1 04/29/82  print_request_types, prt
 3 Syntax:  prt {rqt_names} {-control_args}
 6 Syntax as an active function:
 7         [prt {rqt_names} {-control_args}]
10 Function: prints information about request types handled by I/O
11 Daemons.  When invoked as an active function, prt returns the names of
12 the selected request types which would have been printed.
15 Arguments:
16 rqt_names
17    are the names of request types to be printed.  The star convention
18    is allowed.
21 Control arguments:
22 -brief, -bf
23    suppresses printing of a heading line.
24 -user_defined, -udf
25    prints information about request types for which user-defined output
26    control argument settings have been defined using the eor command.
27    The printed output includes both the user-defined request type name
28    and its target request type name.  When used as an active function,
29    only the user-defined request type name is returned.
30 -access_name User_id, -an User_id
31    prints information about request types serviced by the I/O driver
32    process identified by User_id.  See Notes below.
35 -print, -pr
36    prints information about request types associated with the printer
37    generic type.
38 -punch, -pch
39    prints information about request types associated with the punch
40    generic type.
41 -plot
42    prints information about request types associated with the plotter
43    generic type.
44 -generic_type XX, -gt XX
45    lists request types of generic type XX.  This can be used to support
46    site-defined generic types.
49 -directory PATH, -dr PATH
50    specifies the pathname of a test directory to be used in place of
51    the IO Daemon Directory (>ddd>idd).  prt looks for an
52    iod_working_tables segment in this directory.
55 Notes: The User_id argument specified after -access_name may have any
56 of the following forms:
58     Person_id.Project_id   matches that user only
59     Person_id.*            matches that person on any project
60     Person_id              same as Person_id.*
61     *.Project_id           matches any user on that project
62     .Project_id            same as *.Project_id
65 The enter_output_request command allows the user to define named groups
66 of default control argument settings.  The names of these groups can be
67 referenced as if they were user-defined request types.  These names are
68 shown in the output of the prt command, indented under the request type
69 to which they apply.  Also, the prt active function returns the names
70 of any user-defined request types which match the selection criteria.
71 Refer to enter_output_request.info for further discussion of default
72 control argument settings, and creation of user-defined request type
73 names via eor -default_name.