1 08/04/86 Pascal compile-time options
  3 This segment describes the $include compiler directive, used to insert
  4 text from a segment into a Pascal program at compilation time, and the
  5 $options compiler directive, used to control various aspects of
  6 compilation and listing output.
  9 Include files:
 10 Stored portions of text can be inserted in a program at compilation
 11 time by use of the $include compiler directive. Include files are
 12 particularly useful when the same set of declarations are to be used in
 13 several programs, and ensure that they appear identically in all
 14 programs.
 17 The syntax of $include is--
 18    $include 'file_name' {,begin_string, end_string} $
 19 where begin_string and end_string are either quoted character strings
 20 to specify starting and ending positions within the included file, or *
 21 to indicate the beginning and end of the file.
 23 If begin_string is 'foo', for example, the included portion of
 24 file_name begins with the character immediately following the first
 25 occurrence of the literal string "foo".  If end_string is 'bar', for
 26 example, the included portion of file_name ends with the character
 27 immediately preceding the first occurrence of "bar".  These strings
 28 are NOT interpreted as qedx regular expressions but using Pascal
 29 character strings.  (same use of '' for ' char).
 31 The included file is named file_name.incl.pascal and is found via the
 32 "translator" search list.
 34 Occurrences of $include in the include file itself are expanded
 35 recursively.
 38 Examples of $include:
 39 The source line -- $include 'record_dcls' $
 40 is replaced by the entire contents of the segment
 41 record_dcls.incl.pascal found via the "translator" search list. This
 42 example is equivalent to:
 44           $include 'record_dcls',*,* $
 47 The source line-- $include 'record_dcls','V1-START','V1-END'$
 48 is replaced by the portion of record_dcls.incl.pascal that starts
 49 with the character immediately following the first occurrence of
 50 "V1-START" and ends with the character immediately preceding the first
 51 occurrence of "V1-END" after "V1-START".
 54 The source line-- $include 'record_dcls',*,'END-HEADER'$
 55 is replaced by the portion of record_dcls.incl.pascal that starts at
 56 the beginning of the segment and ends with the character immediately
 57 preceding the first occurrence of "END-HEADER".
 60 Compiler options:
 61 The $options compiler directive accepts a variety of keywords that
 62 control the format of the output compilation listing, the portion of
 63 the source that is compiled, and the generation of debugging checks in
 64 the code as produced by "pascal -debug".
 66 The $options directive with most keywords can test the values of
 67 compiler switches, which take true/false values.  Compiler switches
 68 must be declared within the source program by lines of the form:
 70    $options switch switch_name1 {:= value1}
 71                   {, switch_name2 {:= value2}} $
 73 where the switch names have the same syntax as Pascal identifiers.  The
 74 optional values can be either "true" or "false"; the default is
 75 "false".  Switches must be declared before they are referenced in other
 76 $options directives, but their values can be changed at any time by
 77 additional "$options switch" directives.  Switch values can also be set
 78 using the -cond control argument to the pascal command, which overrides
 79 any values set within the source program.
 82 Listing page breaks:
 83 The directive:
 85           $options page $
 87 causes the compilation listing to skip to a new page.
 90 Listing source text:
 91 The directive:
 93           $options listing = true/false $
 94  or:
 95           $options listing = [not] switch_name $
 97 controls whether source subsequent source lines are written into the
 98 compilation listing. The default is "true".
101 Debugging checks:
102 The directive-- $options debug = true/false $
103            or-- $options debug = [not] switch_name $
104 controls whether special code is to be generated to cause harmless
105 faults for uninitialized pointers and to provide other safeguards
106 against program errors. These checks are the same ones that are
107 generated by the -debug control argument to the pascal command. The
108 default value is "true". All values for debug are overridden by -debug
109 or -no_debug on the command line.
112 Conditional compilation:
113 The directive-- $options compile = true/false $
114            or-- $options compile = [not] switch_name $
115 controls whether succeeding text is to be included in the compilation.
116 This feature allows a source segment to contain multiple versions of
117 program text, which are selected based on the values of switches as
118 assigned by the -cond control argument to the pascal command. The
119 default value is "true".
122 Examples of conditional compilation:
123 The following sample program prints a terse message if the compiler is
124 invoked with "-cond brief true", otherwise it prints a longer message:
126      procedure print_not_found
127                      (name : packed array [a..b : integer] of char);
128        begin
129        $options switch brief := false $   {default is not-brief}
130        $options compile = brief $
131           writeln ('Not found: ', name);
132        $options compile = not brief $
133           writeln ('Unable to find program, check library for: ', name);
134        $options compile = true $
135      end;