1 09/20/87  read_tape_and_query, rtq
  4 Syntax as a command:  read_tape_and_query volume_id {-control_args},
  5                       rtq volume_id {-control_args}
  8 Function:  Allows an user to interactively inspect and determine the
  9 contents of a magnetic tape.  Physical tape file processing
 10 capabilities are also provided.  Note that once the command is invoked,
 11 you are placed in the read_tape_and_query subsystem where you may use
 12 the read_tape_and_query requests.  The read_tape_and_query requests are
 13 listed below under "List of Requests".
 16 Arguments:
 17 volume_id
 18    is the local tape library designation of the requested tape volume.
 21 Control arguments:
 22 -abbrev, -ab
 23    enables abbreviation processing within read_tape_and_query.  If this
 24    argument is specified and the -profile control argument is not
 25    given, then the user's default profile segment
 26    (>udd>Project_id>Person_id>Person_id.profile) is used.
 27 -block N, -bk N
 28    specifies the maximum physical record size to be processed, where N
 29    is the number of bytes.  The default is 11200 bytes (2800 36-bit
 30    words).
 31 -comment STR, -com STR
 32    displays STR as a message on the operators console at the time that
 33    tape volume <volume_id> is mounted.  If STR contains spaces, tabs or
 34    special characters, the entire STR must be enclosed in quotes.
 37 -density N, -den N
 38    specifies the initial density setting for tape attachment, where N
 39    is the number of bits per inch (bpi).  The default is 800 bpi.
 40    Although the density is automatically determined (see "Notes"
 41    below), some tape subsystems may not have tape drives capable of
 42    handling the default density.
 43 -no_abbrev, -nab
 44    specifies that abbreviation processing is not to be done by the
 45    read_tape_and_query request processor.  (Default)
 46 -no_prompt
 47    suppresses printing of the prompt character string ("rtq:") for
 48    read_tape_and_query requests.
 49 -no_request_loop, nrql
 50    doesn't enter the read_tape_and_query request loop.
 53 -profile PATH, -pf PATH
 54    specifies that abbreviation processing is to be done using PATH.
 55    The suffix ".profile" need not be given, however, ".profile" must be
 56    the last component of PATH.  If this control argument is given then
 57    the "-abbrev" control argument need not be given.
 58 -prompt STR
 59    changes the prompt for the read_tape_and_query request loop to STR.
 60    If STR is a null string, "", then no prompt is given.  (Default is
 61    to prompt with "rtq:").
 62 -quit
 63    exits after performing any operations specified by control
 64    arguments.  (Default is to enter the read_tape_and_query request
 65    loop).
 68 -request STR, -rq STR
 69    specifies an initial request line of STR is to be executed before
 70    entering the read_tape_and_query request loop.
 71 -request_loop, -rql
 72    specifies that the read_tape_and_query request loop be entered.
 73    (Default).
 74 -ring, -rg
 75    specifies that the tape is to be mounted with a write ring.  This
 76    allows a tape that is already mounted with a write ring to be
 77    attached without operator intervention.  The default is to mount the
 78    tape with no write ring.
 79 -track N, -tk N
 80    where N is 7 or 9 for 7 or 9 track tapes.  If this control argument
 81    is not specified, 9 track is assumed.
 84 Notes:  The read_tape_and_query command requests the specified tape
 85 volume to be mounted.  After the mount request has been satisfied,
 86 read_tape_and_query automatically determines the tape density and
 87 checks for a recorded tape label.  If the density can be determined, an
 88 informative message is displayed that includes the density.  If the
 89 tape has a standard Multics, GCOS, IBM, ANSI or CP5 tape label, an
 90 informative message is displayed that includes the standard label type
 91 and the recorded volume name.  If the tape contains a valid IBM or ANSI
 92 label, a second message is displayed informing the user of the physical
 93 block size and logical record length (in bytes) of the first data file.
 94 For all standard labeled tape volumes, the tape is then positioned to
 95 the beginning of the first data file.  If the tape label is not
 96 recognized as one of the five standard types mentioned above, it is
 97 designated as unlabeled and the tape volume is repositioned to the
 98 beginning of the tape.
101 The read_tape_and_query command then goes into a request loop whose
102 requests are listed below.
105 List of requests:
107 ?
108    lists the available read_tape_and_query requests and active
109    requests.
110 abbrev {-ca}, ab {-ca}
111    turns abbreviation processor on or off and changes profile segments.
