1 10/20/86 locate_words, lw
3 Syntax as a command: lw path words -control_args
6 Function: locates all occurrences of a given word within a specified
7 text segment or MSF. The user can specify more than one word to be
8 located. For each occurrence of a given word within the text segment,
9 the number of the lines containing the word is displayed.
12 Arguments:
13 path
14 is the pathname of the text segment or MSF.
15 words
16 are words to be located in the text segment.
19 Control arguments:
20 -count, -ct
21 displays only the number of occurrences for each word.
22 -from n, -fm n
23 the text segment is searched starting from the line number specified
24 by n. If this control argument is not specified, the text segment
25 is searched starting from the first line.
26 -header, -he
27 displays the pathname of the text segment.
28 -lines n, -li n
29 for each occurrence of a given word, the lines and line numbers
30 starting n lines before, through n lines after the line containing
31 the word are displayed. Thus, if n is 1, three lines are displayed.
32 If n is not specified, only the line containing the word is
33 displayed. Default
36 -long, -lg
37 for each occurrence of a given word, the line and line number of
38 that word is displayed.
39 -to n
40 the text segment is searched up to and including the line number
41 specified by n. If this control argument is not specified, the text
42 segment is searched to the last line.
43 -word STR
44 locates the word STR even though STR may look like a control
45 argument.
48 Notes: The -count control argument is mutually exclusive with the
49 -long and -lines control arguments.
52 Words are found in the text segment in the same way as described for
53 the create_wordlist command. Words containing no letters can be found
54 even though they are normally excluded from a wordlist.