1 02/20/85  progress, pg
 3 Syntax as a command:  pg {command_line} {-control_arg}
 6 Function: executes a specified command line and prints information
 7 about how its execution is progressing in terms of CPU time, real time,
 8 and page faults.
11 Arguments:
12 command_line
13    is any string that is executable as a command line.  If given, no
14    control arguments to progress can appear on the same line except for
15    -brief.
18 Control arguments: you can supply only one control argument.
19 -brief command_line, -bf command_line
20    prints only the message at completion of the specified command_line.
21 -cput N
22    prints incremental messages every N seconds of virtual CPU time.
23    (Default: 10)
24 -off
25    suppresses the incremental messages printed during execution of a
26    command line previously initiated, but does not suppress the message
27    printed when that command line is finished (see "Notes on Output
28    Messages" below).  You can use -off to suppress messages while
29    debugging.
30 -on
31    restores the printing of incremental messages during execution of
32    the command line.
35 -output_switch name, -os name
36    directs output from the progress command to be printed on the I/O
37    switch named name.  (Default: user_i/o)
38 -realt N
39    prints incremental messages every N seconds of real time instead of
40    virtual CPU time.
43 Notes on output messages: After every 10 seconds of virtual CPU time
44 (assuming the default triggering value is used), progress prints out a
45 message of the form:
46    ct/rt = pt%, ci/ri = pi% (pfi)
47 where:
48    ct
49       is the number of virtual CPU seconds used by the command line so
50       far.
51    rt
52       is the total real seconds used so far.
53    pt
54       is the ratio of virtual to real time used by the command so far.
55    ci
56       is the incremental virtual CPU time (since the last message).
59    ri
60       is the incremental real time.
61    pi
62       is ci expressed as a percentage of ri.
63    pfi
64       is the number of page faults per second of virtual CPU time
65       (since the last message).
67 When the command line finishes, progress prints the following message--
68    finished: ct/rt = pt% (pft)
69 where:
70    pft
71       is the number of page faults per second of virtual CPU time for
72       the execution of the entire command.