1 :Info: move_dir: mvd:  1988-12-08  move_dir, mvd
  3 Syntax as a command:
  4    mvd source_dir {target_dir} {entry_type_keys} {-control_args}
  7 Function:  moves a directory and its subtree, including all of the
  8 associated attributes, to another point in the hierarchy.
 11 Arguments:
 12 source_dir
 13    is the pathname of the directory to be moved.  The star convention
 14    is allowed to match directory names.  Matching names associated with
 15    other storage types are ignored.  The source_dir cannot be contained
 16    in target_dir.
 17 target_dir
 18    is the new pathname for source_dir.  If the entryname is different
 19    from one already on source_dir, it is added to the existing names.
 20    If target_dir is not specified, source_dir is moved to the working
 21    directory and given the same entryname.  The equal convention is
 22    allowed.
 25 Control arguments:
 26 -brief, -bf
 27    suppresses the printing of warning messages.
 28 -force
 29    continues execution when target_dir already exists, without asking
 30    the user.  If the -force control argument is not specified, the user
 31    is queried.
 32 -replace, -rp
 33    deletes the contents of target_dir existing before the copying
 34    begins.  If target_dir is non-existent or empty, this control
 35    argument has no effect.  The default is to append the contents of
 36    the source directory to the target directory if it already exists.
 39 List of entry_type_keys:  These keys control what type of storage
 40    system entry is moved.  The default is to move all entries.  The
 41    keys are--
 42 -branch, -br
 43 -directory, -dr
 44 -file, -f
 45 -link, -lk
 46 -multisegment_file, -msf
 47 -non_null_link, -nnlk
 48 -segment, -sm
 49    If one or more entry_type_keys are specified, but not the -directory
 50    key, the subtree of source_dir will not be followed.
 53 Access required:  Status and modify permission are required for
 54 source_dir and all of the directories in its tree, and its containing
 55 directory.  If target_dir does not exist, append permission is required
 56 for its containing directory.  If it does exist, modify and append
 57 permission for target_dir are required.  This command does not force
 58 access.
 60 The access control list associated with source_dir is moved to
 61 target_dir.
 64 Notes:  If target_dir is contained in source_dir, an appropriate error
 65 message is printed and control is returned to command level.
 67 If name duplication occurs while appending the source_dir to the
 68 target_dir and the name duplication occurs between directories, the
 69 user is queried whether processing should continue.  If the user
 70 answers yes, the contents of the directory are moved (appended) to
 71 target_dir, but none of the attributes of that directory are moved.  If
 72 the answer is no, the directory and its subtree is skipped.  If name
 73 duplication should occur between segments, the user is asked whether to
 74 delete the existing one in target_dir.  (See the move command.)
 77 Links are translated; that is, if there are references to a source
 78 directory in a link pathname, the link pathname is changed to refer to
 79 the target directory.
 81 If part of the tree is not moved, problems with link translation may
 82 occur.  If the target of the link in the source_dir tree was in the
 83 part of the tree not moved, there may be no corresponding entry in the
 84 target_dir tree.  Hence, translation of the link (presumably originally
 85 non-null) will cause the link to become null.
 88 If moving a non-empty mailbox requires that the max_length
 89 characteristic of the source be applied to the target, then the target
 90 max_length value will take on the default value that was given it when
 91 created.
 93 See also the copy, move, and copy_dir commands.
 96 :hcom:
101   1) change(2020-12-15,GDixon), approve(2021-02-22,MCR10088),
102      audit(2021-05-27,Swenson), install(2021-05-27,MR12.6g-0056):
103       A) Change "Syntax:" to "Syntax as a command:" in command info seg
104          last changed after 1984.
105                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */