1 05/31/80  New FORTRAN Differences
  3      This info segment contains a list of differences between the old
  4 and new FORTRAN compilers.  Some of these differences require source
  5 level changes to maintain program functionality, and others just
  6 require recompilation.  For a description of how to convert from the
  7 old FORTRAN source format to the new, or for a complete list of
  8 syntactic differences between the compilers, refer to
  9 new_fortran_conversions.gi.info.
 12  1.  The new compiler only generates a segdef for the name of the
 13      object segment.  It does not generate an entry definition with
 14      that name unless the source segment contains a subroutine,
 15      function, or entry point with that name.  The entry point for the
 16      main program, if it exists, is main_.
 19  2.  The default storage class is automatic instead of static.  This
 20      can result in program failure if the logic of the program depends
 21      on values remaining in storage throughout the life of a run.  The
 22      automatic or save statement can be used to change the default
 23      storage class to static.
 25      Note -- A simple and efficient way to circumvent this potential
 26      problem is to combine all the program units for a particular
 27      subsystem into a single source segment.  Then, all variables
 28      retain their values during the run, and all calls within the
 29      subsystem will be intra-segment calls.  Intra-segment calls are
 30      far more efficient than inter-segment calls.
 33  3.  The new compiler does not generate relocation information for an
 34      object segment unless the user specifies the -relocation (-rlc)
 35      control argument.  The lack of relocation information is only a
 36      problem if the user wants to bind the object segment.  The
 37      Multics binder prevents a user from binding an object segment
 38      that does not have relocation information.  [This difference has
 39      been removed.  The new compiler now generates relocation
 40      information by default.  Relocation information may be supressed
 41      with the -non_relocatable (-nrlc) control argument.]
 43  4.  The implementation of alternate return statements is
 44      incompatible.  The user cannot mix old and new object programs
 45      that interact via alternate returns.
 48  5.  The new compiler does not generate recursive code.  Although it
 49      is possible to invoke the same program more than once, by using
 50      an external call to another segment, a user does so at his own
 51      initiative and risk.
 53  6.  If a common block name contains a dollar sign ($), a type-4 link
 54      is generated.  This type of link does not allow for initial
 55      values to be provided by data statements.  Common block names
 56      must be of the form a$b where both a and b are present.  If a
 57      common block name does not contain a dollar sign, a *system link
 58      is generated.  This type of link does allow for initial values to
 59      be provided by data statements in a block data subprogram.  A
 60      *system link is generated for blank or unlabelled common,
 61      however, the language does not allow this common block to be
 62      initalized using data statements.  The old compiler always
 63      generates type-6 links for common blocks.
 66  7.  The semantics of do-loops is incompatible.  The new compiler
 67      copies the increment and final value before entering the loop.
 68      The old compiler does not, allowing them to change during the
 69      loop.
 71  8.  The old compiler always generates descriptors for external calls.
 72      The new compiler only generates descriptors for external calls if
 73      the user declares the external name to require descriptors.  The
 74      external statement is used:
 76       external ioa_ (descriptors)
 78      The name ioa_ will have descriptors generated for all calls.
 79      This declaration also prevents the code generator from checking
 80      each argument list for consistency with previous ones.
 83  9.  Any do-loop index must be a scalar or subscripted variable.
 84      Unsubscripted array names are not allowed.  The index of an
 85      implied do-loop must be a scalar variable, subscripted variables
 86      are not allowed.
 88 10.  The new compiler requires the implicit statement to be the first
 89      statement of the program unit (not including the subroutine,
 90      block data, or function statement).  There can be only one
 91      implicit statement per program unit.
 93 11.  A block data subprogram cannot contain executable statements.
 96 12.  Parameters that are dimensioned must have parameter or constant
 97      extents.  The old compiler allows the extents to be in static
 98      storage or in common.
100 13.  Only parameter arrays can have parameter extents.  (There are no
101      automatic adjustable arrays as is possible with the old
102      compiler.)
104 14.  There is currently no include file processing.  [This difference
105      has been removed.  Include file processing is provided with the
106      %include statement.]
109 15.  The number of subscripts specified for array elements of
110      equivalenced data, i, must be 1 or N (where N is the actual
111      number of dimensions specified for the array).  The old compiler
112      allows 1 <= i <= N.
114 16.  The assignment of character data (constant or variable) to real,
115      complex, double precision, and logical variables is not allowed.
116      [This difference has been relaxed.  Character data may be
117      assigned to integer, real, double precision, or complex
118      variables, but not to logical variables.]
121 17.  [This difference has been removed.  The new_fortran compiler now
122      allows the string delimit character within the constant itself.]
123      Character strings delimited by a ' cannot include a '.  Character
124      strings delimited by a " cannot include a ".
126 18.  Labeled common blocks cannot be extended beyond the declared
127      size.  The old compiler allows this for labeled common as well as
128      unlabeled common.
130 19.  Data statements for common blocks can only appear in block data
131      subprograms.
133 20.  Unlabeled common cannot be initialized with data statements.
136 21.  Free-form format is different in the two compilers.  The old
137      compiler does not require any explicit continuation character if
138      a statement is continued onto a succeeding line, however, the new
139      compiler does.  Refer to new_fortran_conversions.gi.info for a
140      complete description of the syntactic differences between the
141      compilers.
143 22.  There is no distinction made between uppercase and lowercase
144      characters (except in literal constants) if the -card or -fold
145      control argument is given.
147 23.  Runtime formats must be character or integer arrays or character
148      variables.  The old compiler allows arrays of any mode.
151 24.  Double precision octal constants (octal constants longer than 12
152      digits) are not allowed.  [This difference has been removed.
153      Octal constants as long as 24 digits are allowed for double
154      precision and complex data.]
156 25.  Double precision and complex data is always double-word aligned.
157      The old compiler generates very inefficient code to allow this
158      data to be on an odd word boundary.
160 26.  [This difference has been removed.]
162 27.  [This difference has been removed.]
165 28.  [This difference has been removed.]
167 29.  Newline characters in list-directed input are treated as if they
168      were blanks.  The old FORTRAN I/O gave a special meaning to the
169      newline character.  A comma followed by a newline denoted a null
170      value in the old system.  A blank line also denoted a null value
171      in the old system.  In the new FORTRAN I/O both of these are
172      treated as white space.  This change also applies to object
173      segments created by the old compiler.
175 30.  List directed input termination is different.  The new runtime
176      accepts either / or ; as an indication of premature end-of-input.
177      If one of these characters is encountered in the input, the rest
178      of the items in the input/output list are not assigned values.
181 31.  The semantics of the endfile statement is different.  Until an
182      unspecified time in the future, the endfile statement, when
183      compiled with the new compiler, prints a message at runtime but
184      otherwise has no effect.
186 32.  The order of precedence of the exponentiation operator is from
187      left to right.  The old compiler goes from right to left.  [This
188      difference has been removed.]
190 33.  Range checking is always performed for computed go to statements.
191      If the value of the expression is out of range, the computed go
192      to statement is ignored and control passes to the next statement.
193      This is also true for an alternate return from a subroutine.
196 34.  Subscript range checking can only be enabled or disabled for
197      subscripted array references.  The old compiler also validates
198      computed go to statements and alternate returns from subroutines.
200 35.  The implied unit read statement uses file 0 instead of file 5.
202 36.  The print statement uses file 0 instead of file 6.
204 37.  The -convert control argument to the fortran command is no longer
205      supported.  (It is not deemed necessary.)
207 38.  The control arguments -symbols and -source are no longer
208      supported.  The only listing generating control arguments are
209      -list and -map.