112 .
113    displays the command name read_tape_and_query with its short name
114    (rtq) in parentheses.
115 answer STR {-ca} request_line
116    provides preset answers to questions asked by another request.
117 bof
118    position to the beginning of the current physical tape file.
119 bsf {N}
120    backspace N files.  If N is not specified, 1 is assumed.
123 bsr {N}
124    backspace N records.  If N is not specified, 1 is assumed.  bsr will
125    not cross backward to the previous file.
126 debug_mode {-ca}
127    enables or disables debugging mode for the rtq subsystem.
128 density N, den N
129    sets the tape density to N bits per inch (bpi), where N can be 6250,
130    1600, 800, 556 or 200.
131 do request_string {args}
132    expands a request line by substituting the supplied arguments into
133    the line before execution, where request_string is a request line in
134    quotes and args are character string arguments that replace
135    parameters in request_string.
138 dump {offset} {n_words} {char_types}
139    displays the contents of the record buffer (filled with the
140    read_record request) on the users terminal.  If no arguments are
141    specified, the contents of the entire tape buffer are displayed in
142    octal format.
144    The value of char_type can be selected from the following:
146    -ascii
147       displays the contents of the record buffer in octal with an ASCII
148       interpretation of the data on the right side.
149    -bcd
150       displays the contents of the record buffer in octal with a BCD
151       interpretation of the data on the right side
152    -ebcdic
153       displays the contents of the record buffer in octal with an
154       EBCDIC interpretation of the data on the right side.
155    -hex
156       displays the record buffer in hexadecimal format.
158 exec_com PATH STRs, ec PATH STRs
159    executes a program written in the exec_com language which is used to
160    pass request lines to the rtq subsystem and to pass input lines to
161    read_tape_and_query requests which read input.  Where PATH is the
162    pathname of an exec_com program.  (".rtq" suffix is assumed).  STRs
163    are substituted for parameter references in the program.
164 execute LINE, e LINE
165    executes the supplied LINE as a Multics command line.
166 execute_string {-ca} {control_string {args}},
167 exs {-ca} {control_string {args}}, exs
168    substitutes arguments into a control string.  The expanded control
169    string is then passed to the command processor or the rtq subsystem
170    request processor for execution.  The control_string is a character
171    string which may contain substitution constructs and args are zero
172    or more character string arguments.
175 eof
176    positions to the end of the current physical tape file, after the
177    last record.
178 fsf {N}
179    forward space N files.  If N is not specified, 1 is assumed.
180 fsr {N}
181    forward space N records.  If N is not specified, 1 is assumed.
182 help {topics} {-ca}
183    prints information about request names or topics, where topics are
184    the topics on which information is to be printed.
187 if EXPR -then LINE1 {-else LINE2}
188    conditionally executes one of two request lines depending on the
189    value of an active string.  EXPR is the active string which must
190    evaluate to either "true" or "false".  LINE1 is the rtq request line
191    to execute if EXPR evaluates to "true" and LINE2 is the rtq request
192    line to execute if EXPR evaluates to "false".
193 list_help {topics}, lh {topics}
194    displays the names of all subsystem info segments pertaining to a
195    given set of topics.
196 list_requests {STRs} {-ca}, lr {STRs} {-ca}
197    prints a brief description of selected subsystem requests, where
198    STRs specifies the requests to be listed.
201 list_tape_contents {-long} {-label}, ltc {-lg} {-lbl}
202    displays information about each record on the tape.  The tape is
203    positioned to BOT and each record is read in.  If the tape is one of
204    the five known standard types, the current record is inspected to
205    determine if it is a valid label or trailer record; if so,
206    information pertinent to that particular label or trailer record is
207    displayed, in interpreted format.
210    If the -long argument is used, the contents of the label record is
211    displayed (in ASCII) as well.  Otherwise, the length of the current
212    record is compared to the length of the last record read.  If the
213    lengths are the same, a tally of the number of records with the same
214    length is incremented.  If the length of the current record is
215    different from that of the last record, or if an end of file mark is
216    detected, a message is displayed that includes:  the number of
217    records of equal length, and the record length in bits, words, 8-bit
218    bytes, 9-bit bytes, and 6-bit characters.
221    This display of record lengths can be circumvented by using the
222    -label argument, which only displays the label records.  This
223    operation continues until the logical end of tape is reached (two
224    end of file marks in succession or an end of volume trailer record,
225    followed by an end of file mark).  The tape is repositioned to BOT
226    after the list_tape_contents request is complete.  Use of the -label
227    argument with unlabeled tapes is treated as an error.
