1 03/19/84 msf_manager_
3 The msf_manager_ subroutine provides a centralized and consistent
4 facility for handling multisegment files. Multisegment files are files
5 that can require more than one segment for storage. Examples of
6 multisegment files are listings, data used through I/O switches, and
7 APL workspaces. The msf_manager_ subroutine makes multisegment files
8 almost as easy to use as single segment files in many applications.
10 A multisegment file is composed of one or more components, each the
11 size of a segment, identified by consecutive unsigned integers. Any
12 word in a single segment file can be specified by a pathname and a word
13 offset. Any word in a multisegment file can be specified by a
14 pathname, component number, and word offset within the component. The
15 msf_manager_ subroutine provides the means for creating, accessing, and
16 deleting components, truncating the multisegment file, and controlling
17 access.
20 In this implementation, a multisegment file with only component 0 is
21 stored as a single segment file, unless the msf_manager_$msf_get_ptr
22 entrypoint was responsible for creating the file, in which case it is
23 stored as a multisegment file with only one component. If components
24 other than 0 are present, they are stored as segments with names
25 corresponding to the ASCII representation of their component numbers in
26 a directory with the pathname of the multisegment file.
29 The ACL of the multisegment file is maintained on each component of the
30 multisegment file. This ACL is translated into a similar directory ACL
31 maintained on the directory portion of the multisegment file. The
32 directory ACL is maintained such that all users have at least "s"
33 access to the directory portion so that all users can determine their
34 actual access mode to the multisegment file.
38 To keep information between calls, the msf_manager_ subroutine stores
39 information about files in per-process data structures called file
40 control blocks. The user is returned a pointer to a file control block
41 by the entry point msf_manager_$open. This pointer, fcb_ptr, is the
42 caller's means of identifying the multisegment file to the other
43 msf_manager_ entry points. The file control block is freed by the
44 msf_manager_$close entry point.
47 Entry points in msf_manager_:
48 List is generated by the help command
51 :Entry: acl_add: 03/19/84 msf_manager_$acl_add
54 Function: This entry point adds the specified access modes to the ACL
55 of the multisegment file.
58 Syntax:
59 declare msf_manager_$acl_add entry ptr ptr fixed bin
60 fixed bin35;
61 call msf_manager_$acl_add fcb_ptr acl_ptr acl_count code;
64 Arguments:
65 fcb_ptr
66 is a pointer to the file control block. Input
67 acl_ptr
68 points to the user-supplied segment_acl_array structure declared in
69 acl_structures.incl.pl1. Input
70 acl_count
71 is the number of ACL entries in the segment_acl_array structure.
72 Input
73 code
74 is a storage system status code. Output It can be:
75 error_table_$argerr
76 the erroneous ACL entries in the segment_acl_array structure have
77 status_code set to an appropriate error code. No processing is
78 performed.
81 List of structure elements:
82 access_name
83 is the access name in the form Person_id.Project_id.tag that
84 identifies the process to which this ACL entry applies.
87 modes
88 contains the modes for this access name. The first three bits
89 correspond to the modes read, execute, and write. The remaining
90 bits must be 0's. For example, rw access is expressed as "101"b.
91 The include file access_mode_values.incl.pl1 defines mnemonics
92 for these values:
94 dcl N_ACCESS init "000"b
95 R_ACCESS init "100"b
96 E_ACCESS init "010"b
97 W_ACCESS init "001"b
98 RE_ACCESS init "110"b
99 REW_ACCESS init "111"b
100 RW_ACCESS init "101"b,
101 bit 3 internal static options constant;
104 zero_pad
105 must contain the value zero. This field is for use with
106 extended access and may only be used by the system.
107 status_code
108 is a storage system status code for this ACL entry only.
111 :Entry: acl_delete: 03/19/84 msf_manager_$acl_delete
114 Function: This entry point deletes ACL entries from the ACL of a
115 multisegment file.
118 Syntax:
119 declare msf_manager_$acl_delete entry ptr ptr fixed bin
120 fixed bin35;
121 call msf_manager_$acl_delete fcb_ptr acl_ptr acl_count code;
124 Arguments:
125 fcb_ptr
126 is a pointer to the file control block. Input
127 acl_ptr
128 points to a user-supplied delete_acl structure which is declared in
129 acl_structures.incl.pl1. Input
130 acl_count
131 is the number of ACL entries in the delete_acl structure. Input
132 code
133 is a storage system status code. Output
136 List of structure elements:
137 access_name
138 is the access name in the form Person_id.Project_id.tag of an
139 ACL entry to be deleted.
140 status_code
141 is a storage system status code for this ACL entry only.
144 Notes: If code is error_table_$argerr, no processing is performed and
145 status_code in each erroneous ACL entry is set to an appropriate error
146 code.
148 If an access name matches no name already on the ACL, then the
149 status_code for that delete_acl entry is set to
150 error_table_$user_not_found. Processing continues to the end of the
151 delete_acl structure and code is returned as 0.
154 :Entry: acl_list: 03/19/84 msf_manager_$acl_list
157 Function: This entry point returns the access control list ACL of a
158 multisegment file.
161 Syntax:
162 declare msf_manager_$acl_list entry ptr ptr ptr ptr fixed bin
163 fixed bin35;
164 call msf_manager_$acl_list fcb_ptr area_ptr area_ret_ptr acl_ptr
165 acl_count code;
168 Arguments:
169 fcb_ptr
170 is a pointer to the file control block. Input
171 area_ptr
172 points to an area in which the list of ACL entries, which make up
173 the entire ACL of the multisegment file, is allocated. If area_ptr
174 is null, then the user wants access modes for certain ACL entries;
175 these will be specified by the structure pointed to by acl_ptr.
176 Input
177 area_ret_ptr
178 points to the start of the allocated list of ACL entries. Output
181 acl_ptr
182 if area_ptr is null, then acl_ptr points to an ACL structure,
183 segment_acl_array, described in the msf_manager_$acl_add entry
184 point above into which mode information is placed for the access
185 names specified in that same structure. Input
186 acl_count
187 is the number of entries in the segment_acl_array structure.
188 Input/Output
189 Input is the number of entries in the ACL structure identified
190 by acl_ptr.
191 Output is the number of entries in the segment_acl_array structure
192 allocated in the area pointed to by area_ptr, if area_ptr
193 is not null.
194 code
195 is a storage system status code. Output
198 Notes: If acl_ptr is used to obtain modes for specified access names
199 rather than obtaining modes for all access names in area_ret_ptr,
200 then each ACL entry in the segment_acl_array structure either has
201 status_code set to 0 and contains the multisegment mode of the file or
202 has status_code set to error_table_$user_not_found and contains a mode
203 of 0.
206 :Entry: acl_replace: 03/19/84 msf_manager_$acl_replace
209 Function: This entry point replaces the ACL of a multisegment file.
212 Syntax:
213 declare msf_manager_$acl_replace entry ptr ptr fixed bin bit1
214 fixed bin35;
215 call msf_manager_$acl_replace fcb_ptr acl_ptr acl_count
216 no_sysdaemon_sw code;
219 Arguments:
220 fcb_ptr
221 is a pointer to the file control block. Input
222 acl_ptr
223 points to the user-supplied segment_acl_array structure described
224 in the msf_manager_$acl_add entry point above that is to replace
225 the current ACL. Input
226 acl_count
227 is the number of entries in the segment_acl_array structure.
228 Input
231 no_sysdaemon_sw
232 is a switch that indicates whether an rw *.SysDaemon.* entry is to
233 be put on the ACL of the multisegment file after the existing ACL
234 has been deleted and before the user-supplied segment_acl_array
235 entries are added. Input
236 "0"b adds rw *.SysDaemon.* entry.
237 "1"b replaces the existing ACL with only the user-supplied
238 segment_acl_array.
239 code
240 is a storage system status code. Output
243 Notes: If acl_count is zero, the existing ACL is deleted and only the
244 action indicated if any by the no_sysdaemon_sw switch is performed.
245 If acl_count is greater than zero, processing of the segment_acl_array
246 entries is performed top to bottom, allowing a later entry to overwrite
247 a previous one if the access_name in the segment_acl_array structure is
248 identical.
251 :Entry: adjust: 09/23/86 msf_manager_$adjust
254 Function: The msf_manager_$adjust entry point optionally sets the bit
255 count, truncates, and terminates the components of a multisegment file.
256 The number of the last component and its bit count must be given. The
257 bit counts of all components but the last are set to the first
258 component's max_length*36. All components with numbers greater than
259 the given component are deleted. All components that have been
260 initiated are terminated. A 3-bit switch is used to control these
261 actions.
264 Syntax:
265 declare msf_manager_$adjust entry ptr fixed bin fixed bin24
266 bit3 fixed bin35;
267 call msf_manager_$adjust fcb_ptr component bc switch code;
270 Arguments:
271 fcb_ptr
272 is a pointer to the file control block. Input
273 component
274 is the number of the last component. Input
275 bc
276 is the bit count to be placed on the last component. Input
277 switch
278 is a 3-bit count/truncate/terminate switch. Input
279 bit count
280 "0"b do not set the bit count.
281 "1"b set the bit count.
284 truncate
285 "0"b do not truncate the given component.
286 "1"b truncate the given component to the length specified in the
287 bc argument.
288 terminate
289 "0"b do not terminate the component.
290 "1"b terminate the component.
291 code
292 is a storage system status code. Output
295 :Entry: close: 03/19/84 msf_manager_$close
298 Function: This entry point terminates all components that the file
299 control block indicates are initiated and frees the file control block.
302 Syntax:
303 declare msf_manager_$close entry ptr;
304 call msf_manager_$close fcb_ptr;
307 Arguments:
308 fcb_ptr
309 is the pointer to the file control block.
312 :Entry: get_ptr: 03/19/84 msf_manager_$get_ptr
315 Function: This entry point returns a pointer to a specified component
316 in the multisegment file. The component can be created if it does not
317 exist. If the file is a single segment file, and a component greater
318 than 0 is requested, the single segment is converted to a component 0.
319 See also the msf_manager_$msf_get_ptr entry point.
322 Syntax:
323 declare msf_manager_$get_ptr entry ptr fixed bin bit1 ptr
324 fixed bin24 fixed bin35;
325 call msf_manager_$get_ptr fcb_ptr component create_sw seg_ptr bc
326 code;
329 Arguments:
330 fcb_ptr
331 is a pointer to the file control block. Input
332 component
333 is the number of the component desired. Input
334 create_sw
335 is the create switch. Input
336 "1"b create the component if it does not exist.
337 "0"b do not create the component if it does not exist.
338 seg_ptr
339 is a pointer to the specified component in the file, or null if
340 there is an error. Output
343 bc
344 is the bit count of the component. Output
345 code
346 is a storage system status code. Output It can be:
347 error_table_$noentry
348 if the component requested did not exist and create_sw is off.
351 :Entry: msf_get_ptr: 03/19/84 msf_manager_$msf_get_ptr
354 Function: This entry point returns a pointer to a specified component
355 in the multisegment file. The component can be created if it does not
356 exist. If the file is a single segment file, and the requested
357 component is not component 0, the single segment is converted to a
358 multisegment file. This change does not affect a previously returned
359 pointer to component 0. If the file does not exist, it is created as a
360 "multi-segment file" with a single component. This entry point never
361 creates a single segment file. See also the msf_manager_$get_ptr
362 entrypoint.
365 Syntax:
366 declare msf_manager_$msf_get_ptr entry ptr fixed bin bit1 ptr
367 fixed bin24 fixed bin35;
368 call msf_manager_$msf_get_ptr fcb_ptr component create_sw seg_ptr
369 bc code;
372 Arguments:
373 fcb_ptr
374 is a pointer to the file control block. Input
375 component
376 is the number of the component desired. Input
377 create_sw
378 is the create switch. Input
379 "1"b create the component if it does not exist.
380 "0"b do not create the component if it does not exist.
381 seg_ptr
382 is a pointer to the specified component in the file, or null if
383 there is an error. Output
386 bc
387 is the bit count of the component. Output
388 code
389 is a storage system status code. Output It can be:
390 error_table_$noentry
391 if the component requested did not exist and create_sw is off.
394 :Entry: open: 03/19/84 msf_manager_$open
397 Function: The msf_manager_$open entry point creates a file control
398 block and returns a pointer to it. The file need not exist for a file
399 control block to be created for it.
402 Syntax:
403 declare msf_manager_$open entry char* char* ptr fixed bin35;
404 call msf_manager_$open dir_name entryname fcb_ptr code;
407 Arguments:
408 dir_name
409 is the pathname of the containing directory. Input
410 entryname
411 is the entryname of the multisegment file. Input
412 fcb_ptr
413 is a pointer to the file control block. Output
414 code
415 is a storage system status code. The code error_table_$dirseg is
416 returned when an attempt is made to open a directory. Output
419 Notes: If the file does not exist, fcb_ptr is nonnull and the code
420 error_table_$noentry is returned. If the file cannot be opened,
421 fcb_ptr is null and the value of code returned indicates the reason for
422 failure.