1 02/15/85 mail, ml
3 Syntax as a command: ml path User1...UserN -control_args
4 or: ml destination -control_args
7 Function: sends a message to another user or prints messages in any
8 mailbox to which you have sufficient access.
11 Arguments:
12 path
13 is the pathname of a segment to be sent or is an asterisk * to
14 indicate that you wish to type a message to be sent see "Notes on
15 composing mail" below.
16 User_idi
17 is the User_id of a person to whom mail is to be sent. Mail is sent
18 to the mailbox >udd>Project_id>Person_id>Person_id.mbx for each
19 Person_id.Project_id User_id argument in the command line.
20 destination
21 can be User_id to specify a mailbox. If destination contains a < or
22 >, it is the pathname of a mailbox. The mbx suffix is assumed in
23 this case. You cannot use destination with -pathname. Default:
24 your default mailbox
27 Control arguments:
28 -acknowledge, -ack
29 requests acknowledgement of the pieces of mail. The acknowledgement
30 consists of the string:
31 "Acknowledge message of <date-time sent>"
32 and is sent as an interactive message when you invoke this command
33 to print mail.
34 -brief, -bf
35 prints the total number of messages in the mailbox. If the mailbox
36 is empty, nothing is printed.
37 -exclude STR, -ex STR
38 ignores messages sent by users whose User_id matches the User_id
39 specified in STR. The star convention is allowed. If you supplied
40 -match, exclusion is performed before matching.
43 -header, -he
44 prints only the header line for each message. No messages are
45 deleted.
46 -match STR
47 prints messages sent by users whose User_id matches the User_id
48 specified in STR. The star convention is allowed. If you gave
49 -exclude, exclusion is performed before matching.
50 -no_notify, -nnt
51 suppresses the sending of an interactive "You have mail"
52 notification.
53 -pathname path, -pn path
54 specifies a mailbox by pathname. The mbx suffix is assumed.
57 Notes: The extended access used on mailboxes which are ring 1
58 segments permits you to control other users' access to it. Adding,
59 reading, and deleting messages are independent privileges under
60 extended access; for example, you can give a user access to only add
61 messages, to other user access to add messages and to read and delete
62 only the messages he or she has added. Mail and interactive messages
63 sent to a user are placed in the mailbox
64 >udd>Project_id>Person_id>Person_id.mbx.
66 If you are accepting interactive messages, you receive an immediate
67 notification of the form:
68 You have mail from Person_id.Project_id.
71 Segments to be mailed have a maximum length of one record 4096 ASCII
72 characters.
74 See print_mail, read_mail, and send_mail.
77 Notes on composing mail: If path is *, mail responds with "Input" and
78 accepts lines from the terminal until you type a period on a line by
79 itself. The typed lines are then sent to the specified users.
82 Notes on printing mail: When the contents of the mailbox named by path
83 are printed, they are preceded by a line of the form:
84 N messages.
86 Each message is preceded by a line of the form
87 i) From: Person_id.Project_id sent_from date time N lines
88 where:
89 i
90 is the incremental number of the message. The messages are printed
91 in ascending numerical order; the oldest one is numbered 1.
92 Person_id
93 is your registered person identifier.
94 Project_id
95 is the name of the project on which you were logged in when you sent
96 the message.
99 sent_from
100 is an optional field that further identifies you, e.g., your
101 anonymous log-in name.
102 date
103 is the date you sent the message, of the form mm/dd/yy to indicate
104 the month, day, and year.
105 time
106 is the time you sent the message, of the form hhmm.m zzz www to
107 indicate the hours, minutes, and tenths of minutes in 24-hour time
108 followed by the time zone and day of the week.
109 N lines
110 is the number of lines in the message.
113 After printing all messages, this command asks whether you want them
114 deleted. If yes, all messages are deleted; if no, no messages are
115 deleted. In either case, your return to command level.
117 If you quit while the messages are being printed and then issue
118 program_interrupt, the command stops printing and asks whether to
119 delete all messages, including those that were not printed.
122 Notes on creating a mailbox: A default mailbox is created the first
123 time you issue print_mail, read_mail, or accept_messages. The default
124 mailbox is
125 >udd>Project_id>Person_id>Person_id.mbx
128 Notes on extended access: Access on a newly created mailbox is set to
129 adrosw for you, aow for *.SysDaemon.*, and aow for *.*.*. The types of
130 extended access for mailboxes are:
131 add, a
132 adds a message.
133 delete, d
134 deletes any message.
135 read, r
136 reads any message.
137 own, o
138 reads or delete only your own messages, i.e., those sent by you.
141 status, s
142 finds out how many messages are in the mailbox.
143 wakeup, w
144 sends a wakeup when adding a message used by send_message.
146 The modes n, null, and "" indicate null access.