228 mode STR
229    sets the hardware mode for reading tape to STR, which can be one of
230    the following modes:  bin, bcd, or nine.
231 position, pos
232    displays the current physical tape file and record position for the
233    user.
236 quit, q
237    detaches the tape and returns control to the current command
238    processor.
241 read_file {args}, rdfile {args}
242    reads the current tape file into the segment described by args.  The
243    default action of this request with no arguments queries the user as
244    to the segment name he wishes the tape file to be read into and then
245    issues a warning telling the user that the current tape file will be
246    read in as a stream file with no conversion.
247    The optional arguments associated with the read_file request are:
249    -output_file {STR}, -of {STR}
250       where STR specifies the segment name for the tape file to be read
251       into.  If STR is omitted, the user is queried for the segment
252       name.
253    -count N, -ct N
254       allows reading up to N files, or until logical end of tape is
255       encountered.  After the first file is read in, the -count
256       iteration count is appended to the end of the user-designated
257       output file name as a second component.  If N is not specified
258       for "-count" control argument then 1 is assumed.  For example:
260             rdfile -ct 3 -of file1
262       names the first output file file1, the second file1.2, and the
263       third file1.3.
264    -multics, -mult
265       specifies that the input tape file is in Multics standard system
266       format.  The data portion of each unrepeated record is written to
267       the specified stream output file.  No attempt is made to separate
268       the contents of the physical record into a logical format.  Since
269       standard Multics tape format specifies that an EOF mark be
270       written every 128 records, the "-extend" and "-count" arguments
271       should be used to ensure that all of the data is recovered.
274    -gcos, -gc
275       specifies that the input tape file is in GCOS standard system
276       format.  That is, each record has a block control word and
277       several record control words dividing the physical record into
278       logical records.  Each record is processed accordingly.  BCD
279       records are converted to ASCII.  ASCII records are copied
280       directly.  Binary compressed deck card images are decompressed
281       and converted to ASCII.  If a BCD card image is identified as a
282       "$ object" card, this card image and all successive binary card
283       images, until a "$ dkend" card image is identified, are copied to
284       a separate file whose name is formed from columns 73 - 76 of the
285       $ object card with a suffix of ".obj".  If a BCD card image is
286       identified as a "$ snumb" card, this card and all following card
287       images, until another $ snumb card or end of file, are copied
288       into a file whose name is formed from columns 16 - 21 of the
290       $ snumb card with a suffix of ".imcv".  If a BCD card image is
291       identified as a "$ <language>" card, this card and all following
292       card images, until another $ <language> card or end of file, are
293       copied into a file whose name is formed from columns 73 - 76 of
294       the $ <language> card with a suffix of ".ascii".  This file is
295       also surrounded by sufficient GCOS "JCL cards" so that the
296       completed "deck" can be assembled using the Multics GCOS
297       Environment Simulator.  If columns 73 - 76 of the $ <language>
298       card are blank, the $f <language> card image is displayed and the
299       user is queried for the filename.
302    -cp5
303       specifies that the input tape file is in CP5 standard system
304       format, which consists of variable length records, recorded in
305       EBCDIC.  Each variable length logical record is written to the
306       specified stream file, with a newline character appended to the
307       end.  The data read from the tape is automatically converted from
308       EBCDIC to ASCII.
309    -dec
310       specifies that the input tape file is in Digital Equipment
311       Corporation (DEC) standard system format.  Each DEC word is 40
312       bits long, of which the first 32 bits and the last four bits are
313       concatenated to form one 36-bit word.  The other four bits are
314       discarded.  The converted data is then written onto the specified
315       file in raw format.
318    -ibm_vb {STR}
319       specifies that the input tape file has standard IBM VB-formatted
320       variable-length records with embedded block and control words.
321       STR can be ebcdic, ascii, or binary (bin).  (Default:  ebcdic)
322    -ansi_db {STR}
323       specifies that the input tape file has ANSI-standard DB-formatted
324       variable-length records with embedded record control words.  STR
325       can be ascii, ebcdic, or binary (or bin).  (Default:  ascii)
326    -output_description, -ods
327       allows you to specify a standard Multics I/O attach description
328       to receive the tape file data.  User queries ask you to input the
329       attach description and the opening mode.  You can express opening
330       modes in long form or in abbreviation form (e.g.,
331       sequential_output, sqo).
