1 11/24/87  Getting Started with Multics Online Work Station Environment
  3 This info segment gives a brief description of how to get started with
  4 the Multics Online Work Station Environment (MOWSE).
  7 Resources you will need to use MOWSE:
  8 o Any IBM PC, PC-XT, PC-AT, PS/2 or compatible with at least 384K of
  9   RAM.
 10 o Any video adapter will do: Monochrome, CGA, EGA or Hercules.
 11 o A communications card and a telephone line.
 12 o DOS 2.1 or greater.
 13 o An account on a Multics system that has the MOWSE product.
 14 o The MOWSE User's Manual (Order number GB66).
 17 Before you can use MOWSE:
 18 o You must have installed MOWSE on your PC (see Installing MOWSE on
 19   your PC below.)
 20 o You must have modified CONFIG.SYS to ensure that the PC uses the
 21   ANSI.SYS (supplied with DOS) or FCONSOLE.DEV (a product of
 22   Hersey Microcomputing) so that the ANSI X3.64 terminal control
 23   sequences are supported (see Choosing a screen driver below.)
 24 o You MUST set your Multics terminal type to MOWSE or MOWSE_FANSI
 25   with the set_tty command (See Getting MOWSE into operation below.)
 28 Installing MOWSE on your PC:
 29 o Refer to load_mowse.info for more detail and further instructions.
 30 o If you have a communications package with a file transfer feature
 31   supported by Multics, simply download the five files given in
 32   load_mowse.info.
 35 o If you have a communcations package with NO file transfer feature,
 36   but WITH a screen logging feature, you can capture the necessary
 37   BASIC program as follows:
 38       Activate screen logging on your PC.
 39     ! help load_mowse
 40       ...
 41       ... More help?  ! section load
 42       load_mowse code (18 lines) More help?  ! rest
 43       Deactivate screen logging.
 44   The screen log file on your PC now contains a BASIC program that
 45   can be used to download the files.  Invoke the BASIC system on the
 46   screen log file, edit out the extraneous text, and proceed as shown
 47   in load_mowse.info.
 50 o If you dont have a communcations package, make a hardcopy of
 51   load_mowse.info and proceed as outlined therein.
 52 o Put the five PC programs into a DOS directory of your choice and
 53   assure that the path for that directory is in your DOS PATH list
 54   (see your DOS Users Guide for information on managing your PATH
 55   list.)
 58 Choosing a screen driver:
 59   MOWSE uses ANSI X3.64 terminal control sequences for managing the
 60   screen display on the PC, therefore you MUST have a screen driver
 61   module specified as a DEVICE in your CONFIG.SYS (see your DOS Users
 62   Guide for information on managing your CONFIG.SYS file.)  Two
 63   screen driver modules are supported:
 65 o ANSI.SYS
 66   This module is supplied with DOS and implements the minimum subset
 67   of the ANSI control sequences.
 69   This module is available at moderate cost from Hersey
 70   Microcomputing, Inc., and implements a much richer subset of the
 71   ANSI control sequences; use of this module will result in better
 72   performance.
 75 Getting MOWSE into operation:
 76 o Read mowse.info to determine what MOWSE options you may need for
 77   your communications connection (e.g., baud rate, network
 78   connection, etc.)
 79 o Type 'MOWSE' and press the ENTER key.  The memory resident part of
 80   MOWSE will then load itself and return to DOS command level.
 83 o Type 'WSTERM' and press the ENTER key. This will connect you to the
 84   communication facility installed on your PC and result in the usual
 85   modem, network, or Multics greeting message. At this point, log in
 86   to Multics as you normally do.
 87 o When you are logged into Multics, type:
 88     "set_tty -ttp mowse"      if you are using ANSI.SYS
 89       (You are now using MOWSE in character stream mode and all Multics
 90        facilties EXCEPT the video system are available to you.)
 91     "set_tty -ttp mowsef"     if you are using FCONSOLE.DEV
 92       (You are now using MOWSE in character stream mode and all Multics
 93        facilties INCLUDING the video system are available to you.)
 94 o If you want to use the video system or any MOWSE background
 95   application (including bft) you must type:
 96     attach_mowse {-control_args}
 97   before doing so (see attach_mowse.info for more information.)
100 Manual References:
101 o MOWSE Users Manual
102     for information on using MOWSE, BFT, and WSTERM
103 o MOWSE Application Programmers Manual
104     for information on how to write MOWSE background applications
107 Info segs:
108   mowse.gi.info     - for general information on MOWSE
109   mowse.info        - the MOWSE invocation command on the PC
110   exitmows.info     - the command to exit MOWSE on the PC
111   attach_mowse.info - the MOWSE invocation command on Multics
112   detach_mowse.info - the command to exit MOWSE on Multics
113   ws_.info          - for Multics MOWSE entrypoints
114   pc_mowse_.info    - for PC MOWSE entrypoints
115   load_mowse.info   - for information on installing MOWSE using
116                       load_mowse
117   mowse_io_.info    - for information on mowse_io_
120   bft.gi.info       - for general information on BFT
121   bft.info          - the BFT commands for Multics and the PC
122   bft_.info         - the Multics BFT entrypoints
123   pc_bft.info       - the PC BFT entrypoints
124   wsterm.info       - for information on WSTERM