1 08/23/83  reorder_archive, ra
 3 Syntax:  ra {-control_arg} path1 ...  {-control_arg} pathN
 6 Function:  provides a convenient way of reordering the contents of an
 7 archive segment, eliminating the need to extract, order, and replace
 8 the entire contents of an archive.  This command places designated
 9 components at the beginning of the archive, leaving any unspecified
10 components in their original order at the end of the archive.  For more
11 information on archives and how they can be sorted, see the archive and
12 archive_sort commands.
15 Arguments:
16 pathi
17    is the pathname of the archive segment to be reordered.  If pathi
18    does not have the archive suffix, one is assumed.
21 Control arguments:
22 -console_input, -ci
23    indicates the command is to be driven from terminal input.
24    (Default)
25 -file_input, -fi
26    indicates the command is to be driven from a driving list (see
27    "Notes").
30 Notes:  When the command is invoked with -console_input or with no
31 control arguments, the message "input for archive_name" is printed,
32 where archive_name is the name of the archive segment to be reordered.
33 Component names are then typed in the order desired, one component name
34 per line.  A period (.)  on a line by itself terminates input.  The
35 two-character line ".*" causes the command to print an asterisk (*).
36 This feature can be used to make sure there are no typing errors before
37 typing a period.  The two-character line ".q" causes the command to
38 terminate without reordering the archive.
41 When reorder_archive is invoked with -file_input, it reads a driving
42 list to determine the order of components.  That list resides in the
43 working directory with the name "name.order" (where "name.archive" is
44 the name of the archive segment to be reordered) and it consists of a
45 list of component names in the order desired, one component name per
46 line.  No period is necessary to terminate the list.  Any errors in the
47 list (name not found in the archive segment, name duplication) cause
48 the command to terminate without altering the archive.  A temporary
49 segment named "ra_temp_.archive" is created in the user's process
50 directory, which is created once per process and is truncated after it
51 is copied into the directory supplied by pathi.  If the command cannot
52 copy the temporary segment, it attempts to save it in the process
53 directory by renaming it with the name of the archive.
55 This command does not operate on archive segments containing more than
56 1000 components.