1 07/02/84 par.compin
3 Syntax: .ifi par N
4 OR .ifi pN
5 where N may have values 0 through 9
7 Function:
8 This macro provides a standard paragraph break as appropriate for the
9 output device and optionally sets the indention for the paragraph to
10 the Nth level See Notes.
12 Macro action:
13 Sets paragraph separation space as defined for the device.
14 If N is given, sets paragraph indention to the Nth level; otherwise,
15 the current indention level is not changed.
18 Sets the first text to next N+1 indention level.
20 Notes:
21 Ten levels of indention are defined in mutiples of a standard amount
22 for the output device, 4 spaces for typerwriters and 2 EMs for
23 phototypesetters. Thus, level 0 is flush left for all devices while
24 level 2 is indented 8 spaces for typewriters and 4 EMs for
25 phototypesetters.