1 07/27/83  Enhancements to the print_mail command
  3 This info segment briefly describes the enhancements made to the
  4 print_mail command in various system releases.
  7 07/27/83  List of enhancements in MR10.2:
  8    (1) improved mailbox selection,
  9    (2) improved message selection,
 10    (3) improved control over message display format,
 11    (4) improved message summaries, and
 12    (5) use of the Acknowledge-To field
 15 Improved mailbox selection:
 16 The print_mail command now permits the name of an entry in the system
 17 mail table to be used to specify the mailbox to be examined.  For
 18 example, the command line
 20      print_mail Palter
 22 will now print the contents of the user Palter's default mailbox
 23 provided that there is no mailbox or savebox in the working directory
 24 named Palter.mbx or Palter.sv.mbx, respectively, and that the the mail
 25 table entry for Palter specifies his default mailbox as its value.
 27 For more detailed information, type:
 28      help print_mail -ca user; help print_mail -section mailbox selection
 30 For more detailed information about the mail table, type:
 31      help mail_table.gi
 34 Improved message selection:
 35 The print_mail command now provides greater flexibility in determining
 36 which messages in the mailbox are to be printed.  This new capability
 37 is provided by the following print_mail control arguments:
 39 -accessible, -acc
 40    specifies that print_mail should only select those messages in the
 41    mailbox that the user is permitted to read.  If the user has read
 42    (r) extended access on the mailbox, print_mail will select all
 43    messages in the mailbox; if the user has own (o) extended access on
 44    the mailbox, print_mail will select only those messages which the
 45    user sent to the mailbox.  (Default)
 46 -all, -a
 47    specifies that print_mail should select all messages in the mailbox
 48    regardless of who sent them.  Use of this control argument requires
 49    read (r) extended access on the mailbox.
 52 -own
 53    specifies that print_mail should select only those messages in the
 54    mailbox that the user himself sent to the mailbox.  Use of this
 55    control argument requires own (o) extended access on the mailbox.
 56 -not_own
 57    specifies that print_mail should select only those messages in the
 58    mailbox that were not sent by the user.  Use of this control
 59    argument requires read (r) extended access on the mailbox.
 62 Improved control over message display format:
 63 The print_mail command now provides four levels of detail for the
 64 information displayed from the message header.  Which level of detail
 65 to use is specified by one of the following command line control
 66 arguments:
 68 -long_header, -lghe
 69    specifies that print_mail is to display all information from the
 70    message header including network tracing information even if some of
 71    the information is redundant.  (Ie: if the From, Sender, and
 72    Delivery-By fields are all equal, this option will force print_mail
 73    to display all three fields when it prints the message).
 74 -header, -he
 75    specifies that print_mail is to display all information from the
 76    message header including user-defined fields while excluding the
 77    message trace and redundant information.  (Default)
 80 -brief_header, -bfhe
 81    specifies that print_mail is to display the minimal amount of
 82    information from the message header.  The date and authors are
 83    always displayed; the subject is displayed if it isn't blank; the
 84    number of recipients is displayed either if there is more than one
 85    recipient or the user is not the sole recipient of the message; if
 86    the message was ever forwarded with comments, these comments will be
 87    displayed.
 88 -no_header, -nhe
 89    specifies that print_mail is to display absolutely no information
 90    from the message header.  Only the message number, message body line
 91    count, and message body will be displayed.
 93 For more information, type:
 94      help message_format.gi
 97 Improved message summaries:
 98 The message summary produced by the "-list" control argument has been
 99 enhanced to include two new flag characters after the message number.
100 The "A" flag will appear for any message which will be acknowledged
101 after it is printed.  The "&" flag will appear for any message which
102 can not be deleted due to insufficient access.
105 Use of the Acknowledge-To field:
106 The print_mail command now uses the contents of the last Acknowledge-To
107 or Redistributed-Acknowledge-To field in the message to determine to
108 whom it should send message acknowledgements.
111 10/06/82  List of enhancements in MR10.1:
112    (1) an improved mailbox selection capability,
113    (2) a program_interrupt handler,
114    (3) the "?" response,
115    (4) abbreviations for some responses,
116    (5) new command line control arguments, and
117    (6) improved acknowledgements.
120 Enhanced mailbox selection:
121 The print_mail command now uses a different interpretation of a
122 non-control argument on its command line when selecting a mailbox.
123 This new interpretation was chosen to simplify the selection of
124 mailboxes and saveboxes in the working directory.
126 The new interpretation is:
127 STR
128    is any non-control argument and is first interpreted as:
129          -mailbox STR
130    if no mailbox is found, this specification is then interpreted as:
131          -save STR
132    if no savebox is found, this specification is then interpreted as:
133          -user STR
136 program_interrupt handler:
137 A program_interrupt handler is added to print_mail which, when invoked,
138 causes print_mail to repeat the "Delete this message?" query for the
139 message it just printed.  Thus, if print_mail begins to print a long
140 message, the user may use the BREAK key to interrupt the command and
141 then invoke the program_interrupt command to proceed directly to the
142 "Delete this message?" query without having to print the entire message
143 at his terminal.
146 The "?" response:
147 Answering the "Delete this message?" query with a question mark (?)
148 causes print_mail to print a brief summary of the acceptable responses
149 to this query.
152 Shorter responses:
153 The following abbreviations are now accepted for the listed responses
154 to the "Delete this message?" query.
156    yes: y
157    no: n
158    quit: q
159    reprint: print, pr, p
161 y  for "yes"
162 n  for "no"
163 q  for "quit"
164 print, pr, p
165    for "reprint"
168 New command line control arguments:
169 Several new control arguments are now accepted on the print_mail
170 command line.
172 The following control arguments are the inverse of already implemented
173 control arguments and were added to allow overriding non-standard
174 default settings created through the use of abbreviations:
176 -long, -lg
177    prints the long form of the greeting message.  (Default)
178 -no_list, -nls
179    does not print a summary of the messages before printing the first
180    message.  (Default)
183 The following control arguments were added to provide compatibility
184 with new or existing features of read_mail:
186 -acknowledge, -ack
187    acknowledges messages which request acknowledgement.  (Default)
188 -no_acknowledge, -nack
189    does not acknowledge messages which request acknowledgement.
190 -header, -he
191    prints the entire header associated with each message.  (Default)
192 -no_header, -nhe
193    prints an abbreviated form of the header giving only the date,
194    author, and subject of the message.
195 -own
196    only prints messages sent by the user using print_mail.  The default
197    is to print all messages in the mailbox to which the user has
198    access.
201 Improved acknowledgements:
202 The message sent when acknowledging a message now includes the subject
203 of the original message if present.