any of the
131 following forms:
133        Person_id.Project_id   matches that user only
134        Person_id.*            matches that person on any project
135        Person_id              same as Person_id.*
136        *.Project_id           matches any user on that project
137        .Project_id            same as *.Project_id
138        *.*                    same as -am with no User_id following it
141 List of keywords common to all request types:
143 all, a
144    prints all request information specific to the given request type.
145    You can't use it in the active function.
146 directory, dr
147    prints the directory portion of the request segment pathname.
148 enter_time, etime, etm
149    prints the date/time the request was entered into the queue.
150 entry, et
151    prints the entryname portion of the request segment pathname.
152 message_type, type, tp
153    prints the type of request:  absentee, imft, print, punch, or
154    retrieval.
155 position, pos
156    prints the position within its queue of the selected request.
159 queue, q
160    prints the queue the request was submitted to (1, 2, 3, 4, or fg).
161 request_flags, flags
162    prints the request flags grouped according to their on or off state.
163    If there are no flags within any group, nothing is returned for that
164    group.  Individual flag states may be returned by passing the
165    "request_info type flags" active function as the first argument to
166    the "get_mode" command/active function.
167    (See >doc>info>get_mode.info for more information on the usage of
168    get_mode.)  (See sections below whose titles begin with "List of
169    request flags").
170 request_id, id
171    prints the unique request identifier.
174 submitter
175    prints the name of the submitter of the request in the form
176    Person.Project.Tag.
177 state, st
178    prints the state of the request.  States may be unprocessed,
179    deferred, transition, eligible, running, bumped, or
180    deferred_until_process_termination.
183 List of keywords specific to absentee request types:
185 args
186    prints the arguments which are input to the absin file.
187 authorization, auth
188    prints the requestor's authorization level.
189 comment
190    prints the comment string supplied by the requestor.
191 deferred_by, dfb
192    prints who deferred the request (operator or the requestor).
195 deferred_time, dftime, time, dftm, tm
196    prints the delayed creation time for the absentee process.
197 home_dir, hd
198    prints the requestor's initial home dir used when the absentee job
199    logs in.
200 initial_ring, ring, rg
201    prints the initial login ring specified by the requestor.
202 init_proc, ip
203    prints the requestor's specified login responder procedure.
204 max_cpu_time, limit, li
205    prints the requestor's cpu limit in seconds.
206 output_file, of
207    prints the absolute pathname of the output file.
208 proxy_name, pxn
209    prints the name of the user for whom the request was submitted.
212 resource, rsc
213    prints the requested resource description.
214 sender
215    prints the name of the RJE station or other sender.
218 List of keywords specific to output request types:
220 bit_count, bc
221    prints the bit count of the segment at request time.
222 bottom_label, blbl
223    prints the bottom page heading for each page of output.
224 copies, cp
225    prints the number of copies of output requested.
226 destination, dest, ds
227    prints the requested destination of the output.
230 forms
231    prints the name of special forms.
232 heading, he
233    prints the requested heading of the output.
234 indent, ind, in
235    prints the value of the requested left margin.
236 line_length, ll
237    prints the requested line length of the output, or "default" if it
238    is the default value.
239 output_conversion, ocv
240    prints the output module indentifier, which can be print, 7punch
241    (7-punch punch), mcc (character conversion punch), or raw (no
242    character conversion).
245 page_length, pl
246    prints the requested page length of the output, or "default" if it
247    is the default value.
248 top_label, tlbl
249    prints the top page heading for each page of output.
252 List of keywords specific to retrieval request types:
254 from_time, fmtime, fmtm
255    prints the date/time of the requested time not to search past.
256 new_dir, ndr
257    prints the directory portion of the requested cross retrieval
258    pathname.
259 new_entry, net
260    prints the entryname portion of the requested cross retrieval
261    pathname.
264 to_time, ttime, ttm
265    prints the date/time of the requested latest time to start search
266    with.
269 List of keywords specific to imft request types:
271 foreign_dir, fdr
272    prints the directory where the branch is to be placed on the target
273    system.
274 foreign_entry, fet
275    prints the entryname where the branch is to be placed on the target
276    system.
277 foreign_user, fu
278    prints the Person.Project of the target recipient.
281 List of request flags common to all request types:
283 notify
284    ON if the interactive submitter wants to be notified upon the
285    starting and the completion of the request.
288 List of request flags common to absentee request types:
290 delete
291    ON if the input file is to be deleted upon completion of the
292    request.
293 dfi
294    ON if the submitter or the operator deferred the request such that
295    it will not start until the operator runs it.
296 dupt
297    ON if processing of request is deferred until the submitters
298    interactive process is terminated.
299 noresources
300    ON if required resources are currently unavailable.
301 nostartup
302    ON if the requester specified -nostart_up when entering the request.
305 proxy
306    ON if request was submitted by proxy (person other than the owner of
307    the request).
308 restartable
309    ON if the request is restartable from the beginning after a
310    premature termination.
311 restarted
312    ON if the request has restarted from the beginning after a premature
313    termination.
314 secondary
315    ON if request is to be logged in as a secondary foreground user.
316 set_bit_cnt
317    ON if the output bit count should be set after every write.
318 truncate
319    ON if the output file is to be truncated prior to the first write.
322 List of request flags common to output request types:
324 center_bot_lbl
325    ON if bottom label of output is to be centered.
326 center_top_lbl
327    ON if top label of output is to be centered.
328 delete
329    ON if the input file is to be deleted upon completion of the
330    request.
331 dupt
332    ON if processing of request is deferred until the submitters
333    interactive process is terminated.
334 escapes
335    ON if escape characters are to be processed for output.
336 line_nbrs
337    ON if output is to contain numbered lines.
340 noendpage
341    ON if no end of page break was requested.
342 nonedited
343    ON if nonprintable control characters are to processed as octal
344    escape sequences.
345 noseparator
346    ON if inner head sheets of multiple copies of output are to be
347    suppressed.
348 single
349    ON if ignoring line feeds and or vertical tabs in output.
350 truncate_lines
351    ON if individual lines are to be truncated to a specified line
352    length in output.
355 List of request flags common to retrieval request types:
357 dirs
358    ON if only subtree directories are requested.
359 prev
360    ON if the most previous object is requested.
361 segs
362    ON if only subtree segments are requested.
363 subtree
364    ON if the entire subtree is requested.
367 List of request flags common to imft request types:
369 always_chase
370    ON if links are to be chased.
371 default_chase
372    ON if chasing only non-starnames.
373 delete
374    ON if source pathname is to be deleted immediately after a
375    successful transfer.
376 extend
377    ON if source file is to added at end of target file.
378 foreign_path_given
379    ON if target pathname is different from the local (source) pathname.
380 foreign_user_given
381    ON if the target userid is different from the local (source) userid.
384 files
385    ON if matching only files resident to the working dir when
386    interpreting starnames.  This flag is displayed only when the
387    request is being queued from the remote site.
388 replace
389    ON if target files are to be replaced rather than updated or
390    extended.
391 subtrees
392    ON if matching entire subtrees when interpreting starnames.  This
393    flag is displayed only when the request is being queued from the
394    remote site.
395 merge_dirs
396    ON if merging the source subtree into a target directory with a name
397    the same as the root directory of the source substree.
400 never_chase
401    ON if links are not to be chased.
402 remote_trans
403    ON if requesting a file transfer from a remote system to the local
404    system.
405 replace_dirs
406    ON if a remote entry is to be deleted (or removed if an addname)
407    when the root directory of the source substree has the same name.
408 update
409    ON if source file is to replace the contents of the target file
410    without deleting the target path or changing any of its attributes.