1 04/21/82 login_args
3 Syntax: login_args argument_number -control_args
6 Syntax as active function:
7 login_args argument_number -control_args
10 Function: prints or returns information about selected login
11 arguments. Login arguments may be specified on the command line which
12 causes the creation of the process. For interactive processes, this is
13 the login, enter or enterp preaccess request; for absentee processes,
14 this is the enter_abs_request command.
17 Arguments:
18 argument_number
19 selects a single login argument.
22 Control arguments:
23 -count, -ct
24 prints or returns the number of login arguments which were supplied
25 when the process creation command was entered. This control
26 argument may not be used in combination with either argument_number
27 or any other control argument.
28 -from argument_number, -fm argument_number
29 selects all login arguments from argument_number through the last
30 login argument. See "Notes" below.
33 -no_requote
34 prevents the requoting of arguments in the string which is returned
35 or printed. See "Notes on exec_com substitution forms".
36 -quote
37 causes each selected argument to have embedded quotes doubled before
38 it is returned or printed. See "Notes on exec_com substitution forms".
39 -requote
40 causes each selected argument to be requoted before it is returned
41 or printed. This is the default. See "Notes on exec_com
42 substitution forms".
45 Notes: If no argument_number is specified and -count is not specified,
46 the default is -from 1.
48 If no login arguments exist for the process, the login_args command
49 prints the error "There are no login arguments." The login_args active
50 function returns the empty string.
52 If argument_number exceeds the number of login arguments for the
53 process, the login_args command prints the error "Argument number N
54 exceeds the number of login arguments NN." The login_args active
55 function returns the empty string.
58 If -from is in force, explicitly or by default, the login_args command
59 prints each argument on a separate line, prefixed by its number, a
60 right parenthesis and a space. For example, the fourth argument is
61 preceded by "4) ". The login_args active function separates multiple
62 arguments by a single space in the return string; the return string is
63 not itself embedded in quotation marks. The login_args active function
64 does not insert the argument number in the return string.
67 Notes on exec_com substitution forms: The -from, -no_requote, -quote
68 and -requote control arguments allow the user to obtain return strings
69 which are equivalent to exec_com argument substitution forms:
71 login_args -control argument exec_com form
72 no control arguments &rf1
73 argument_number &rargument_number
74 -from argument_number &rfargument_number
75 -no_requote &f1
76 argument_number -no_requote &argument_number
77 -from argument_number -no_requote &fargument_number
78 -quote &qf1
79 argument_number -quote &qargument_number
80 -from argument_number -quote &qfargument_number
81 -count &n
84 Some exec_com argument forms can not be duplicated by the active
85 function. The exec_com interpreter has information about surrounding
86 context, and will produce different results for &q1 and "&q1".