1 07/29/83  menu_create
 3 Syntax:  menu_create menu_name {-control_args}
 6 Function:  creates a menu description, assigns it a specified name, and
 7 stores the description in a segment.  The menu description can be used
 8 with other menu commands, active functions, and subroutines.
11 Arguments:
12 menu_name
13    is the name assigned to the menu when it is stored.
16 Control arguments:
17 -brief, -bf
18    creates the segment given by -pathname without querying the user.
19 -header STR, -he STR
20    designates a line of header.  All header lines supplied appear in
21    the menu in the order given.  If STR contains blanks or special
22    characters, it must be quoted.
23 -option STR, -opt STR
24    specifies a menu option.  The options appear in the menu in the
25    order given.  At least one option must be supplied.  If STR contains
26    blanks or special characters, it must be quoted.
29 -pathname PATH, -pn PATH
30    is the pathname of the segment in which the menu is stored.  Menus
31    are stored in value segments of which the value suffix is assumed.
32    If the segment selected does not exist, you are asked if you want to
33    create it (unless you have used -brief).  If -pathname is omitted,
34    the user's default value segment
35    (>udd>Project_id>Person_id>Person_id.value) is used to store the
36    menu.
37 -trailer STR, -tr STR
38    specifies a trailer line.  All trailers appear in the menu in the
39    order given.  If STR contains blanks or special characters, it must
40    be quoted.
43 List of Additional Control Arguments:  The remaining control arguments
44 are optional and manipulate the format of the menu.
45 -center_headers, -ceh
46    causes all header lines to be centered.
47 -center_trailers, -cet
48    causes all trailer lines to be centered.
49 -columns N, -col N
50    sets the number of columns in the menu to N, where N is a positive
51    decimal integer.  The default is one column.
52 -line_length N, -ll N
53    specifies the line length for the menu, where N is a positive
54    decimal integer.  If not supplied, the line length is the user's
55    terminal one at the time the command is invoked.
56 -no_center_headers, -nceh
57    causes header lines to be left-flush.  (Default)
60 -no_center_trailers, -ncet
61    causes trailer lines to be left-flush.  (Default)
62 -option_keys STR, -okeys STR
63    indicates the keystrokes to be associated with each option.  Each
64    character in STR is associated with the corresponding option, so
65    that if it is typed, the corresponding option is selected.  There
66    must be at least as many characters in STR as there are options.  If
67    this control argument is not given, the string
68    "123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" is used.
69 -pad C
70    specifies the padding character for centering, where C is one
71    character.  The default is the space character.
74 Access Required:  The user must have rw access on the value segment.