1 03/19/85 menu_
4 The menu_ subroutine provides menu display and selection services. It
5 can display a menu in a window and get a selection from the user. The
6 entries work with menu objects. A menu object is a pointer to an
7 internal description of a menu. The caller is expected to preserve the
8 pointer, and to perform no operation on it other than comparison with
9 the null pointer or with another menu object, except through the menu_
10 subroutine. Declarations for the entries and the associated structures
11 are in the include file menu_dcls.incl.pl1.
14 Entry points in menu_:
15 List is generated by the help command
18 :Entry: create: 03/19/85 menu_$create
21 Function: This entry creates a menu object given its description. The
22 menu data structure is allocated in a caller supplied area, and may be
23 saved across processes by calling menu_$store. A pointer to the new
24 menu is returned, also with the minimum size of a window to hold the
25 menu.
28 Syntax:
29 declare menu_$create entry * char * varying * char * varying
30 * char * varying ptr * char 1 unal ptr ptr ptr
31 fixed bin 35;
32 call menu_$create choices headers trailers format_ptr keys
33 area_ptr needs_ptr menu code;
36 Arguments:
37 choices
38 is an array of the names of the options. Input If the maximum
39 number of choices is exceeded, the code menu_et_$too_many_options is
40 returned. The current maximum is 61.
41 headers
42 is an array of headers. Input If the length of the first header
43 is zero, then no headers are used. This allows the caller to
44 specify no headers, without resorting to a zero-extent array, which
45 is invalid PL/I.
46 trailers
47 is an array of trailers. Input As for headers, a zero-length
48 first trailer means that no trailers are displayed.
51 format_ptr
52 points to a structure, menu_format, that controls formatting of the
53 menu. Input This structure is declared in menu_dcls.incl.pl1.
54 keys
55 is an array specifying the keystroke for each option. Input The
56 array must have at least as many elements as the array of option
57 names. If not, the error code menu_et_$too_few_keys is returned.
58 It may have more keys than choices. Each item of the array must be
59 unique, or menu_et_$keys_not_unique is returned. If the valid keys
60 the keys for which there are choices are either all upper case or
61 all lower case, menu_$get_choice will treat upper and lower case
62 letters identically.
65 area_ptr
66 is a pointer to an area where the menu description is allocated.
67 Input If the area is not large enough, the area condition is
68 signalled. If this pointer is null, the system free area is used.
69 needs_ptr
70 points to the menu_requirements structure giving requirements to
71 display the menu. Input The caller supplies this structure and
72 fills in the version number menu_requirements_version_1, the
73 remaining members are output from this entry.
74 menu
75 is a newly created menu object. Output
76 code
77 is a standard system error code, or an error code from menu_et_.
78 Output
81 :Entry: delete: 03/19/85 menu_$delete
84 Function: This entry deletes a menu object from a specified value
85 segment.
88 Syntax:
89 declare menu_$delete entry char * char * char * fixed bin
90 35;
91 call menu_$delete dirname entryname menu_name code;
94 Arguments:
95 dirname
96 is the pathname of the containing directory. Input
97 entryname
98 is the entryname of the segment. Input It must have the value
99 suffix.
100 menu_name
101 is the name that was assigned to the menu when it was stored see
102 the description of menu_$store. Input
103 code
104 is a standard system error code. Output
107 :Entry: describe: 03/19/85 menu_$describe
110 Function: This entry fills in a caller-supplied data structure
111 describing some of the aspects of a menu object. The caller can use
112 this to ensure a window is sufficiently large to hold a menu.
115 Syntax:
116 declare menu_$describe entry ptr ptr fixed bin 35;
117 call menu_$describe menu needs_ptr code;
120 Arguments:
121 menu
122 is the menu object to describe. Input
123 needs_ptr
124 points to a structure declared like menu_requirements.
125 Input The caller fills in the version to
126 be menu_requirements_version_1, and the remaining members are filled
127 in by this entry.
128 code
129 is a standard system error code. Output
132 :Entry: destroy: 03/19/85 menu_$destroy
135 Function: This entry is used to delete a menu object. The caller uses
136 this to free storage of a menu, since the representation of a menu is
137 not known outside the menu_ subroutine. This entry has no effect on
138 screen contents or on stored menus.
141 Syntax:
142 declare menu_$destroy entry ptr fixed bin 35;
143 call menu_$destroy menu code;
146 Arguments:
147 menu
148 is the menu object to destroy. Input
149 code
150 is a standard system error code. Output
153 :Entry: display: 03/19/85 menu_$display
156 Function: This entry displays a menu object on a supplied window.
159 Syntax:
160 declare menu_$display entry ptr ptr fixed bin 35;
161 call menu_$display window menu code;
164 Arguments:
165 window
166 is a pointer to an IOCB for an I/O switch attached through
167 window_io_. Input This window must be large enough to hold the
168 menu. A menu window should be used ONLY for menu I/O, if redisplay
169 optimizations are desired.