334    -extend
335       allows you to concatenate the contents of several tape files into
336       one output file.  This control argument has meaning only if you
337       also specify -count.
338    -nnl
339       allows escape from the read_file default of appending a new line
340       character to the end of each physical record, when you give no
341       other format specification.
342    -truncate N, -tc N
343       allows you to truncate each physical record to a length of N
344       characters.
345    -skip N
346       allows you to skip N characters (e.g., a record or block control
347       word) at the beginning of the physical tape record.  It is useful
348       when you are processing tapes of an unfamiliar format.
351    -logical_record_length N, -lrl N
352       allows you to divide each physical tape record into several
353       logical records of length N.  Each logical record is written to
354       the specified file with a new line character appended to the end.
355       Logical records cannot span physical blocks.
356    -convert STR, -conv STR
357       allows you to convert the data format of each tape record, where
358       STR can be one of the following:  ebcdic_to_ascii, ebcdic
359          converts input EBCDIC data to ASCII.  bcd_to_ascii, bcd
360          converts input BCD data to ASCII.  comp8_to_ascii, comp8
361          converts input comp8 (four-bit-packed decimal) data to its
362          equivalent ASCII representation.
364 read_record {-count N}, rdrec {-ct N}
365    reads the current record into a temporary buffer.  If the tape is
366    one of the five known standard labeled tapes, the record is checked
367    to determine if it is a label or trailer record; if it is,
368    information pertinent to that particular record type is displayed.
369    Otherwise, information pertaining to the physical record length in
370    bits, words, 8-bit bytes, 9-bit bytes, and 6-bit characters is
371    displayed.  When the -count argument is specified, N records are
372    read, overlaying each other in the temporary buffer.  Note that when
373    read_record encounters a tape mark, it leaves you positioned at the
374    beginning of the next file.
375 ready, rdy
376    prints a ready message.
379 ready_off, rdf
380    turns off printing of ready messages after execution of each
381    subsystem request line.
382 ready_on, rdn
383    turns on printing of ready messages after execution of each
384    subsystem request line.
385 records_in_file, rif
386    displays the total number of records in the current physical tape
387    file.  This operation reads each of the records in the file,
388    repositions the tape to its original position, prior to this
389    operation, and displays the count of records read.
390 rewind, rew
391    issues a rewind command and positions the tape to the beginning of
392    tape (BOT) marker.
395 subsystem_name
396    prints the name of the subsystem; as an active request,
397    [subsystem_name], returns the name of the subsystem.
398 subsystem_version
399    prints the version number of the subsystem; as an active request,
400    [subsystem_version], returns the version number of the subsystem.
403 Tape Positioning: When inspecting multifile tape reels, you may find
404 the action of various positioning requests confusing.  The table below
405 illustrates the starting and ending position when using various tape
406 positioning requests:
409     Start Position     Operation      End Position
411     file 6, record 7    rewind         file 1, record 1
412     file 6, record 7    bof            file 6, record 1
413     file 6, record 7    bsf            file 5, record 1
414     file 6, record 7    fsf            file 7, record 1
415     file 6, record 7    bsr            file 6, record 6
416     file 6, record 7    fsr            file 6, record 8
417     file 6, record 7    bsf 8 (1)      file 1, record 1
418     file 6, record 7    bsr 10 (2)     file 6, record 1
419     file 6, record 1    read_file -count 3 file 9, record 1
422 Note 1: This causes a rewind operation to occur, since the resultant
423 file number would be less than one.
426 Note 2: This causes a bof operation to occur, since the resultant
427 record number would be less than one.
430 Examples:
432 A typical example of a read_tape_and_query invocation follows,
433 including the initial information displayed for a labeled tape.
435   read_tape_and_query usert1
436   Tape usert1,blk=2800 will be mounted with no write ring.
437   Tape usert1,blk=2800 mounted on drive tape_02 with no write ring.
438   Tape density is 1600 bpi
439   Tape usert1 is a labeled ANSI tape
440   Volume name recorded on tape label is USERT1
441   Setting tape dim to read in nine mode
442   First data file format:
443    ANSI HDR2 label record. Next file format:
444    Record format DB; Block length 4000; Record length 4000; Mode ASCII;
445   Positioning to beginning of physical tape file # 2,
446    (logical file # 1)
447   rtq: