1 1983-10-28 Limitations in MRPG 1.1b
3 There are 2 areas where at least one user has run into a limitation of
4 MRPG which the user may work around. These limits are not set high
5 because of the overhead involved in doing so, which every user of very
6 small amounts of data would have to pay for. Here is described what
7 the big user needs to know to adjust to his need.
10 Number of variables declared: The maximum is controlled by a
11 statement in mrpg.mrpg_lib. The released library says
12 &ext dclist100&;
13 This says that only 100 variable names may be defined. Anyone needing
14 more may change the value of "100".
17 TABLE/SET size: The number of elements in a table or set is defined by
18 these 2 statements:
19 &int fromlist100&;
20 &int tolist100&;
21 The "100"s here may be increased to the size which the user needs.