1 07/20/78  Request IDs
 3 Request IDs are used to identify absentee, I/O daemon, and retrieval requests,
 4 when using the commands that list, cancel, or move those requests.
 7 Request ID format: A request ID is a decimal number based on the date and time
 8 the request was originally entered. A long request ID is a 19-digit number of
 9 the form: yymmddHHMMSS.UUUUUU, giving the year, month, day, hour, minute,
10 second, and 6-digit fractional second (i.e., number of microseconds) at which
11 the request was entered. It is expressed in GMT rather than local time, to
12 avoid having the IDs of all existing requests change twice a year at the
13 transition to or from daylight time.  A short request id is the "HHMMSS"
14 portion of the long ID. It is often sufficient to uniquely identify a request.
15 Commands that print request IDs print the short ID by default, and accept the
16 -long_id (-lgid) control argument as a request to print the long ID instead.
19 Request ID matching: The request listing, moving, and cancelling commands will
20 accept an ID argument of any length (with a decimal point being assumed to the
21 right of the last digit of none is given).  A request is considered to match
22 an ID argument if the digits of the ID argument are equal to the corresponding
23 digits of the request ID. Thus, more than one request can match an ID
24 argument.  The request moving and cancelling commands require than an ID
25 argument be long enough to uniquely identify a single request. The request
26 listing commands will list all requests matching an ID argument.
29 Example:
30 lar -lgid
32 Queue 3:  2 requests. 41 total requests.
34 780620190534.141592  test.absin
35 780620190534.653589  test.absin
37 car -id .1;lar -lgid
39 Queue 3:  1 request. 40 total requests.
41 780620190534.653589  test.absin