170 menu
171 is the menu object to be displayed. Input
172 code
173 is a standard system error code. Output
176 :Entry: get_choice: 03/19/85 menu_$get_choice
179 Function: This entry returns a choice from a menu. The menu is
180 assumed to be already displayed in the window.
183 Syntax:
184 declare menu_$get_choice entry ptr ptr ptr bit 1 aligned
185 fixed bin fixed bin 35;
186 call menu_$get_choice window menu function_key_info fkey
187 selection code;
190 Arguments:
191 window
192 is a pointer to the IOCB for the I/O switch used to display the
193 menu. Input
194 menu
195 is the menu object on display in the window. Input
196 function_key_info
197 is a pointer to a data structure describing the function keys
198 available on the terminal. Input This data structure is obtained
199 by the caller from the ttt_info_$function_key_data subroutine. If
200 this pointer is null, no function keys are used.
203 fkey
204 returns a value of "1"b if a function key was hit instead of a menu
205 selection. Output
206 selection
207 gives the option number or function key number chosen by the user.
208 For an option, it is a number between 1 and the highest defined
209 option, inclusive. For a function key, it is the number of the
210 function key.
211 code
212 is a standard system error code. Output
215 Notes: If a terminal has no function keys, the caller can define input
216 escape sequences for function keys. These may be chosen to have
217 mnemonic value to the end user. For example, if Function Key 1 is used
218 to print a help file, the input sequence ESC h could replace it. In
219 some applications, this will be easier for the end user to remember
220 than an unlabelled function key. The caller can define these keys by
221 allocating and filling in the same function key structure normally
222 returned by the ttt_info_ subroutine.
224 If a key is hit that is not one of the option keys and is not a
225 function key, then the terminal bell is rung.
228 :Entry: list: 03/19/85 menu_$list
231 Function: This entry lists the menu objects stored in a specified
232 value segment.
235 Syntax:
236 declare menu_$list entry char * char * char * ptr fixed bin
237 ptr fixed bin 35;
238 call menu_$list dirname entryname menu_starname area_ptr
239 menu_list_info_version menu_list_info_ptr code;
242 Arguments:
243 dirname
244 is the pathname of the containing directory. Input
245 entryname
246 is the entryname of the segment. Input It must have the value
247 suffix.
248 menu_starname
249 is matched against the names of the menus stored in the segment.
250 Input Only names that match menu_starname are returned. see the
251 description of menu_$store.
252 area_ptr
253 is a pointer to an area in which to allocate the structure
254 containing the menu names. Input If it is null, the system free
255 area is used.
258 menu_list_info_version
259 is the version of the menu_list_info structure that the caller
260 expects. Input It must be a supported menu_list_info structure
261 version. The only supported version is menu_list_info_version_1.
262 menu_list_info_ptr
263 is a pointer to the menu_list_info structure, declared in
264 menu_dcls.incl.pl1. Output
265 code
266 is a standard system error code. Output
269 :Entry: retrieve: 03/19/85 menu_$retrieve
272 Function: This entry retrieves a menu from a specified segment. The
273 segment must be a value segment. The menu data structure is allocated
274 in a caller-supplied area. The menu information is copied from the
275 menu object stored in the segment into the newly allocated structure.
278 Syntax:
279 declare menu_$retrieve entry char * char * char * ptr ptr
280 fixed bin 35;
281 call menu_$retrieve dirname entryname menu_name area_ptr menu_ptr
282 code;
285 Arguments:
286 dirname
287 is the pathname of the containing directory. Input
288 entryname
289 is the entryname of the segment. Input It must have the value
290 suffix.
291 menu_name
292 is the name that was assigned to the menu when it was stored see
293 the description of menu_$store. Input
294 area_ptr
295 is a pointer to an area where the menu object is allocated. Input
296 If this argument is null, the system free area is used. If the area
297 is not large enough, the area condition is signalled.
300 menu_ptr
301 is a pointer to the menu object that is retrieved from the segment.
302 Output
303 code
304 is a standard system error code. Output
307 :Entry: store: 03/19/85 menu_$store
310 Function: This entry stores a menu object in a specified segment. The
311 specified segment must be a value segment.
314 Syntax:
315 declare menu_$store entry char * char * char * bit1
316 aligned ptr fixed bin 35;
317 call menu_$store dirname entryname menu_name create_sw menu_ptr
318 code;
321 Arguments:
322 dirname
323 is the pathname of the containing directory. Input
324 entryname
325 is the entryname of the segment. Input It must have the value
326 suffix.
327 menu_name
328 is a name to be assigned to the menu. Input
329 create_sw
330 determines whether or not the segment is created if it does not
331 already exist. If the segment does not exist, a value of "1"b will
332 cause it to be created. Input
333 menu_ptr
334 is a pointer to the menu object that is to be stored in the segment.
335 Input
336 code
337 is a standard system error code. Output