1 03/31/83  remote_teleprinter_
 4 Function: The remote_teleprinter_ I/O module presents a stream I/O
 5 interface to the caller and performs record I/O to a terminal or
 6 printer, which is assumed to be part of a remote I/O device, such as a
 7 Honeywell Level 6 remote batch facility (G115 type), an IBM 2780, or
 8 an IBM 3780.
10 Entry points in this module are not called directly by users; rather,
11 the module is accessed through the I/O system.
13 This module in turn constructs an attach description for the module
14 specified in the -terminal control argument, passing the attach
15 information for ASCII or EBCDIC, horizontal tabbing, physical line
16 length, and all other attach information specified by the caller.
19 Syntax and Attach Description:
20      remote_teleprinter_ -control_args
23 Control arguments:
24    The following control arguments are optional, with the exception of
25 -terminal:
26 -horizontal_tab, -htab
27    output device has a horizontal tab feature.  The default is no tab
28    control.
29 -physical_line_length N, -pll N
30    output device has a maximum line width of N characters.  The default
31    is 80 characters.
32 -physical_page_length N, -ppl N
33    output device has a maximum line count per page of N.  The default
34    is 66 lines.
35 -runout_spacing N, -runsp N
36    outputs N newline characters with each runout operation.  This
37    allows the operator to see messages still under the printer
38    mechanism for terminals that have only a printer as an output
39    device.  The default is 0.
40 -terminal STR
41    uses the terminal I/O module specified by STR.  This control_arg is
42    required.
45 List of Open Operations:
46    The remote_teleprinter_ I/O module supports the stream_input_output
47    opening mode.
50 Put Chars Operation:
51 The put_chars entry converts a character string ending in a newline
52 character to an image suitable for printing and transmits this image to
53 the terminal I/O module.
56 Get Chars Operation:
57 The get_chars entry reads the number of specified characters from the
58 terminal I/O module.
61 Get Line Operation:
62 The get_line entry reads one record from the terminal I/O module,
63 appends a new line, and returns as many characters as requested by the
64 caller, or the whole record if it is shorter.  If the record is longer
65 than requested, error_table_$data_loss is returned.
68 Control Operation:
69 This I/O module supports all the control operations supported by the
70 terminal I/O module specified in the attach description.  In addition,
71 it supports all the control operations supported by the I/O module
72 remote_printer_.
75 Modes Operation:
76 This I/O module supports all the modes supported by the terminal I/O
77 module specified in the attach description.  In addition, it supports
78 all the modes supported by the I/O module remote_ printer_.
81 Position Operation:
82 This I/O module supports all the position operations supported by the
83 terminal I/O module specified in the attach description.