1 02/09/84  rename_proj
 3 Syntax:  rename_proj Project_id1 Project_id2 {new_project_alias}
 6 Function: allows the accounting administrator to rename a project.  It
 7 changes the project's name in the SAT and installs it; it renames the
 8 system copy of the project's PDT and changes the project name stored
 9 in that PDT; and it renames the project directory.  If the project is
10 not delegated, it renames and edits the PMF and replaces it in the
11 pmf.archive segment, deleting the copy with the old name from the
12 archive.
17 Arguments:
18 Project_id1
19    is the Project_id of the project whose name is to be changed.
20 Project_id2
21    is the new Project_id of the project.
22 new_project_alias
23    is the new project alias, if it is to be changed.  If this argument
24    is omitted, the old project alias, if any, is unchanged.
27 Notes:  The system administrator must set access on the segments
28 contained in the renamed project directory so that users on the
29 renamed project have access to them.  To change the default project
30 for users now on project AAA, the system administrator can use the
31 chdf_proj command (once for each user).  If the accounting
32 administrator does not change the users' default projects, users with
33 users' default projects AAA can change the default project to BBB when
34 they log in (by using the -change_default_project control argument to
35 the login command).