1 01/24/83  rbf_
 3 The rbf_ I/O module performs record oriented I/O to a remote I/O
 4 terminal that has the characteristics of the Honeywell Level 6M
 5 Satellite remote batch facility operating over an X.25 connection.  The
 6 hardware options currently supported are defined by the control
 7 arguments described below.
 9 Entry points in this module are not called directly by users; rather,
10 the module is accessed through the I/O system.
13 Syntax for Attach Description:
14      rbf_ -control_args
17 Control arguments:
18    are optional with the exception of -device, -comm, and -tty.  All
19    others are passed through as part of the attach description
20    for the communications I/O module specified via -comm.
21 -ascii
22    uses the ASCII character set.  This is the default.  This argument
23    is accepted for compatibility with other terminal I/O modules.
24 -comm STR
25    uses the communications I/O module specified by STR where STR must
26    be "tty_".
27 -device STR
28    attaches the subdevice specified by STR.  STR can be printer, punch,
29    reader or teleprinter.
32 -physical_line_length N, -pll N
33    specifies the physical line length, N, of the output device.  This
34    argument is accepted for compatibility with other terminal I/O
35    modules.
36 -terminal_type STR, -ttp STR
37    specifies the terminal type whose translation tables defined in the
38    user or system terminal type table (TTT) are used to translate input
39    and output to and from the device.  If not specified, no translation
40    is performed.  Input and output translation tables can be up to 256
41    characters in length.
42 -tty STR
43    connects the remote I/O terminal to the logical communications
44    channel named STR.
47 Open Operation:
48 The rbf_ I/O module supports the sequential_input, sequential_output,
49 and sequential_input_output opening modes.
52 Write Record Operation:
53 The write_record entry performs the appropriate translation on the data
54 record, converts the supplied slew control into the proper carriage
55 control sequences for line printer attachments and performs data
56 compression.  The records are then transmitted to the specified
57 communications channel.
59 The format of the record supplied to this I/O module is the
60 terminal_io_record structure.  This structure and the referenced
61 constants are contained in terminal_io_record.incl.pl1.
64 Read Record Operation:
65 The read_record entry reads characters from the communications channel
66 and returns a single record from the device, basically performing the
67 inverse of the functions described for the write_record operation.
69 The format of the record this I/O module returns in the supplied
70 buffer is the terminal_io_record structure.  This structure and the
71 referenced constants are contained in terminal_io_record.incl.pl1.
74 Control Operation:
75 This I/O module supports all the control operations supported by the
76 tty_ I/O module.  In addition, it supports the following:
77 runout
78    transmits any data stored in the output buffer.  There is no input
79    structure.
80 end_write_mode
81    prevents rbf_ from returning until all outstanding output has been
82    written to the attached channel.  There is no input structure.
85 Modes Operation:
86 This I/O module supports the rawi, rawo, and 8bit modes.
89 Notes: The select_device, reset, and binary_punch control orders are
90 ignored, but are accepted for compatibility with other I/O modules.